Irving I24


Hi Folks

I would love to create a POI files with all the Irving I24 card lock in Canada and USA, have done a lot of searching on a post to teach me how but no luck if any member knows of a post or have a pdf files that would show me how to create such a files in Microsoft Excel would be greatly appreciated.



Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

Extra poi editor?

This might be a better choice for you. You can enter the info right into EPE and get the coordinates right away.

Nuvi 2460LMT.

Charlie has given you a good link

Two other points though -
Download a CSV file from here and open it in Excel. That gives you a good model as to how your file should look.

Secondly, an alternate to GPSVisualizer is itouchmap. Itouchmap is only good for single addresses, but it lets you see exactly where the coordinates are referring to.

As to Extra_POI_Editor, this is a very powerful and somewhat sophisticated program that requires a bit of both setup and expertise to run effectively. It will build a poi file through its editor including looking up addresses and returning the coordinates, but you also need to learn some of its quirks. I would stick to building CSV files until you get very familiar with the process and want to venture further.

Illiterate? Write for free help.

Wow you guy's have been so

Wow you guy's have been so helpful, just what I was looking for.

Thanks so much, much appreciated.

Glad we could help.

Glad we could help.

Illiterate? Write for free help.

I-24 Locations in Canada and US

I have an old I24 book that shows most of the current locations for Canada and The U.S.
It's the 2007-2008 years.
over 900 locations.
Irving hasn't made any new copies since then and they said that they don't intend to in the future.
I am in the process of trying to add them all so please bear with me.


try contacting Irving directly

ashbusguy wrote:

Hi Folks

I would love to create a POI files with all the Irving I24 card lock in Canada and USA, have done a lot of searching on a post to teach me how but no luck if any member knows of a post or have a pdf files that would show me how to create such a files in Microsoft Excel would be greatly appreciated.


Go on Irving's website. Click on the "Contact Us" link. Then explain that you want to create a file that truckers (presume this is mainly for truckers) can download to their gps, to make it easier to find all of the Irving Cardlocks.

Include a link to POI Factory, so they can see what the sites all about.

Ask them for a spreadsheet, with the Station Name, Street Address, City, Province/State, Phone, etc all in seperate columns.

Explain you are doing this just to help other fellow truckers, not for any other benefit.

The worst they can do is to ignore your request, but if they understand and take you seriously, it will save ton of work. I did this in a couple of cases with mixed results. KIA Canada was excellent the firdt few times. Others not so lucky, but no loss if they don't help.

Once you get the spreadsheet, whether from them or on your own, import it into Extra POI Editor and let EPE geocode the whole batch.

DriveSmart 65, NUVI2555LMT, (NUVI350 is Now Retired)