Nuvi 1490 issues


My Garmin is having issues. It will turn off, re-boot or go into computer mode with the car charger pluged into it. Sometimes it will do it continually and other times it will work normally.
Does anyone know if it's a bad cord or if the unit is going bad.
It's working right when plugged into the computer with the USB cable.

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I hope you had better luck than I did...

My 1490T did exactly the same thing for a few days before it finally quit working all together. While I never really worried about why it died, I wonder if it was a result of the battery. That is, I never used it off of car cord because the traffic receiver was in line. So--over time, the battery lost all its ability to re-charge and at best I would get maybe 10 minutes of time out of it on battery.

On a related note, my "current" file didn't export to my new 2555LMT completely, and I'm now in the tedious process of trying to recreate the missing ones manually. Arrgh

NEOhioGuy - Garmin 2639, MIO Knight Rider, TomTom (in Subaru Legacy), Nuvi 55, DriveSmart 51, Apple CarPlay maps

I had same trouble w/ 1490t

JimElvis wrote:

My Garmin is having issues. It will turn off, re-boot or go into computer mode with the car charger pluged into it. Sometimes it will do it continually and other times it will work normally.
Does anyone know if it's a bad cord or if the unit is going bad.
It's working right when plugged into the computer with the USB cable.

I really thought it was the cord. I called Garmin for advice. After she asked me to try a few things, then the USB cable malfunctioned also. Garmin said they would exchange the 1490.... They did, at no charge. I sent them a thank you card by mail as soon as I had updated my new refurbed unit.

1490LMT 1450LMT 295w

My battery gets lots of exercise

I use mine off the cord regularly. I fly alot and use it on the planes. So mine stays on for hours

how old?

mine is about 1-1/2 years old. How old is too old to bother calling Garmin?

Out of warranty

Mine was 18 months old also. So I'm thinking that many units had a similar problem.

1490LMT 1450LMT 295w

Same issues

Mine does the same tricks after approximately 1 hour of use. I have tried all the updates etc to no avail. Another little trick it does when used at night; it keeps switching from night to day brightness.

Nuvi2797LMT (2) Nuvi260,Ford Sync3 Navigation. Captain Cook was a Yorkshire man too.

same thing

Mine is doing the same thing and I've contacted Garmin. They are now telling me for $120 flat fee I can have it fixed. I'm quite annoyed as I don't have that type of money right now. I've also purchased the lifetime maps so if I get a new Garmin that's voided out.

Mine did this a couple of

Mine did this a couple of times the first two days, but then stopped and hasn't done it since. Been about 3 months.

Thought it was better

It worked normally for a couple of days but now it's doing it again. I can use it off the charger in the car OK but now I have to charge it off the USB cable. Even the wall charger isn't working like it should.
Must be time for a new one ;o(

Bad units,,,,

oumarz wrote:

Mine is doing the same thing and I've contacted Garmin. They are now telling me for $120 flat fee I can have it fixed. I'm quite annoyed as I don't have that type of money right now. I've also purchased the lifetime maps so if I get a new Garmin that's voided out.

Unfortunately the 1490 series is a bad unit for many reasons. If you get the right person at Garmin they may let you transfer the lifetime maps to a new unit...Just keep calling and trying...

Bobby....Garmin 2450LM

Why the 1490 sour grapes?

farrissr wrote:

Unfortunately the 1490 series is a bad unit for many reasons.

I picked up a refurbished 1490 LMT from NewEgg for $111 shipped. I've been using it a couple of weeks and so far I'm fairly happy. Wondering why the sour grapes about that model.

Only major thing that bothers me is the on-board memory seems to be on the ragged edge of sufficiency. Otherwise I miss my 2720's automatic backlight and if there's a way to control the detour feature I haven't figured it out.


Mine will intermittently reboot itself for no apparent reason. I know it's done it while plugged in; I don't remember if it's done it on battery. Went for weeks/months without a reboot, and then last week it rebooted twice in about 10 minutes.


perpster wrote:

Mine will intermittently reboot itself for no apparent reason. I know it's done it while plugged in; I don't remember if it's done it on battery. Went for weeks/months without a reboot, and then last week it rebooted twice in about 10 minutes.

Is your firmware up to date? Mine rebooted sometimes before the last update.

Traffic Avoidance

Bad Andy wrote:
farrissr wrote:

Unfortunately the 1490 series is a bad unit for many reasons.

I picked up a refurbished 1490 LMT from NewEgg for $111 shipped. I've been using it a couple of weeks and so far I'm fairly happy. Wondering why the sour grapes about that model.

Only major thing that bothers me is the on-board memory seems to be on the ragged edge of sufficiency. Otherwise I miss my 2720's automatic backlight and if there's a way to control the detour feature I haven't figured it out.

I'm not sure on the 1490 but many NUVIs can enable or disable the automatic Traffic Avoidance feature so you would have to select avoid manually. If this is what you are looking for see if the 1490 has it under the following menu ...

Tools > Settings > Navigation > Avoidances

Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue


as bear007 indicates, Tools > Settings > Navigation > Avoidances will let you select what road types you wish to avoid. I do not know if this includes "detours" or not.

If you need a manual, see


I read through the manual and, as usual, it doesn't really say. So it will take someone with a NUVI in this series to answer this for sure.

Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue

in the 2460

bear007 wrote:

I read through the manual and, as usual, it doesn't really say. So it will take someone with a NUVI in this series to answer this for sure.

Tools > Settings > Navigation > Avoidances > Traffic

However my family was stuck in traffic last Wednesday coming back to Tampa from Orlando, I alerted them of a traffic back up on I-4 closed both directions because of an accident with fatalities but it was too late they were already in the I-4 mess and no exit in sight, took 5 hours to get home on a trip that normally takes 2 hours, had they been carrying my 2460 with the traffic avoidance checked the unit would have chosen a different route coming out of Disney parking lot as it did for me the previous week.

Garmin 38 - Magellan Gold - Garmin Yellow eTrex - Nuvi 260 - Nuvi 2460LMT - Google Nexus 7 - Toyota Entune NAV

1490 Reboot Problem May Be Blue Tooth Issue

My 1490lmt gets used about 5 times a day and I have had it for 5 months. It double boots once a week and it dropped ready and rebooted 3 times in the middle of runs. It has the latest software updates, but each time it reboots itself there is some involvement with the Blue Tooth device. When I boot it the reboot starts again when it acquires the bluetooth device. The few times that it rebooted while I was driving I received a phone call that caused the reboot process to start. I can tolerate this but I wish Garmin would get their act together and fix this already.

no problems yet

I have been using the 1490 for the last two years w/no problems to report. I have outdated maps and don't know if it wise to upgrade considering the problems noted

And The Winner Is

I must be the winner for I have taken three trips to LA through Phoenix and back and three trips to Chattanooga TN through ST Louis and back with no problems and everything is updated.
The only thing I see that is different is that I do not use Blue Tooth(I do not use a cell phone in the car, TURNED OFF) unless having my OBD plugged in for the gauges.


The refurb is flawless. Thank you Garmin. We are in Keys.

1490LMT 1450LMT 295w


chznor wrote:

I have been using the 1490 for the last two years w/no problems to report. I have outdated maps and don't know if it wise to upgrade considering the problems noted

Same situation like you except I have been using it only about a year. Never had an issue since. I practically use it every day for more than 3 hours. Its probably time to check for any new updates now.

Garmin Nuvi 260W Garmin Nuvi 1490T If you think knowledge is expensive, try ignorance.

Problem for me...

Bad Andy wrote:
farrissr wrote:

Unfortunately the 1490 series is a bad unit for many reasons.

I picked up a refurbished 1490 LMT from NewEgg for $111 shipped. I've been using it a couple of weeks and so far I'm fairly happy. Wondering why the sour grapes about that model.

Only major thing that bothers me is the on-board memory seems to be on the ragged edge of sufficiency. Otherwise I miss my 2720's automatic backlight and if there's a way to control the detour feature I haven't figured it out.

I went through three units and could not get any of them to work properly.

1. Blue-tooth would not work properly with my phone even though it was listed on the approved list.
2. To small memory for maps.
3. Reboots all the time.
4. POI search not working properly.
5. Extremely short battery life on all of them.

I talked to a supervisor several times trying to get them to work right and he even had problems using one at Garmin while we were talking.

This is only my opinion. I am sure there are many who have the unit and they are satisfied with it.

Bobby....Garmin 2450LM

Thought it was fixed

On Garmin's site I found that my nuvi needed a firmware update.
I went for a 400+ mile drive the following day and it worked great for about half of the trip then started acting up again. Not as often but still not right.
Then yesterday it went back to it's same issues of wanting to turn off so often that I had to un-plug the car charging cord.
I'm going to have to call now but I hate to give up my unit as I have over 104k miles on it and a top speed of 672.

Garmin = no help

After a few attempts from Garmin "Help" Center, I'm going to have to buy a new GPS. They had me try a couple of thing but it didn't change anything. Now I can hardly get it to charge at all even plugged into my computer.
They gave me the $120 option to get it fixed but I can get a new 1490 for a few $$ more.
They won't transfer my lifetime maps to a new one either.
I was very please with the 1490 for about 17 months.

Might be time for a RoadMate

well -

JimElvis wrote:

After a few attempts from Garmin "Help" Center, I'm going to have to buy a new GPS. They had me try a couple of thing but it didn't change anything. Now I can hardly get it to charge at all even plugged into my computer.
They gave me the $120 option to get it fixed but I can get a new 1490 for a few $$ more.
They won't transfer my lifetime maps to a new one either.
I was very please with the 1490 for about 17 months.

Might be time for a RoadMate

Don't expect to load custom POI on it.

Illiterate? Write for free help.

Your 1490

Sorry to hear that, Jim. I don't understand why they sent me a refurb at no cost, if they won't exchange yours. I wish you luck with whatever GPS you buy.

1490LMT 1450LMT 295w

I have lots of custom POI on

I have lots of custom POI on my 1490. Also full NA maps on the SD card thaks to some posts here.

I think I found the problem

I bought a 2595 to replace the 1490. It does more but it's hard to figure out some of the things it does. Why do they have to change how you do the things it does that are the same as the old one?

I took my 1490 apart and discovered that the charger plug was loose on the circuit board. I was able to set it in a position and get a full charge to get my favorites typed into the 2595.
Just as I finished the 1490 shut off for the last time. I tried to charge it again but the plug fell off the board. So, now it's in the trash can.
I think the probem was self inflected. I seldom used it on the holder and just had it sitting on the seat or center cup holder. Expensive lesson.

Thanks for posting Jim

Seems like that was the problem with my old 1490. Let us know how you like the 2595 after you have used it for a while.

1490LMT 1450LMT 295w


I have a bit of computer knowledge but have learned lots of helpful GPS tips such as large JCV files and custom POIs thanks to the people that post on this board. Thanks to all…

Nuvi 1490 Issues

I used a C550 Street Pilot for several years and in 2010 purchased 1490T.
The C550 was a great unit, screen response, calculation, movement of screen, and menu and key entry all very fast and responsive. Never any re-boot, freezing, or lockups.
The 1490T has all those problems.
It was much worse when I was using blue-tooth, re-boot every hour or so. I do not use blue-tooth at all anymore.
I think it also tends to freeze up when you play with the search functions on a single trip.
Having said this the functions the 1490 has are very nice. 5" screen, multiple way points, trip planner, brightness, sound, lane assist, and junction views to name a few.
I am tired of all the bugs and slow reaction time, in particular I like to move the screen around but that pretty difficult with the 1490.
I purchased a 2 yr warranty and I am ready to turn this unit back in for another one.
I am looking at the 2555 unit.
Does anyone have one or a similar unit and can comment on if it is an improvment over the 1490? No bugs and can move the screen around without if sliding all over the place?

C550, 1490T, 2555


JimElvis wrote:

I bought a 2595 to replace the 1490. It does more but it's hard to figure out some of the things it does. Why do they have to change how you do the things it does that are the same as the old one?

I took my 1490 apart and discovered that the charger plug was loose on the circuit board. I was able to set it in a position and get a full charge to get my favorites typed into the 2595.
Just as I finished the 1490 shut off for the last time. I tried to charge it again but the plug fell off the board. So, now it's in the trash can.
I think the probem was self inflected. I seldom used it on the holder and just had it sitting on the seat or center cup holder. Expensive lesson.

Couldn't you have done an export and import of your favorites from the old unit to the new unit using Garmin Basecamp rather then retype them?

Garmin Nuvi 1490LMT, Nuvi 750, Nuvi 255LT


Sure or copy the current.gpx file from the 1490 to the computer, rename it to temp.gpx and load it to the GPX folder on the 2595, but it sounds pretty much like it's not an issue anymore. wink

Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.


The problems with the 1490 must cause great frustration. Are these problem units just a few "lemons in the barrel" or is the whole 1490 series one big lemon?

Have had the 1490LMT for 1 1/2 years

The ONLY problem I encounter is a very, very occasional reboot. The unit is operational anytime I am driving the car so it's not like I don't use it much.

I happen to be very happy with my unit !

MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !


chznor wrote:

The problems with the 1490 must cause great frustration. Are these problem units just a few "lemons in the barrel" or is the whole 1490 series one big lemon?

I had three of them and they were all lemons as far as I was concerned....

Bobby....Garmin 2450LM

My 1490 rebooted the other

My 1490 rebooted the other day for the first time. Happened so quick I thought I imagined it. Not anymore I guess.

to Basecamp

Couldn't you have done an export and import of your favorites from the old unit to the new unit using Garmin Basecamp rather then retype them?

I did that, changed the file to current1 like Garmin recommends and copied it to the 2595. They were all there but it did something that the 1490 did a while back, all were listed individually. Instead of choosing from a few folders after you touch Favorites, there were dozens of choices. So I re-set the 2595 and typed them all in. Gave me a chance to clear out some old ones anyway.

The 2595 seems to work just fine. I just have to get use to where some things are

I would never buy another

I would never buy another 1490. It looked good on the surface but is quite deficient and buggy. Battery life sux, I'm lucky to get an hour out of it(no bluetooth running) - same as my last Garmin 765T.

It just doesn't perform as advertised. With the LMT I'll probably stick with it until it dies, but I will be far more careful before I purchase the next GPS.

No issures with battery life

computerperson wrote:

I would never buy another 1490. It looked good on the surface but is quite deficient and buggy. Battery life sux, I'm lucky to get an hour out of it(no bluetooth running) - same as my last Garmin 765T.

It just doesn't perform as advertised. With the LMT I'll probably stick with it until it dies, but I will be far more careful before I purchase the next GPS.

My 1490 lasted several hours on the battery. I fly alot and it would stay on for a 4-hour flight. Even after 1-1/2 years the battery was still strong


Mine has it's good days and bad days. It will go weeks working perfectly and then go all crazy with reboots and shutdowns.

no caller ID

Bluetooth pairing to cell-phone works great for me.

No caller ID is the only major problem on my 1490T.

14xx Problems

A common problem on the Nuvi 12xx, 13xx & 14xx models, as well as other models with a mini-USB only power port, is that the connector itself breaks away from the board.

The problem can cause a couple different symptoms:

1. Unit powers off and reboots for no reason. This is because the power leads on the mini-USB jack (positive and/or negative) are loose and prevents the battery from being charged. If the battery is discharged enough, it will turn off. If the power connections happen to touch again (road vibrations or power cord is moved), the unit will power back up again. You may also see the unit constantly popping up with the "turn off/countdown" screen.

2. Unit enters into data mode. This is caused by a bad connection of the data pins on the USB connector.

So why does this happen? Why does the jack become loose?

There are (5) data/power pins and (3) mechanical legs to support the jack. The data pins also help to support the jack. This type of connector is a SMT (surface mount) connector. It is soldered to the board by running the board through an oven. It is not soldered by hand.

The problem is, when you have a large surface area that has to be soldered, it requires a lot of heat to do it. It requires more heat than what would be used in a SMT oven. So to reduce the surface area and allow the oven to solder the connection, the manufacturer makes tiny pads on the printed circuit board that are easier to heat up in the SMT oven. This is where the problem is.

Since the pads are so small (not much bigger that the leads of the connector), they are fragile. Constant plugging and unplugging of the mini-USB plug puts stress on the connector and weakens the mechanical connections. Once they are broken, all you have left now is the (5) data pins for mechanical strength and it doesn't take long for those to break too. Once they break, the symptoms begin.

The weight of the traffic receiver cable is also constantly pulling down on the connector. Securing this cable to the cradle bracket may help matters.

So, how do you fix the problem? Well, resoldering the connections is one way. However, if the pads are pulled up on the printed circuit board, fixing the problem becomes quite more complicated.

The long-term solution is to scrape away the green printed circuit board solder mask, which will provide more surface area to solder to (by hand).

Next, adding epoxy all around the mechanical legs and body of the connector will help too.

Top and bottom pictures of the jack can be seen here:

The best GPS units to own are of the type that has a powered cradle. The powered cradle is designed to be more robust than the mini-USB jack and can handle many more connects/disconnects.

You can also have a broken/intermittent wire in the charger cord. We've seen that as well.

- Jim


Thanks for sharing your Knowledge

Sharcnet: Your profile shows you have nearly all the Garmins. I have been wrapping my traffic cord around my replacement 1490T before plugging it into the 12V.
I hope Garmin hand soldered the refurb units that they are sending out.

1490LMT 1450LMT 295w

Not quite

spokybob wrote:

Sharcnet: Your profile shows you have nearly all the Garmins. ...

I don't see any ZUMOs on Sharcnet long list. smile

Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue

wrap around

spokybob wrote:

...... I have been wrapping my traffic cord around my replacement 1490T before plugging it into the 12V......

....The wrap around method sounds like an easy solution to the problem. We will see if it works.

Has Garmin fixed the USB connector?

I asked Sharcnet via email.


We have not seen any changes in the design of the 14xx series...The factory isn't going to change their method. Oven soldering is faster than hand soldering. The factory is more concerned over quantity than quality.
Best wishes & safe travels,
- Jim
Specializing in GPS Repair & Accessories

1490LMT 1450LMT 295w


spokybob wrote:

I asked Sharcnet via email.


We have not seen any changes in the design of the 14xx series...The factory isn't going to change their method. Oven soldering is faster than hand soldering. The factory is more concerned over quantity than quality.
Best wishes & safe travels,
- Jim
Specializing in GPS Repair & Accessories

We have been saying this forever. Garmin continues to take the I am god attitude and does not particularly care about the quality of it's products..

Bobby....Garmin 2450LM

Shall I roll my eyes now? A

Shall I roll my eyes now? A bit too much hyperbole on your part. wink

This is an issue of company economics and consumer mindset coming together in a perfect storm. I bet most kids and most adults for that matter wouldn't take apart something that is broken to try and fix it before trashing it. Either because they don't know how, or don't care. But it is people like them that keep companies in business by buying the same product again after it breaks. It's called "planned obsolescence"; what we would call "shoddy workmanship".

For a company, if given a choice between paying a labor force to solder a connector or having a machine do it, a company will pick the machine every time. The cheaper route means greater profits as the customers buy from the companies, and the consumers buy the product from the customers again and again.

"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." --Douglas Adams
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