TT 1435TM Arrived
13 years
Finally, after only 7 days it arrived in the mail. It's updating now as I type. It looks pretty cool.... So I've been thinking I think I'm going to use this one to experiment with.
Significant other says I'm more excited about the TT than I was picking up my car...
Well.... I dunno about that
Would anyone from the group know if it's possible to ahem..Hack, cough, cough the voice recognition? It would be kinda cool for the TT to activate by "Voice Command" like the Garmins. Any known hacks?
The download times are fairly long I've noticed. Come to think of it, so was the 2535TM. Updated maps in 62 min. Wonder if it's possible to download directly to the device, dare I the Garmin.
If it's based on "mytomtom"
If it's based on "mytomtom" platform, rather then "tomtom home" one, make sure to check and to thoroughly test every function. Not everything that is announced as working, is working. I returned 1535TM after 2 months of hitting software bugs on literally every corner plus N support incidents with offshored "support" whose only advice for everything is to reset the unit (while the backup is still one of the promised features)
MyTomTom updates
If it's based on "mytomtom" platform, rather then "tomtom home" one, make sure to check...
Also, make sure you have the latest version of the MyTomTom application, especially if you installed the support software from a CD that came with the device (and therefore might be rather old).
Check the following link for details: