New POI in progress: US Post Offices


Hi all,

I'm new to this forum but have been registered on POI Factory for a few years now.

I'm working on a very large POI file for all US Post Office locations...over 35,000 in all. I notice there's already one available, but the data appears to be unreliable, showing a lot of "historical" post offices that in many cases haven't been in operation in decades or even longer.

I have a spreadsheet of all USPS owned and leased facilities with names/addresses, but no coordinates. I'm working on geocoding them and will post a CSV and GPX as soon as I get the chance.



Post Offices

Thanks Josh.

When you have the CSV ready, send me a note and we'll replace the existing post offices file.

Jonathan (aka JM)

That will be a nice file to

That will be a nice file to have. Just be careful with a mass geocode. It usually is way off in coordinates. But then you have the great members on this forum that will send you corrections so the file can be fine tuned.

Nuvi 2460LMT.

Post Offices

It would be good to note the main post offices in an area. Also if they are open when working people can go to them. Most of the post offices in this area are open at 8:30 am and close at 4:30 pm. This makes it hard for people who work from 8 to 5 to go to the post office.

You've got a fluid target

With US Post offices... Things are changing almost as fast as the color of the leaves. Hope you can keep up as the USPS downsizes.

*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*

You might wanna hold off

Isn't the USPS going to close several thousand post offices?

When you are dead, you don’t know that you are dead. It is only difficult for the others. It is the same when you are stupid.



diesel wrote:

Isn't the USPS going to close several thousand post offices?

Seem to be sooner than later!

"Destination Eternity" Garmin 765T, & Samsung Galaxy Note Edge


Would be good business move for the USPS to make this info available in accurate GPS format. Why not make it easy for customers to find you?


Wow, that will be a tough POI right now. You can list one today and it might be closed tomorrow.
The USPS does not know what a GPS is, they have just recently come into the computer age.

the end

They may not be no more post office as I hear latetly in the news


just for info ..this is available via the USPS App for the android/apple market complete with hours of operation/ blue collection boxes and gps mapping

I'm glad someone is going to

I'm glad someone is going to update the post offices. One of the main post office in San Mateo, California isn't even listed under the Community listing of post offices in the Garmin 1490. I had to manually locate it as a custom poi. Thank you in advance for your effort.

The current custom file was useless in my area.

As others have said, good luck. USPS is closing two locations in my county very soon.

1490LMT 1450LMT 295w


This will be very helpful.

RKF (Brookeville, MD) Garmin Nuvi 660, 360 & Street Pilot

Holding off

diesel wrote:

Isn't the USPS going to close several thousand post offices?

Diesel is correct. The rumor is that several post offices in and around the place where I live are on the chopping block to be cut. Likes like they may go to one central office cutting several existing post offices.

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

you will have a big maintenance job ahead

Keeping up with the USPS Poi file, will be harder than Keeping Up with the Kardashians. shock

Here is a list of proposed office (zip) closings by state.

Good luck with this one! Because it's a matter of time before the USPS gets privatized by Congress, and then crap will really hit the fan to trim the bloat that has plagued the USPS for years.

Bloat = Unqualified workers do to:

  • Education (why didn't 473 Postal Exam weed them out)
  • Drugs (problematic since there is no random drug tests).
  • Over paid management positions.
  • If I had control of letter carriers the first thing I would eliminate is any use of cell phone, ear buds, IPods of any type. I am so tired of get mail that doesn't belong to me, and wonder who's getting mine.
    I would also start drug testing from the top down.

    The above misdirected mail just shows me they are not paying attention to their job or just don't care.

    "Internet Killing Outdated US Postal Service"

    One would think if the USPS had so many fewer pieces of mail in the system .... that things would be more efficient.
    And that sure doesn't seem to be the case.

    Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.

    a welcome addition

    This would be a welcome addition. I've found the post office information in city navigator to be so outdated that I don't even try using it anymore. I know the information is available in an android app or google maps but I like the convenience of having all my poi's in my nuvi


    Hi Josh, I know it's been a long time. I am a researcher in need of USPS location around the Year 2000. Do you happen to have the data? Greatly appreciated!


    Are you sure you are not talking about CANADA POST ???

    BobDee wrote:

    Keeping up with the USPS Poi file, will be harder than Keeping Up with the Kardashians. shock

    Here is a list of proposed office (zip) closings by state.

    Good luck with this one! Because it's a matter of time before the USPS gets privatized by Congress, and then crap will really hit the fan to trim the bloat that has plagued the USPS for years.

    Bloat = Unqualified workers do to:

  • Education (why didn't 473 Postal Exam weed them out)
  • Drugs (problematic since there is no random drug tests).
  • Over paid management positions.
  • If I had control of letter carriers the first thing I would eliminate is any use of cell phone, ear buds, IPods of any type. I am so tired of get mail that doesn't belong to me, and wonder who's getting mine.
    I would also start drug testing from the top down.

    The above misdirected mail just shows me they are not paying attention to their job or just don't care.

    "Internet Killing Outdated US Postal Service"

    One would think if the USPS had so many fewer pieces of mail in the system .... that things would be more efficient.
    And that sure doesn't seem to be the case.

    Seems the same in the USA as in Canada!

    I cannot say for all of Canada, but I do not know if there are any real Post Offices left, they are all now part of a drugstore, convenience store etc.
    To find one you get onto a website, enter your postal code and you find nearest locations.

    Nuvi 2797LMT, DriveSmart 50 LMT-HD, Using Windows 10. DashCam A108C with GPS.


    Great news...using the old files for years. It's good to see an update is coming.

    Thanks for the hard work, it

    Thanks for the hard work, it is much appreciated

    NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT

    U S Post Offices

    I have a new address to add if you don't already have it: 998 Independence Blvd., Virginia Beach, VA 23455; longitude: -76.133263 & latitude: 36.871342. Thank you Josh and please keep us posted.

    US Post Office

    I see this was posted on 9/30/21011 by member joshcamp, however, members did not realize is a very old post and members responded to it beginning on 4/9/2019.
    It appears he has never updated the CSV file as promised.

    The original file was updated 10/03/2015 by member tmiw.
    No other updates have submitted since then.

    Original CVS File

    Sorry to hear the file was not updated in 3 1/2 years for those looking for an updated version of the CSV file.

    Nuvi 2460LMT 2 Units


    An update was submitted by Ro_Sho.
    The file was transferred over to orphaned files.
    We'll close this discussion thread and open a new one if the file is picked up by an active maintainer.
