Garmin Memory | How much Internal Memory does my GARMIN have?

LAST UPDATE - 04/01/19 8:20 PM EST
GPS Model -> Memory Size (GB)
30/40/50 -> approx. 1.76 GB reported by Garmin
57 -> 3.52
65/67 -> 4
2x0(W) -> 1 (early version) see posts below
2x0(W) -> 2 (later version) see posts below
250 - 265 -> 2
270 -> 4
285W -> 2
295W -> 4
350 -> 2
360 -> 2
500 -> 3
650 -> 2, 3 (?)
660 -> 2
680 -> 2
750 -> 2
755 -> 4
760 -> 2
765 -> 4
775 -> 8
780 -> 2
855 -> 4
885 -> 4
1100 -> 2
1300 - 1490 -> 2
1490 (EU) -> 4
1690 -> 2
1690 EU -> 4
2350 -> 4
2360 -> 8
2360 Australian -> 2
2390 -> 8 (NuLink)
2450 -> 4
2460 -> 8
2455 -> 4
2495 -> 8
2555 -> 4 or 8 (might be 2 versions)
2595 -> 8
2597 -> 8
2598 -> 8
2639 -> 8
2689 -> 8
2797 -> 8
3400 series -> approx. 7GB reported by Garmin
3580 -> 8
3590 -> 8
3597 -> 8
3760 -> 4
3790 -> 8
3790 African -> 1.73 GB (probably 2 GB ??)
37xx Australian -> 2
Dakota 20 -> 1
Dezl 560 -> 8
Drive 60 -> 7.02
DriveLuxe 51 -> 14.2 GB reported in Windows
DriveLuxe 61 -> 14.2 GB reported in Windows
Drivesmart 61 LMT-S -> 16 Internal, 7 available
Drivesmart 65 -> 16
DriveSmart 50 LMTH-S -> 7.02GB
DriveSmart 70 LMT -> 8
Etrex -> zero, data stored in EEPROM
Etrex Legend -> 8 MB (not GB)
Etrex Venture HC -> 24 MB (not GB)
Etrex Vista -> 24 MB (not GB)
GPS III+ -> 1.44MB (not GB)
GPS V -> 19MB (not GB)
Montana 650t -> 3.5
Oregon 450 -> 1
Oregon 650 -> 4
RV 760 -> 8
C330 -> 1
C340 -> 2
C530 -> 1
C580 -> 2
220 -> 4
350 -> 3.76
550 -> 0.5* Aus
550 -> 1.2 US
550 -> 2.1* Euro
660 -> 4
665 -> 4
* - see dave817's post on zumos
This information is being collected from the following post.
If your GPS is not on the list then go to the post, click "Add New Comment" and post yours. I will be watching the post abd bring the updates back to this FAQ.
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Change History
tiger2travel - Apr 1, 2019
Contributed <strong>DriveSmart</strong> 50 LMTH-S -> 7.02GBt923347 - Mar 17, 2019
Provided DriveLuxe 61 memory sizeCraigW - Mar 17, 2019
Provided DriveLuxe 51 memoryChickenhawks - Feb 21, 2019
Contributed DriveSmart 65Chickenhawks - Feb 21, 2019
AddChickenhawks - Feb 21, 2019
AddChickenhawks - Feb 21, 2019
AddRKLLKR - Mar 25, 2018
Provided zumo 350 memory infostevennguyen - Apr 1, 2017
listed the Drivesmart 61 LMT-S in the New Garmins (2017) postcanuk - Apr 1, 2017
sent me email about this from another New Garmins (2017) postjdshaw94 - Oct 23, 2016
submitted the DriveSmart 70 LTM. thnx JDCraigW - Jul 30, 2016
submitted the nuvi 57Chief_10Beers - Apr 10, 2016
submitted nuvis 65, 67 & 2639gordonwd - Apr 3, 2016
Added Drive 60 from gordonwd via CraigWbdhsfz6 - Dec 3, 2014
submitted the 3597 + GPS III+, Thanksjgermann - Dec 2, 2014
Thanks for the 3580bennor3814 - Dec 2, 2014
Thanks for the Etrex Vista and nuvi 2598mister_salty - Aug 3, 2014
reported a 2nd mem size of 8 GB for the nuvi 2555dbreiser - Mar 29, 2014
added nuvi 2797 from brand new member dbreiser, Thanksbear007 - Oct 31, 2013
BillG submitted the C580 and nuvi 2495shrifty - Oct 2, 2013
provided C330 has 1 GBmallard2 - Oct 2, 2013
3790 African versioncharlesd45 - Jul 29, 2013
submitted 2597 as 8GB, ThnxCraigW - Jul 24, 2013
added 2555 size, confirmed 2595 - Thanks CraigWMatt9876 - Jan 29, 2012
added Nuvi LM1100 from new user Matt9876