I must be getting old


My cell phone - it only knows how to make phone calls.
No internet, no smarts, no apps.
I can go several days without charging it. At work, everyone is constantly charging their "smart" phones.

My GPS is a 750 Nuvi - it just
- helps get me where I am going
- finds the nearest Subway on my route to eat lunch
- warns me of speed cameras (thanks to POI Factory)

Electronics manufacturers keep re-inventing their products with new features to urge people to buy newer models to replace their older ones.

People are constantly replacing their cell phones every two years to keep up with the latest features.

I am even driving an 11 year old car.

I must be getting old, as the "old" model of everything seems to be OK for me?

Do people here love to upgrade their Nuvis?

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I must be getting old

I'am with you can't see spending money for new things when the old still work great. smile

johnm405 660 & MSS&T

Not upgrading NUVI

I'm updating either Waze or Motion X GPS applications on my iPad!

I still use the NUVI, but the other applications are much more timely. Accidents and road conditions are updated much more frequently and for me the 760 is into it's pre-planned obsolescence as anticipated by Garmin.

Almost me too...

I was like that but wanted map updates so bought a new nuvi. Seemed like a better deal with new maps.

So last week I bought an Android tablet, I am 65...,Spent 6 days trying to get it to work like I thoulgt it should. Took it back yesterday and bought a netbook. At least I could work that out of the box... grin

We drive our cars for 10 years. That is the only way you can get the value our of them. Last one we drove for 13 years, just didn't want to part with it. grin

Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)

paper map

i must be even older...
i pulled AAA(sm) maps for my labor day weekend trip for a big picture view. Some maps are dated last century.

I must be getting old

I couldn't agree with you more. I'm still using my Nuvi 660 and my EVDO (not 3G or 4G) cell phone.

Not old, antique (cost more than old)

Nothing wrong with being old, my phone came with texting. I had it stopped, some how texting somebody to tell them off, is just not the same as live. LOL

It was starting to get annoying with the phone always pinging

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things!

New vs.old

mgarledge wrote:

So last week I bought an Android tablet, I am 65...,Spent 6 days trying to get it to work like I thoulgt it should. Took it back yesterday and bought a netbook. At least I could work that out of the box... grin

We drive our cars for 10 years. That is the only way you can get the value our of them. Last one we drove for 13 years, just didn't want to part with it. grin

The iPad has a shallower learning curve than some of the other tablets. The new operating system being released soon will make learning the system even easier.

I am 61 and drive my cars to the end. I still own a 1990 Toyota Corolla with enough miles to make it to the moon, but it still runs strong.

Whether NUVI, iPad, Android, or Corolla, I think my idea is if it works for me, I keep it.

Same Here

60 years old here. Ham operator, been fooling with computers since the Apple 1 days, used to use my Model 15 Teletype as the Input Output for several PC's I made or had....other people consider me Mr. Techie. Yet I have a simple flip-top LG phone, probably 4 years old or so, maybe more. Car is 8 years old, wife's car is 12 years old, both run well, (maintenance pays off). Ariens snowblower (7Hp two stage) was purchased in 1977 and still starts on the first or second pull. Have a 1450 Nuvi. Life is good AND I have a Bank Account that is not empty.

I'm still using a Nuvi 360,

I'm still using a Nuvi 360, it's got to be 6-7 years old now. Haven't really had any reason to upgrade it yet. Also driving a 8 year old car too.

Nuvi 360, OS X Lion 10.7

I'm With 'Ya

Yes, I'm getting "old" too. Still using my nuvi 660, don't own a smart phone or text, still have a 10 year old laptop (although last year I did buy a new laptop with Windows 7 64-bit) and a 7 year old Windows XP desktop. I drive a 14 year old Chevy Blazer. When our primary TV (32" tube) died last year, I did replace it with an HD flat screen. I do love HDTV! grin

Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold

Yes. streetpilot C320 still working

I just had my Street Pilot C320 firmware upgraded, and RLC, Speed Camera POI refreshed and tested.

I only upgrade if it is something I need

So far none of the Nuvi upgrades have been anything I need, so I stick with the one I have.

Now if they ever increase the number of waypoints beyond 1000, then I will be upgrading.

Me Too

I still love my 765t

Garmin Nuvi 765T, Garmin Drive 60LM

It's Not Getting Old.....It's Developement

Mainly of common sense! My truck is 10 years old and will out pull any of the newer trucks and it's paid for! Love my cell phone that does nothing but accept incoming calls and dials out......my 755t serves me well!

I watch as people chase the never ending goal of having the newest and the best.....let them chase....I'm very happy just watching the race!

Oh I forgot the best thing.....I've been married for 34 years.....everyone of them to the same wonderful wife that I have enjoyed "developing" with!!

me too

abin wrote:

i must be even older...
i pulled AAA(sm) maps for my labor day weekend trip for a big picture view. Some maps are dated last century.

LOL and I'm even older!!!

I insist that I'm always right when I'm driving. I never carry maps. Only when I'm lost for hours do I stop by a gas station and ask for directions.

GPS...ppppptttthhhh, who needs that fancy junk?? People are FAR too dependent on technology. I do what our caveman ancestors do - just pretend I know where I'm going!!!


http://www.poi-factory.com/node/21626 - red light cameras do not work

let's see now....

nuvic320 wrote:

GPS...ppppptttthhhh, who needs that fancy junk?? People are FAR too dependent on technology. I do what our caveman ancestors do - just pretend I know where I'm going!!!


smile / smile your profile says:
"C320, Nuvi 200, 205, TT125, TT140, plethra of smart phone GPS's "
smile / smile

Just teasing


I call it sensible.

Nuvi 660 2010 maps (on sale, of course)

Dumb phone w/qwerty keypad!

30 yo E12 w/ 277k clocked

home paid for

9 yo homebuilt PC XP pro.


Life is good.

Nuvi 660


jgermann wrote:
nuvic320 wrote:

GPS...ppppptttthhhh, who needs that fancy junk?? People are FAR too dependent on technology. I do what our caveman ancestors do - just pretend I know where I'm going!!!


smile / smile your profile says:
"C320, Nuvi 200, 205, TT125, TT140, plethra of smart phone GPS's "
smile / smile

Just teasing

LOL good eye!! smile

http://www.poi-factory.com/node/21626 - red light cameras do not work

Old? Who, me?

I’m now over 80 and I still have no problem with the learning curve for new gadgets, as I basically grew up with computers having been a tech back in the days of the Univac 1108 (1960’s), and for many years since. I do believe however that some gadgets go too far. For instance, I bought a smartphone only to find out that its screen was so sensitive that it was difficult to touch it without sending it into sleep mode (for ecology purposes). Sleep mode was supposed to occur when it was slipped into the holster. Needless to say, I don’t use that phone. And about that marriage thing – I’ve now been married over 60 years. And yep – all to the very same woman!

Stay Safe, Sane, Sober & Solvent!

I was...

I was stuck in Big Horn National forest in Wyoming (second largest peak/mt. next to the Rockies) and my wife had an Ipad. The Ipad look so cool and does many unbelievable things, but when it came down to it, the only thing that got us out of the blizzard conditions was my garmin (aka Garminita). I wanted to call Garmin and let them know how awesome the product was but I would've felt like an idiot. Satelites(GPS unit) over fancy Ipad/phone towers any day of the week.

If it aint broke don't replace it......

johnm405 wrote:

I'am with you can't see spending money for new things when the old still work great. smile

I am keeping my 255w until it's broke. Lifetime maps and custom poi's, dont really need much else !!!!

Garmin Nuvi 255W

Tool or Fashion?

If the newer one help my life extraordinary much better or easier, then I will upgrade. Otherwise, I just stick with the old one.

If the purpose of the new electronic gadgets are for show and tell only, like a new hair do, then upgrade is the way to go.

So, are we treating these new tools as fashion items?

Until death does us apart... or the electronic death equivalent.

Love my 750 with lifetime maps and customs poi's.
Coupled with the Mp3 player and some other features it has reduced my travel gadget total to two: Garmin and cellphone. Which also means only two chargers !
Unless the next version does my laundry there is no upgrade need in sight.

Std. Nuvi 205 & Custom Nuvi 750 with 16GB SDHC - find me on discussions.virtualdr.com ... and the XDA Developers forum ... always playing with my gadgets :-) My "personal" IT support: www.bitmedics.com


LennyD51 wrote:

home paid for

Now there is one I wish I could say. But alas, still have monthly payments. We moved too much I guess.

Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold


whoaboy wrote:

I’m now over 80 and I still have no problem with the learning curve for new gadgets, as I basically grew up with computers having been a tech back in the days of the Univac 1108 (1960’s), and for many years since. I do believe however that some gadgets go too far. For instance, I bought a smartphone only to find out that its screen was so sensitive that it was difficult to touch it without sending it into sleep mode (for ecology purposes). Sleep mode was supposed to occur when it was slipped into the holster. Needless to say, I don’t use that phone. And about that marriage thing – I’ve now been married over 60 years. And yep – all to the very same woman!

Well SilverRhino 34 years, you 60 years, I am inbetween with 47 years to my same wounderful husband. Couldn't be any better.

Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)

I'm with ya on the paper maps

abin wrote:

i must be even older...
i pulled AAA(sm) maps for my labor day weekend trip for a big picture view. Some maps are dated last century.

Love GPS navigation but having AAA paper maps along is great to see the big picture, especially when sitting in the navigator seat. Maps are one of the best benefits of AAA membership, IMO.

Nuvi 760 (died 6/2013); Forerunner 305 bike/run; Inreach SE; MotionX Drive (iPhone)

haha--new things are overrated

There's nothing wrong with being like the OP, and imho it has nothing to do with age. My wife and I are about to buy a new car. My dad drove two of these before I was born. Like father, like son?

I'm beside myself, the price tag is over 40k. It's a GM product, not from Germany or Italy or some exotic land. Lansing, MI, if I'm not mistaken, also where my dad's were built. 4 1/2 yrs. ago I bought my 2nd new car, it was made in Germany, and today it costs in the mid to high 50's. So I feel old in that I can't relate to how expensive things are today. We're still driving my first new car out of college, a 1998 Nissan. I have no problem driving it daily, but rust attacked the radiator support and now we're driving it on 3 motor mounts with the cross member hanging loose. This situation unfortunately necessitates a new vehicle.

As far as the nuvi goes? I only bought a new 2350LMT because the 660 touch screen failed after about 2 1/2 yrs. Otherwise I could care less if I have the latest greatest GPS. And not to worry, I'm taking the Nissan deep underground and getting it fixed for under $200 (body shop wants $1400). She'll be my daily driver again soon.

Hear, hear.

I also agree with OP.

You are only young once

You are only young once, but you can be immature forever. I am old enough to be well past the mid-life crisis stage.

I like new stuff, but also want good value and lifespan from what I buy. I have a smartphone and love it. I would hate to go back to my previous 4 year old "differently gifted" phone. The ability to look up current POIs, or use apps like Tim Horton's locator are much easier then having to download POIs to my GPS. But I still prefer the Nuvi for navigation. I'd like a new Nuvi especially for lane assist and junction view and the hi res of the 3700 / 3400 series, but my 255W still works well.

I also enjoy pouring over paper maps, but I when driving in an unfamiliar place the GPS voice guidance beats trying to remember what exit to get off at, or squinting at street signs to figure out where to turn.

As much as I like new stuff, I have to balance that with the fact that always buying and upgrading results in a smaller bank account and the need for a larger garage to store all your old junk. Plus eventually someone has to cart all the stuff that used to be the earth's natural resources off to the landfill.

I agree with HowardZ, newer

I agree with HowardZ, newer isn't always better. As one Garmin tech said, the newer Nuvis are just dumbed down Street Pilots. My cell phone is six years old and I will keep it until I'm forced to change. The problem with that is I'm with AT&T and it looks like they are slowly doing away with with the standard phones. Sooner or later I think they will try and force everyone into a smart phone so they can also force everyone into a data plan.

Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.

change the subject

TheProf wrote:

60 years old here. Ham operator, been fooling with computers since the Apple 1 days, used to use my Model 15 Teletype as the Input Output for several PC's I made or had....other people consider me Mr. Techie. Yet I have a simple flip-top LG phone, probably 4 years old or so, maybe more. Car is 8 years old, wife's car is 12 years old, both run well, (maintenance pays off). Ariens snowblower (7Hp two stage) was purchased in 1977 and still starts on the first or second pull. Have a 1450 Nuvi. Life is good AND I have a Bank Account that is not empty.

You don't have a contact tab in your profile and I couldn't see any way of contacting you, so I'll do it this way. If you are interested in updates for your Army Navy stores I have one I don't think you have.

Army Navy Store
500 North Parker Drive
Janesville, WI 53545
-89.025920 42.688305

Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.

I upgrade when there is a

I upgrade when there is a new feature/function that
will benefit me significantly. The two biggies for me
were enough RAM to hold all the USA/Canada maps ...
and traffic service.

Otherwise; my legacy gear soldiers on quite nicely.

I spend 80% of my money on airplanes & beer. The rest is wasted.

Yeah, me, too

I have a Nuvi 360, a basic clamshell-style cell phone I only use for calls, and a 2004 Camry. I have no need for anything newer and am not interested in combination gadgets.

Posts I've seen on POI Factory from people who had older GPS units but have gotten more recent Garmins say the quality is down, which was to be expected, because they're making them ever cheaper.

JMoo On

Mixture of old and new

I like discontinued Garmin models with MP3 playback. I have a 885t in my bimmer, a 765t in my SUV and a 760 as a spare. I have no plans to "upgrade" since the new models lack MP3 and have no compelling offsetting benefit. My cars are newer at the moment, however, the SUV is a 2006 and the BMW convertible was built (for me) in 2009. I keep cars 8-10 years, they just happen to be fairly new. I also carry a "crackberry" but only got one after I discovered they can be instructed to "shut up". Mine makes no noise when emails come in and only buzzes for phone calls. I hate talking to somebody while their crackberry is going off and they keep getting distracted.

old and new

Street Pilot c330...and all is well..so there!

Ok so I have an Iphone and all kinds if techy gadgets I can't help myself

Flip Garmin Street P.330 Garmin 255WT Garmin LM50

I agree....

johnm405 wrote:

I'am with you can't see spending money for new things when the old still work great. smile


"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

Couldn't have said it better

maddog67 wrote:
johnm405 wrote:

I'am with you can't see spending money for new things when the old still work great. smile


Still going on the c340, no reason to "upgrade". I did however upgrade to the 2012 Rand McNally paper maps as my 2000 was missing a few roads grin

Streetpilot C340 Nuvi 2595 LMT

Remember When

Remember when we actually kept score ourselves at the bowling alley. You know that old stuff like adding and multiplication. I am just waiting for that big solar flare which puts us back in the "use you own brain age". I can only imagine many of the techies might find it difficult if not impossible to find the closest restroom, not to mention if they remember what it is for. Then there is the local diva who will get lost pulling out of the garage and heaven only knows what else. Heck, I think it will be pretty funny.

I can't see spending money

I can't see spending money for new things when the old still work great also

Must Be Me

I'm a gadget freak or as my daughter says "Inspector Gadget". I just love 'em, especially the electronic ones. I upgrade when ever I can (read afford). In fact I just pre-ordered the new Amazon tablet, the Kindle Fire.

Bob: My toys: Nüvi 1390T, Droid X2, Nook Color (rooted), Motorola Xoom, Kindle 2, a Yo-Yo and a Slinky. Gotta have toys.

Old Nuvi New Car

I still have a NUVI 350 but I hardly ever use it. Last December I got an HTC EVO 4G and with the Google maps, I think it is great. I just got a new Mustang with Sync as standard equipment. Now if I need turn by turn directions I just push the button on the steering wheel speak the address and off I go. It downloads a route via the phone, shuts down the call and the route is played back. I never used the screen on the NUVI anyway, I just used the voice prompts so no visual is fine with me. The only time I use the NUVI is if I go to an area where I need to know about red light or speed cameras. If someone can come up with an easy way to have that info hooked into Sync I will dump the NUVI altogether. EVERYTHING I need except the cameras are on the phone.

PS I am 64 and usually keep my cars/toys until I am tired of them, be it a year or 10 years.

"Ceterum autem censeo, Carthaginem esse delendam" “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”

Consume, Consume, Consume

My only GPS is a Garmin GPSMAP60CSx that I purchased pretty much as soon as it came out. That puts it at about 5 yrs now. It still works and gets the job done, if I had to, I'd replace it with the Montana. I don't understand why people have multiple GPS units.

Smartphones are very handy, I consider them a safety device. Definitely not a toy.

When you are dead, you don’t know that you are dead. It is only difficult for the others. It is the same when you are stupid.

My phone is stupid>>

HowardZ wrote:

My cell phone - it only knows how to make phone calls.
No internet, no smarts, no apps.
I can go several days without charging it. At work, everyone is constantly charging their "smart" phones.

My GPS is a 750 Nuvi - it just
- helps get me where I am going
- finds the nearest Subway on my route to eat lunch
- warns me of speed cameras (thanks to POI Factory)

Electronics manufacturers keep re-inventing their products with new features to urge people to buy newer models to replace their older ones.

People are constantly replacing their cell phones every two years to keep up with the latest features.

I am even driving an 11 year old car.

I must be getting old, as the "old" model of everything seems to be OK for me?

Do people here love to upgrade their Nuvis?

my car is a 2004...my Garmin was updated from a 530 to a 1490...huge mistake smile

"You can't get there from here"

You're Getting Smarter and Older !!

I used to kill myself trying to find ways to get the latest and greatest. Nowdays I love how I make the older stuff work just fine and save myself a ton of money. I am currently using a GARMIN C330 that I got for FREE from a Freecycle Giveaway. The Lady said it was broken but I was welcome to come get it and see what I could do. I did a Hard Reset in her Driveway and was using it by the time I hit the Main Road!! I then got home and got online with it, it told me that I had a Map Upgrade available. It gave me the Map for the Garmin City Navigator marked 2012. It already had the latest Firmware available for it, and the Audio File had 2 new languages, of which neither would I ever use, stayed with the OLD Audio File!!

So tell me, should I run out and buy a new one? I dont think so!! Am I getting old, Yep and smart!!

" But I have a GPS. It's easy, I just punch in your address and wait for your house to pull up!"

Oddly enough...

I too drive an eleven year old car, but it looks new! I have, and still use my indestructible Nuvi 360 I bought it almost five years ago for $399.95, in 2006 dollars none the less.! I also have a 765t and a 775t as I do go to Europe, but the 360 is like an old pair of slippers, or even a well broken in pipe, you never cast them aside. It has now become my "workhorse" even without Canada or Alaska on it. I never go there, but if by some slim chance I contemplate doing so, I'll worry about it then!

"Backward, turn backward, oh time in your flight, make me a child again, just for tonight."

Ah vmfa531...

I wasn't going to respond until I read vmfa531's post; "Remember when we actually kept score ourselves at the bowling alley."
Fond memories of bowling alleys. Set pins for cash, learned to score 10 pin(200) and 5 pin(450) as I grew up in Flin Flon MB, Canada. Also learned to smoke while setting pins so not all was good.
I have a Nuvi 1350 for the car and an Etrex Legand for geocaching, mortgage is paid off, I will turn 68 next month, have been retired for 9 years, keep cars until they rust out or suffer an accident, and been married to the same great woman for 44+ years. Life is good.


I have text and web turned

I have text and web turned off on my phone...
Don't send me any texts, it never gets here.
Send pictures to my email address only, only goes in bit bucket if you send it to my phone... I don't even get bounce information!!! Call me if you want to talk!

I use my Nuvi 660 and am happy with it.... It is generally more accurate than my new Ford Escape's Nav system.

I ride motorcycles, and if my phone rings, it goes to voicemail, I don't pull over to see who said what.. Until I stop for gas or food...

I'm not a brain surgeon...... No one will die if I don't get this call..... Leave a message, I do have voicemail....

My one recent Modern Improvement was getting a phone that would Bluetooth (Still disabling text and web) so I could call someone hands free in the Escape.... Notice I didn't say take calls....

Yeah, I'm getting OLD TOO!!! smile!

Happy Weekend!!!!

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!


Gary A wrote:

Yes, I'm getting "old" too. Still using my nuvi 660, don't own a smart phone or text, still have a 10 year old laptop (although last year I did buy a new laptop with Windows 7 64-bit) and a 7 year old Windows XP desktop. I drive a 14 year old Chevy Blazer. When our primary TV (32" tube) died last year, I did replace it with an HD flat screen. I do love HDTV! grin

Your not getting old, your stuff is getting obsoleted.

The new laptop you could only get with Seven no more XP. When was the last time you seen a TV with a picture tube in a store? Hence the flat screen. Your lucky with your Nuvi that the antenna circuit hasn't had a static problem yet, forcing an upgrade. The Blazer, not going there.

Cell phones are the same. walk into a cell store and you will see less and less dumb phones and a flood of smart phones, very soon every new cell owner or up-grader will have no choice but to go smart.


Congrats to your Ray's. I pray they have the stamina to take out the dreaded Yanks!

Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.

been there . . .

BobDee wrote:

Cell phones are the same. walk into a cell store and you will see less and less dumb phones and a flood of smart phones, very soon every new cell owner or up-grader will have no choice but to go smart.

Yep, that happened to me a few months ago. The only dumb phones they had available actually offered fewer features than the five-year-old broken dumb phone I was trying to replace. So . . . I bought a smart phone which required an upgrade to my data plan to the tune of another $30 a month. Dagnabbit!

Wow you sound just like me.

Wow you sound just like me. Love my old stuff.

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