Starbucks POI's don't show up on VIA 1405.
Fri, 08/19/2011 - 5:22pm
13 years
I downloaded the Starbucks ov2 file to my computer with no problem. The file [Starbucks_NA_Jun(B).ov2...745KB] was then transferred to my GPS unit using the MyTomTom program. All seemed to go well. However, nothing showed up on the map.
I then realized I needed to have the Icon file. I saved the file as "Starbucks.bmp" to my computer, in the same folder as the ov2 file. I then renamed it to "Starbucks_NA_Jun(B).bmp" and transferred it to the GPS unit. Still no luck. Nothing shows up on the map.
Can someone please help?
See also
Solved the problem...
I got to thinking that maybe the TomTom file that is offered as a push button on the Starbucks page might be faulty. I decided to delete it from my TT unit, and then download the CSV file directly to my computer, and then try a different file translator. Once I did that, the program immediately worked on my TT. So, I have to conclude that the OV2 file being offered on the Starbucks page is faulty.
The Starbucks page is here: (Note the button for downloading the TomTom OV2 file).
The file translator I used successfully is here:
I had first tried to use the translator at Extra_POI_Editor, which was referenced in this post: However, I was unable to load the program onto my pc. Made several attempts, because it looked like an interesting program, but finally gave up!
At this point I'm wondering if the file translator used on the Starbucks page is being used elsewhere at this POI-Factory site. I'm brand new to this GPS game and this site, and was hoping to use it a lot to load up the poi's into my TT. I'll probably just ignore any of the TT buttons, and use the file translator from poieditor to convert the csv files.
Hope this might help someone else out there!
Need more info
What was the problem when you tried to install EPE (extra poi editor)?
What OS are you using? Currently it is only for windows units and not mac.
Are you missing the ocx file? referenced under troubleshooting.
And the poi editor has been known to work as you found out. EPE works also when you do a "open" then "save as".
Nuvi 2460LMT.
Please notify jrozsnaki
...So, I have to conclude that the OV2 file being offered on the Starbucks page is faulty...
If you feel the OV2 file may be faulty, please notify jrozsnaki since he wants to know about it. Go to his page on this site to contact him.
Good idea!
I just sent a note to Jrozsnaki. Thanks for the idea.
skipper records
...So, I have to conclude that the OV2 file being offered on the Starbucks page is faulty...
If you feel the OV2 file may be faulty, please notify jrozsnaki since he wants to know about it. Go to his page on this site to contact him.
The web site generates the OV2 files automatically from the CSV files, so this is an issue for me rather than the file maintainer.
I've done some troubleshooting, and in larger files it looks like the TomTom units need more "skipper records" in order to show the locations on the map.
I will work on a fix and make a post when it's ready for additional testing.
Sorry for the troubles.
Thanks JM
Thanks JM
Problem installing EPE
What was the problem when you tried to install EPE (extra poi editor)?
Couldn't get it to load up consistently. Once it came up, and I was happily exploring it, but then it froze, and wouldn't re-load again, even after I rebooted my pc several times.
Several times it wouldn't install because it wanted a dll file that I didn't have: msjet35.dll I went to Google and downloaded the file, put it in the Windows\System32 directory, as well as the EPE directory. After that, it seemed to install OK, but wouldn't load the program anyway. After a while, as it was late last night and I was getting pretty tired, I decided to abort and use another translator!
What OS are you using? Currently it is only for windows units and not mac.
Windows XP Pro SP3.
Are you missing the ocx file? referenced under troubleshooting.
As far as I could see, he did not name the OCX file or files, so I couldn't tell whether I had them or not. Because of that, I used his version 524 installer, as he suggested. Went around and around til I gave up. I will say this, the Help file worked with no problem.
I think I got pretty close, because the files seemed to be loaded ok, and the program did work for a short while!
And the poi editor has been known to work as you found out. EPE works also when you do a "open" then "save as".
Thanks, PW, for your help.
Thanks, JM!
I appreciate your efforts.
Thanks JM
Thanks for digging into this. Please let me know if I need to do anything to the file to make it easier for TT users.
JRoz -- DriveSmart 55 & Traffic
Problem installing EPE
What was the problem when you tried to install EPE (extra poi editor)?
Update: I played around with EPE and got it to work. What I did was go back to Version 4.48 and it worked just fine. Then I loaded each newer version, in order. They all worked fine up to Version 4.70.
However, the 2 newer versions, 4.85 and 4.88 would not work. They seemed to install ok, but would not load up.
So, I am working with 4.70 (File, dated 6/6/10) and it seems to work just fine. The program looks really good at this point!
Question for JRoz
Hi, JRoz,
I was able to use the Extra_POI_Editor to add a few Starbucks locations to your database. They loaded fine onto my TomTom.
However, I feel they should be added to your DB for all to share. I'm sure there must be a way to do this. I'm new here and not sure what's the best way. I could email you the OV2 file, but I'd prefer to do what is "normal" on this site.
Thanks for your help.
Contact via his contact tab
Contact via his contact tab with the locations. If you have coordinates then that is better yet.
As for EPE you could contact Turbocc. He created it.
Nuvi 2460LMT.
You get credit as a contributor
Contact via his contact tab with the locations. If you have coordinates then that is better yet.
This is the best way because jrozsnaki will include your new locations in the entire file he uploads to this site, and you will get official credit as a contributor.
Maintenance Forum
Hi, JRoz,
I was able to use the Extra_POI_Editor to add a few Starbucks locations to your database. They loaded fine onto my TomTom.
However, I feel they should be added to your DB for all to share. I'm sure there must be a way to do this. I'm new here and not sure what's the best way. I could email you the OV2 file, but I'd prefer to do what is "normal" on this site.
Thanks for your help.
Thanks, Please post them to the maintenance forum and I will include them in the next update.
JRoz -- DriveSmart 55 & Traffic
Will do, JRoz.
And, thanks for your part in keeping this going. Pretty good stuff, as they say!
EPE issues
Hi AccordionTom,
I read your post about EPE issues. I strongly suggest you use the latest EPE v5.24. Nothing was broken since earlier versions. It ls also much more reliable than v4.70.
If v4.70 works for you (or any previous version), you should be able to just download EPE v5.24 and replace the old Extra_POI_Editor.exe by the new one. No need to use the installer.
If you still experience problems after that, just reply here or in the other post and let me know what type of errors you are getting.
Best regards,
Troubleshooting EPE
Hi, Turbo. Thanks for helping me out.
Hi AccordionTom,
I read your post about EPE issues. I strongly suggest you use the latest EPE v5.24. Nothing was broken since earlier versions. It ls also much more reliable than v4.70.
If v4.70 works for you (or any previous version), you should be able to just download EPE v5.24 and replace the old Extra_POI_Editor.exe by the new one. No need to use the installer.
If you still experience problems after that, just reply here or in the other post and let me know what type of errors you are getting.
Best regards,
Well, I just tried again, unsuccessfully. So, here's the detail:
I originally downloaded 4.85 Help worked just fine.
I then d/l Installer 5.24 (3,731KB).
I also went to the internet and got msjet35.dll, as an install message said it was missing. I placed it in the Windows Sys32 directory, as well as the EPE directory.
The program seemed to install just fine, but when I clicked on the exe file, it would not load. No messages...just silence. At least nothing crashed!
That's when I went back and started trying the older versions, and found them to work all the way up to version 4.70.
Previously, I did not try your Beta version 5.24, so tonite I d/l this Beta 5.24, based on what you said to do. It seemed to load OK. I got the EULA screen. Then, when I clicked on the exe file, nothing happened. Same response as I got before with versions 4.85 and 4.88.
Not getting any error messages...the program simply doesn't load up.
If I go back to Ver 4.70, it works just fine.
Thanks again for your help!
Troubleshooting EPE
Hi Tom,
Here's a few tips to check:
1- Check in the Task Manager to see if you see the EPE process. Is it there? Maybe the program started, but it does not show up.
2- If you were running 4.70, you should not even need the 5.24 installer. Just running EPE v5.24 .exe file should have worked. Adding dll was a good move, but sometimes they need to be registered to work. Depending if you have the right dlls and if they are installed properly, maybe it is causing EPE to crash. I am not sure.
3- To get the EULA screen, EPE has to start. You probably clicked the .exe before accepting the EULA. If you do not accept the EULA, EPE will terminate. Just run it again and make sure you accept the EULA.
4- There is a slim possibility that EPE's configuration in the registry is screwed up. I suggest to open a CMD (DOS) box, change the directory until you are in the EPE v5.24 folder, and type:
Extra_POI_Editor -reset
This will clear all EPE's settings in the registry. Then, start EPE v5.24 normally. That may fix the issue. You will have to accept the EULA and set your Preferences again.
5- Are you running Win XP or Win 7?
Problem Solved!
Hi Turbo,
You did a good job! The program is now working like a charm. I'm including the details, hoping they will be of some value to you, or others. I followed your recommendations in the order they were presented. I wrote these comments as I was working thru the solution.
Hi Tom,
Here's a few tips to check:
1- Check in the Task Manager to see if you see the EPE process. Is it there? Maybe the program started, but it does not show up.
Comment: Yes, the TM showed EPE both as a running Application, and as a running Process, even though the program did not start up. Memory usage showed as 453,812K.
2- If you were running 4.70, you should not even need the 5.24 installer. Just running EPE v5.24 .exe file should have worked. Adding dll was a good move, but sometimes they need to be registered to work. Depending if you have the right dlls and if they are installed properly, maybe it is causing EPE to crash. I am not sure.
3- To get the EULA screen, EPE has to start. You probably clicked the .exe before accepting the EULA. If you do not accept the EULA, EPE will terminate. Just run it again and make sure you accept the EULA.
Comment: I got the EULA screen every time I tried to load the program, and I always accepted it.
4- There is a slim possibility that EPE's configuration in the registry is screwed up. I suggest to open a CMD (DOS) box, change the directory until you are in the EPE v5.24 folder, and type:
Extra_POI_Editor -reset
This will clear all EPE's settings in the registry. Then, start EPE v5.24 normally. That may fix the issue. You will have to accept the EULA and set your Preferences again.
Comment: This actually was the key to solving the problem. The first time I did this, the program came up just fine. I was happy. Then, to make sure it was stable, I rebooted my pc. The program wouldn't work. The initial screen (with the 4 boxes) came up fine, but then the program froze.
I then went thru the "reset" procedure again. Again, it worked just fine.
I then rebooted the pc to make sure everything was stable, and this time your EPE program worked just fine. That was last night. This morning I rebooted again, and again, the program is working fine.
So, Thanks again, Turbo!
5- Are you running Win XP or Win 7?
Comment: Win XP Pro, SP3.
Additional Comment: One small glitch, that really doesn't bother me, but I thought I should tell you about...if I right click on a POI and select "Open in Google Earth," Google Earth loads but does not show up on my screen. I then have to click on the tab below (on the task bar) for it to come up. Like I said, a small glitch, no big deal. Probably something in the way I've set up my Google Earth.
Final comment: I'm new to this GPS game. Really just wanted to be able to find a Starbucks when I was on a trip to my daughter's. I really like what I see as the potential with this device. And I really like your program. You've made it easy to pinpoint just about anything! Nice job!
Thanks again for your help, Turbo!
I am glad to see that all is working fine.
I am not surprised that the EPE -reset thing fixed the issue. Since version x.xx, EPE remembers the last position of the EPE windows. It was a user request.
For some reasons, your EPE window was out of the screen which explains why you could not see it, but the program was running. Maybe you were using a dual display (2 monitors) and you dragged it out of range? Maybe EPE has an unresolved bug? Time will tell. I just know it happened to me once. I have only one monitor, but I ran EPE using Remote Desktop with computers having different screen resolutions.
In any cases, you are up and running and this is the most important part.
As for the Google Earth thing, it may or may not be your config issue. I just know that it used to open correctly with a full screen monitor. I do not know if others are having the same issue.¸
Edit: I have looked into the Google Earth issue and I added something in EPE that forces GE to start maximized. You can download the new EPE version here:
Just overwrite the old EPE .exe with the new one. Let me know if it fixes the issue.
Once again, Nice Job, Turbo!!
I am glad to see that all is working fine.
I am not surprised that the EPE -reset thing fixed the issue. Since version x.xx, EPE remembers the last position of the EPE windows. It was a user request.
For some reasons, your EPE window was out of the screen which explains why you could not see it, but the program was running. Maybe you were using a dual display (2 monitors) and you dragged it out of range?
Comment: Nope! Only one desktop monitor.
Maybe EPE has an unresolved bug? Time will tell. I just know it happened to me once. I have only one monitor, but I ran EPE using Remote Desktop with computers having different screen resolutions.
In any cases, you are up and running and this is the most important part.
As for the Google Earth thing, it may or may not be your config issue. I just know that it used to open correctly with a full screen monitor. I do not know if others are having the same issue.¸
Edit: I have looked into the Google Earth issue and I added something in EPE that forces GE to start maximized. You can download the new EPE version here:
Just overwrite the old EPE .exe with the new one. Let me know if it fixes the issue.
I D/L'd the fix and it works beautifully! Nice job, Turbo. You do nice work!
Thanks again!
No problem!
I am always happy to help.
Another happy customer
Another happy customer turbocc. You the man.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
yes, but...
... what is bugging me is how many people have issues and do not report them?
I thought I fixed the Win 7 installer with EPE v5.24, but it does not look like it. I need to make things easy so anybody can use it. If I had similar issues, I would delete the program and try one that works.
My problem is that I am using Visual Basic v6 and this compiler is pretty old. I need to switch to .NET and all the problems will disappear. I invested so much time in EPE that it kills me to learn and convert to .NET and have to patch the code all over again.
Saving money
just think of all the money you are saving !!!
MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !