GPS addict? It may be eroding your brain!
Mon, 11/15/2010 - 12:16pm
![]() 17 years
Ran across this while doing a news surf this morning.
![]() 17 years
Ran across this while doing a news surf this morning.
"When it comes to finding my way, I've become a GPS zombie," says Snyder"
Must eat brains...
Garmin nuvi 1300LM with 4GB SD card Garmin nuvi 200W with 4GB SD card Garmin nuvi 260W with 4GB SD card r.i.p.
Yeah, definitely
I came here to post the same story. This study confirms scientific support for my own observations for me. Constant GPS use erodes your ability to mentally map. They recommend using GPS to get to new locations, but don't rely it on all the time. Give your brain a workout when GPS isn't necessary.
I agree. At least turn the sound off sometimes and force yourself to think about where you are, where you want to be relation to that, and how to do that. I think the directionally-challenged among us (I have a couple of such folks in my family) just don't practice doing those things.
JMoo On
So now I have something else
So now I have something else to worry about eating my brain? There are lots of ways to exercise your brain. Crossword puzzles, math without a calculator, read, have conversations. These are all great ways to keep your brain nimble. I personally don't do any of them, but they seem to work for others.
not surprising really
There is just category of brainless idiots, who are spending their life looking for ways to justify their own laziness or stupidity. Sadly in last decades this sort of people is very easily rewarded and promoted. Like rewards from courts for spilling hot coffee on themselves (who would know, that if you order hot coffee it will be hot?). See how many idiotic warnings you get on every merchandise.
GPS was just something to get into this category. It started with those who crashed or drowned their car because "GPS made them do it". Then prices dropped and more idiots can afford navigation. So it become "society problem". I guess soon there will be shrinks selling therapy for idiots "possessed by GPS".
And this person from article has nothing to worry about. Whatever she has in her skull it's not a brain. So she have nothing to loose.
Sad by true.
Calculators and Digital Clocks too.
It will have about the same effect that the calculators did for the kids of today. If the cash register breaks down, they can no-longer figure the correct change to give you. Also the slogan "clock-wise and counter clock-wise" will become a thing of the past as the new generation will only know of digital clocks.
Tight lines
and word processors
Also word processors and other spell checkers have ruined my spelling. "If you don't use it, you'll lose it."
It will have about the same effect that the calculators did for the kids of today. If the cash register breaks down, they can no-longer figure the correct change to give you.
Yup. The converse happened to me yesterday in an Office Depot. Handed the young clerk $4.40 including one quarter, one dime, and one nickel, for a purchase of $4.37, and she stared at the three coins for a long few seconds, and then tentatively punched in $4.30.
JMoo On
Phone Numbers?
Since you discovered speed dial, how many phone numbers do have committed to memory?
speed dial???
Since you discovered speed dial, how many phone numbers do have committed to memory?
Many of the new phones allow pictures to be associated with telephone numbers meaning you just tap on Sally or Joe's picture - and if you can't do that, just say the name.
Illiterate? Write for free help.
Maybe understandable?
Yup. The converse happened to me yesterday in an Office Depot. Handed the young clerk $4.40 including one quarter, one dime, and one nickel, for a purchase of $4.37, and she stared at the three coins for a long few seconds, and then tentatively punched in $4.30.
..I know, somebody needs to do it & they should at least try. Just sayin'.
It's about the Line- If a line can be drawn between the powers granted and the rights retained, it would seem to be the same thing, whether the latter be secured by declaring that they shall not be abridged, or that the former shall not be extended.
Is This ?
Yup. The converse happened to me yesterday in an Office Depot. Handed the young clerk $4.40 including one quarter, one dime, and one nickel, for a purchase of $4.37, and she stared at the three coins for a long few seconds, and then tentatively punched in $4.30.
..I know, somebody needs to do it & they should at least try. Just sayin'.
This isn't the same girl at Office Depot when your bill is $16.21 and you give her a twenty dollar bill, a one dollar bill and 21 can see the blue screen of death come over her, it's panic time !!!!!!!!!!
New School
All of the New Tech is reducing brain power to some degree. It used to be you needed to remember your times tables and spelling rules. Now all you need is how to look it up.
That said the level of knowledge now is staggering and no one can remember it all. Having the ability to research information is now one of the new three R's
Reading, Research, Resumes
Robert Woodcock
Can't Leave Home Without It!
Ran across this while doing a news surf this morning.
This gadget is just as important to me as my cell phone and digital camera.
Just Another Advance in Technology
It will have about the same effect that the calculators did for the kids of today. If the cash register breaks down, they can no-longer figure the correct change to give you. Also the slogan "clock-wise and counter clock-wise" will become a thing of the past as the new generation will only know of digital clocks.
Really, this is just another opportunity for us old farts to reminisce about the "good old days". When we had to walk 10 miles to school, in three feet of snow (before metrification), uphill - in both directions! These young whipper-snappers have it SO easy...
And I NEVER learned how to use a slide rule - one of my life regrets
Ever handed in more?
Yup. The converse happened to me yesterday in an Office Depot. Handed the young clerk $4.40 including one quarter, one dime, and one nickel, for a purchase of $4.37, and she stared at the three coins for a long few seconds, and then tentatively punched in $4.30.
Have you ever handed in more than the total, so as to get a certain amount in change? You know, like giving $5.26 for a $4.26 purchase, so that you get a $1 bill as change. I am astounded at how often a cashier will hand the $.26 back saying "You gave me too much."
On a day when I was feeling particularly cranky and unwilling to accept such ignorance, I insisted that the cashier punch in $5.26 as the amount tendered. She had to call her manager, and he told me the same thing. I still insisted. When the register came back with $1.00 change due, the manager said that that was why they don't do that. Because "You get more change back than you're supposed to."
Today's cashier, tomorrow's congressman, I guess.
Love my GPS
Before I had a GPS I was lost most of the time when I had to travel. I relied on my wife a lot for getting places. I LOVE my GPS! I'm directionally and geographically challenged at best. It's not a case of "losing what I had" due to GPS use because I never had it in the first place.
As for the issue of making proper change..... I agree that people are pitiful these days. I learned to count the change back to people - not just dump a handful of money in their hand. I'm one of the folks who will hand over extra so as to avoid getting a bunch of coins back. It almost always seems to boggle the people running the cash registers. When I worked in retail it always amazed the younger employees when I could figure a discount in my head. I guess nobody has to learn math in school any more.
GPSMAP 76CSx - nüvi 760 - nüvi 200 - GPSMAP 78S
The internet does the same thing. I used to have a good memory for things like music and movies, but these days with the internet I find it too easy to look something up rather than try to remember it, so I'm losing those memories. [insert Barbra Streisand song here]
Garmin Etrex Vista, Streetpilot 2610, GPSMap 60Csx, Nüvi 750, Colorado 400t, Nüvi 3790t
like everything else
from some stories I have read, kids today are unable to read cursive writing.
so true
The internet does the same thing. I used to have a good memory for things like music and movies, but these days with the internet I find it too easy to look something up rather than try to remember it, so I'm losing those memories. [insert Barbra Streisand song here]
So very true. But I find I use the internet to get more useless info than I knew before LOL! - red light cameras do not work
Every Time
Every time I get in the car and turn on my GPS I get excited and giddy-headed. Is that a normal reaction??
Tuckahoe Mike - Nuvi 3490LMT, Nuvi 260W, iPhone X, Mazda MX-5 Nav
gps addict
lets hope the satellites dont fall from the sky.
The younger generation
"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."
Socrates 469-399 BC. While he may not have said this in reality it's often attributed to him. The point is not much really changes and if the world is going bad now it's been doing so for a long time. These new inventions will also become matter of course and something new will take their place.
NUVI 660, Late 2012 iMac, Macbook 2.1 Fall 2008, iPhone6 , Nuvi 3790, iPad2
I do not believe it is an addiction. Getting excited and giddy sounds like you really love using your GPS. People who smoke do not get excited and giddy when lighting up. They may just hate smoking but are still drawn to it because it is a true addiction.
So glad
So glad I burnt my brain out using drugs in my younger years I don't have to worry about any of this. haha
I got coffee to go-- $2.01
I got coffee to go-- $2.01 at a shop. I had two one dollar bills and no change-- I handed them to the young girl. She said no, $2.01-- so I had to give her a $20 bill. I could not believe that she would cash a $20 for a penny! Where is common sense.
NUVI 680, NUVI 5000, MS S&T,