Copying Alert Sounds to My Computer


Ok.....I confess my ignorance and have to ask a very stupid question.

How do I get an Alert Sound from the POI list to the directory on my computer where I store the POI files?? I'm sure this is something that too most is very simple.......I'm just not getting it, please help!


You'll need to add a .wav, or an .mp3 depending on what your unit supports.

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK

Click on sounds top right of

Click on sounds top right of page.Click on the sound you want.Then right click on the file and select save target as.When the screen comes up save to the location your poi file is at on computer.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.


RIGHT click on the sound on the website.

Select "Save" or "Save Link As" depending upon your browser.

For Internet Explorer

For Internet Explorer, the action after the right click is "Save Target As ..." to save a sound file

Someone else jump in - what are the correct actions for other browsers?

For Opera

For Opera, the action after a right click is "Save To download folder"

Figured Out My Download Issues

Thanks to all for the help!

Figured out from reading the responses what I was doing wrong.....I was "right clicking" on the sound file name in the list....instead of selecting it first!! Boy.... I guess old age is catching up with me after all.....

For Firefox

For Firefox, the action after a right click is "Save Link As ..."

Regarding WAV vs. MP3 audio

Regarding WAV vs. MP3 audio files....

I know my 660 uses MP3 files... My relative has a Garmin that uses WAV files.....

IF I put BOTH WAV and MP3 files in the directory where the POI's reside, would the Garmin POILoader then load the correct audio file it needs, or, do I have to put the correct audio file type (MP3 or WAV) for the Garmin in that directory??

(In other words, Machine not smarter than operator) ????

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... and a Nuvi 660 with Lifetime Maps that we have had literally forever.... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

Interesting Question

JanJ wrote:

Regarding WAV vs. MP3 audio files....

do I have to put the correct audio file type (MP3 or WAV) for the Garmin in that directory??

I am not sure what will happen if I have the following set of files
and run POI Loader.

I don't have my 765T right now, it is on a trip, but I will see if I can answer the question as to which sound file it will choose (I'll make the sound files different)

However, it seems to me that (assuming you have the "sox" files in the same folder where the POI Loader executable resides, that .wav files should always work.

If you were extremely tight on space, you might balk at this because .wav files are larger than .mp3 files, but space can be recovered by deleting (after a full backup, of course)unused files in voices and text