GPS Reality Check


1. I used my GPS to create a route to work. It’s no way close to the way I normally go! (I know better than my GPS)

Guess what, your GPS uses an algorithm that calculates a route based on some pretty primitive settings. It isn’t able to figure in the billion other considerations that go into your choice of routes to a destination that you are familiar with already. Your GPS is valuable the most when you have absolutely no former knowledge of how to get to a particular place. Complain when it doesn’t get you to where you asked it to go, according to the parameters you have set for it.


2. I hate the constant updates for my device. Produce something that works and leave it alone. (Firmware/device updates)

Holy crap! The manufacturer constantly makes their product better. They fix problems reported for all owners. They do this without having to pay for the service. Can you imagine if they did this with appliances that you own, often costing hundreds of dollars? They come out with 15 new automatic cook settings for your microwave. All you have to do is connect your microwave to the internet and let it sit for a little bit. Suddenly your microwave knows exactly how to cook the latest frozen meal from Swanson.

PS It doesn't over cook that egg anymore. Someone complained about that automatic setting and they adjusted the time/power to make sure the egg is perfect.


3. This stupid thing shows my house at least 200 feet away from where it actually is located. (GPS inaccuracies)

OPEN YOUR EYES! I don’t type in all caps very often. As a matter of fact, I find it extremely rude. That is EXACTLY the effect that I wanted to have and why I did it here.

The number one thing that I read that drives me absolutely crazy is the failure of a GPS to allow someone to navigate blind. Your GPS is a guide. It is a tool. It isn’t meant to drive for you. It may be off on occasion. God forbid, it will sometimes even make decisions based on inaccurate data that a human being has provided for it.

Keep your eyes open and use that brain you were given. That GPS is meant as a reference. It wasn’t meant to take all responsibilities for navigation/guidance away from the driver.


Please note this is not directed at any individual. This is a series of generalized observations on the total lack of common sense of people when posting complaints.


Great post! mrgreen

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK

Love it !

First meaning of a GPS, was to show you where you are. Getting it to lead you from one point to another, was added extra. Free extra. And we get people to complain?

It always reminds me of that stupîd Blonde joke (the joke's the stupid one, not any blonde), where two of them get to an underpass of seven feet.

The first one says "We got a table on the roof of the car, that's gotta be more than seven feet".

The other one responds "Come on, let's do it - I don't see a cop anywhere"...

Ain't nuthin' never just right to do the things you wanna do when you wanna do them, so you best just go ahead and do them anyway ! (Rancid Crabtree, from Pat F McManus fame)


This was discussed in topic about idiots, who ended in the lake or middle of forest "because gps told mi to do it".
Let's face it. There is nothing we can do about it. There are morons who make commercials about gps for other morons to believe. The former are promising that gps makes you free from thinking and the latter are firmly believing in it.

But it is not only gps. If you can successfully sue McDonalds for spilling hot cafe on yourself than why you expect more brains with gps use?

So don't expect that your post will be understand by too many "casual gps users" wink Other than that, what you said is true.

It's been said before

It's been said many times before that it is a device only and that people have to use their brain sometimes. It is truly amazing how many people do not know how to think for themselves and then complain "the gps doesn't know what I want".

Nuvi 2460LMT.

So true Oh ya Welcome to the

So true

Oh ya Welcome to the Factory

All the worlds indeed a stage and we are merely players. Rush

Why bring up blonds

Yah, blonds are expected to follow a GPS to the end of the earth and maybe beyond but a few will end the route, marry, and have little blonds for us to laugh about in the future.


Right on

Will nuvi 265W, Vista HCX, amateur radio

Great post, nurotc

GPS units should not replace your brain. Pretty much every route it maps locally is no where near the best/fastest way.

They are a great convenience for things like going where you've never been, finding new restaurants/places of business etc and the like.

But nothing will ever replace you being in control.

Happy Monday!

Good Post

Right to the point. Enough said.


Great comment. It reminded me of that stupid tv commercial with the idiot following the wrong directions from his gps because the satellite "shorted out". Finally he hits the brakes before he drives off the cliff.

Last week I had to go visit someone and I punched the address in my Garmin. It quickly took me there and the route was great. When I got to my friend's street however, it was marking the house number about half a block away from where it actually was. But I got eyes and I can read the house numbers on the mail boxes, so I got there and re-marked the house, even though the software insists that's not the number razz

As you said, it is good to get somewhere you don't know (and back!), but always use your common sense. The device is not perfect.

Garmin nuvi 1300LM with 4GB SD card Garmin nuvi 200W with 4GB SD card Garmin nuvi 260W with 4GB SD card r.i.p.

Well said!

and very true!

Not doing anything worth a darn.


I agree with you on what you said. Gps in made to take you from point A to point B. nothing else. Anything else is extra.

3790LMT; 2595LMT; 3590LMT, 60LMTHD

GPS can be down right stupid

GPS can be down right stupid sometimes though.

Last week I used my TomTom GPS in an unfamiliar area, and the TT GPS had me go into a closed neighborhood for 1.2 miles just to be able to make a u-turn...

-- - red light cameras do not work

GPS is another "electronic"

GPS is another "electronic" device that some people "depend" on. Heaven forbid if the battery goes dead or the unit dies while they are on a roadtrip. They would be lost forever.

Common sense has to be used as well. Go old school....road atlas, just in case. Just make sure you know how to read it.

-- where the heck am I?


I have none of these problems with my GPS. I guess I am lucky!


Following the GPS

I drive back and fourth between NY & FL. When going through the Washington DC area there are a lot of new roads in place.
If I listen to my GPS it would put me into the middle of the city instead of the beltway.
Better to have the little lady keep saying (re calculating) than go that way. After a while she gets the message and gets back with the program.
GPSs are nice, but you have to use your brain once in a while. If you are going someplace that you know you will have to stay on a highway for a while and the GPS tells you to get off on some side road, think before you do it.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things!

In the immortal words of...

Ron White comes to mind (probably a dozen before him as well), "You can't fix stupid."

Striving to make the NYC Metro area project the best.


camerabob wrote:

Ron White comes to mind (probably a dozen before him as well), "You can't fix stupid."

Even duct tape can't fix stupid. smile

*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*

A Toy...

For me, my GPS is only a toy that produces entertainment on trips and occasionally useful information. Lucky, so far, that it hasn't gotten me into trouble!

Tuckahoe Mike - Nuvi 3490LMT, Nuvi 260W, iPhone X, Mazda MX-5 Nav

either that or

tazz49 wrote:

I have none of these problems with my GPS. I guess I am lucky!

or unobservant.

GPS Reality Check

Great, right on, I guess some think that the GPS will drive their car also.

Nuvi 50LM Nuvi 2555LM

It's a secret

Please don't anyone tell my wife about this forum. She'll accuse me of making those comments about her smile

I didn't mean to get on such a diatribe, but after a weekend of lurking on forums reading posts I just had to get that out of me in a constructive way. I hate hijacking threads, or unloading on people directly when they are just trying to get some help (stupid or not).

This way I got to let it all out without offending anyone directly.


frainc wrote:

Great, right on, I guess some think that the GPS will drive their car also.

Wasn't there a case years ago about some woman driving a motor home and went to make some coffee after putting the vehicle in "cruise control"? I think she went off the road and tried to sue the company. I guess she got it confused with "auto-pilot" mrgreen

Garmin nuvi 1300LM with 4GB SD card Garmin nuvi 200W with 4GB SD card Garmin nuvi 260W with 4GB SD card r.i.p.

Cruise control indeed

Where was the rest of the crew ? On the upper deck ? Thanos, you made my day - now I can face the pile of work on my desk. Thanks !

Ain't nuthin' never just right to do the things you wanna do when you wanna do them, so you best just go ahead and do them anyway ! (Rancid Crabtree, from Pat F McManus fame)

don't trust them

found errors in my garmin, usually when I travel long distances I have Delorme topo/street atlas and Microsoft streets and trips, do the trip in both to see how they route, had some real funny routing in streets and trips.

Critics of an Electronic Tool

I am not sure but I think many of the responses are missing the point of the original post. I read it as a critique of people who have exaggerated expectations of the device.

Just check the forum topics and you will find repeated comments about how a new subdivision STILL isn't in the latest map update, or how a $200 GPS unit should come with FREE map updates for life, or how the GPS tells me to turn right when I know I'm supposed to turn left!

I think many of the criticisms of GPS units on this site reflect unrealistic expectations of the user rather than fundamental flaws in the product. The GPS is a relatively complex electronic tool that we expect to perform multiple tasks without errors. Compare this to a hammer - a relatively simple tool that has remained unchanged for decades... yet my hammer STILL bends the nails when I use it! wink

I enjoyed the original post because it "hit the nail right on the head". In many cases it is the tool on the other end of the hammer that is at fault.

No There Wasn't...

Thanos_of_MW wrote:

Wasn't there a case years ago about some woman driving a motor home and went to make some coffee after putting the vehicle in "cruise control"?

I've been hearing variations of that story for over 25 years, always with some different person being the alleged "stupid driver".

Snopes has compiled a list of these stories, including the one you wrote of:

The Moose Is Loose! nuvi 760


nurotc wrote:

Please don't anyone tell my wife about this forum. She'll accuse me of making those comments about her smile

I didn't mean to get on such a diatribe, but after a weekend of lurking on forums reading posts I just had to get that out of me in a constructive way. I hate hijacking threads, or unloading on people directly when they are just trying to get some help (stupid or not).

This way I got to let it all out without offending anyone directly.

you did a fine job. grin

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

But i saw the guy on TV build his house.

GPS is a great tool but thats all. And like any other tool it is only as good as the person using it!

(But i saw the guy on TV build his whole house with this multibit screwdriver from K-Tel.) LMAO!

Nuvi 660. Nuvi 40 Check out. Irish Saying. A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest.

I also heard....

Moose135 wrote:
Thanos_of_MW wrote:

Wasn't there a case years ago about some woman driving a motor home and went to make some coffee after putting the vehicle in "cruise control"?

I've been hearing variations of that story for over 25 years, always with some different person being the alleged "stupid driver".

Snopes has compiled a list of these stories, including the one you wrote of:

That's the reason they now have those 'stupid' disclaimers in the manuals, i.,e. "You can't take a shower while the vehicle is set in cruise control mode.", "Caution this cup may contain hot liquid (dumba$$)", etc.

Striving to make the NYC Metro area project the best.

Have to share...

I played 'stupid' a couple weekends back. Living on Long Island, we often get nationwide commercials on TV for eateries that just don't make it in NY. A friend of mine and I wanted to hit Cracker Barrel. So I fire up the GPS, and search for the nearest one, 2 hours down Jersey way. Well 'stupid' me didn't load the POI file. I trusted Garmin (OK, the floor is open for prods...) to route me to the correct one. I ended up getting routed to some woods 2 hours away from my house. I recycled the unit (rebooted), and then it steered me to 'John's Cracker Barrel', not 'Cracker Barrel Old Time Store'. Called a friend who went online to verify the next one in the Garmin list was real. 3 hours after leaving home, we were eating.

Next stop, Dairy Queen for dessert. Head homeward while doing it, and use the POI file for this baby. Get to the Woodbridge Center Mall, and get pointed to the parking lot. No DQ there, just pavement.... Maybe it's in the food court? Not wanting to get out of the car on another wild goose chase, we drove north another 15 minutes to the next DQ in line and got our blizzards.

Lesson learned: Check the web before leaving home (if possible). As was said earlier, good judgment is the better part of common sense. It was a good (and safe) day overall, and I learned a bit during a non-critical time about the idiosyncrasies of the Nuvis. At least it didn't send me through a lake....

Striving to make the NYC Metro area project the best.

You weren't being stupid

You weren't being stupid at all in my opinion. Forgetful maybe, but by no means stupid.

Stupid would have been coming on here and claiming your GPS should have known that you needed the POI file, found it for you, and magically loaded the POI file across time and space.

I'm old, grey headed and drink way to much. I've had my fair share of times I wanted to blame device and not the navigator smile

need to remember

you need to remember POI are fluid new ones come online and other go offline, I was driving back to Iowa and wanted to stop in rock springs wy for Popeye's they had one there the last time I went through 4 years ago, the poi in my garmin said it was there, but lo and behold it was gone, if I had check the popeye's site I would have know it was gone.