Verification Request in PR (HELP!!)


Can someone locally in PR please verify if this store exist in San Juan, PR. The store does not appear on the company's website.

-66.062575 18.428722
Walgreen Store
360 Ave.Arterial B
San Juan, PR 00918


Garmin Nüvi 650, 255WT


ayúdame por favor

Garmin Nüvi 650, 255WT

No there is not such wallgreens

I searched the map address from google maps
If this is the address you are mentioning, there is no such wallgreens there. There is one on the Ave. Munoz Rivera about four to five blocks from that location.
And I know cause I am from Puerto Rico and drive on that road daily. That is the Calle Calaf (as named by signs there). just at the side of the Coliseo de Puerto Rico and a Metro Station.
Hope I helped you.
At that Location is the Electoral Department Offices (Comision estatal de elecciones).