Last week, I had to -- off/on freeway


Last week, I had to make a delivery to Eagle Pass, Tx, about 450 miles from home. Everything went well going to my destination, my c330 did it's job perfectly. On the way back, though, it directed me to take an exit off I-35 in San Antonio, then directed me right back on to the freeway on the next on ramp. Not too sure what it was thinking!

Not doing anything worth a darn.

Ahhhhh, you must be using Jill as your voice! >>>>

donicus wrote:

Last week, I had to make a delivery to Eagle Pass, Tx, about 450 miles from home. Everything went well going to my destination, my c330 did it's job perfectly. On the way back, though, it directed me to take an exit off I-35 in San Antonio, then directed me right back on to the freeway on the next on ramp. Not too sure what it was thinking!

Like my Missus, she tosses in a quick curveball every now and then to see if I am really listening smile :)

Regards, Ted

"You can't get there from here"

San Antonio

Same thing happened to me last Sept. in San Antonio. I just drove scratching my head ! Will find out this weekend if V8 mapping software helped situation any as I'm driving from Florida to San Antonio starting at about 9 AM this morning with my Up-to-date , trusty C330 leading the way !
My C330 is named Lila !!! (not Jill)

MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !


My Nuvi 350 directs me into a strip mall parking lot where it tells me to make a U turn to get back on the exact road that it just took me off of. After a view of the parking lot, it gets me to the destination without a hitch. I thought "Jack" wanted a doughnut at the Krispy Kreme in the strip mall.....


"Sometimes, when I look at my children, I wish I had remained a virgin". Lillian Carter (Mother of Jimmy Carter)

sail boat

They are building a new bridge in my area and its almost done, the 350 has that down as the only bridge not the current one. When i was taking the bridge the nuvi showed me driving through the water because there was "no bridge there." i heard "Jill" say something about a sailboat as i was driving "through" the water, any one else seen or heard this happen?


shocktroop75 wrote:

They are building a new bridge in my area and its almost done, the 350 has that down as the only bridge not the current one. When i was taking the bridge the nuvi showed me driving through the water because there was "no bridge there." i heard "Jill" say something about a sailboat as i was driving "through" the water, any one else seen or heard this happen?

That's a good one!! That's as good as Google Earth directions from NY to Europe. I have never heard anyone experience that but since Navteq creates the maps, the software writers may have been using a bit of creative engineering in their work.

******************Garmin Nüvi 1300T****************Member 6523*******************

I've had this happen

donicus wrote:

Last week, I had to make a delivery to Eagle Pass, Tx, about 450 miles from home. Everything went well going to my destination, my c330 did it's job perfectly. On the way back, though, it directed me to take an exit off I-35 in San Antonio, then directed me right back on to the freeway on the next on ramp. Not too sure what it was thinking!

But only because of traffic. I have the "avoid traffic" avoidance set and also use the TMC traffic feature. If there is an incident or traffic back up on the highway, my c550 will direct me to take an exit then get back on at the next entrance. I ignore it and am again directed to exit at the next exit. This goes on til I'm clear of the incident or run out of Coincidently, this only has happened to me on I-35w in FT W.

........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........

No Way!

My 2610 use to try to get me to take a right or left turn off of a bridge because the street I needed ran under it.

Guess it was looking for a shortcut.

America Moves By Truck --- Streetpilot 7200 & OOIDA --- userid= poifactory password= guest; "Don't gamble; take all your savings and buy some good stock and hold it till it goes up, then sell it. If it don't go up, don't buy it."

Gremlins...'s the GREMLINS! It's always the GREMLINS I tell ya!

You've been warned! smile

Mike L.

Freedom isn't free...thank you veterans! Heard about the tests to detect PANCREATIC CANCER? There aren't any! In Memoriam: #77 NYPD-SCA/Seattle Mike/Joe S./Vinny D./RTC!


I am not so much worried about the gremlins on the site it is the big scary sasquatch that frightens me;)

I know queen cheeseball strikes again.

Miss Poi

Super Bunny Boy to the rescue

miss poi wrote:

I am not so much worried about the gremlins on the site it is the big scary sasquatch that frightens me;)

I know queen cheeseball strikes again.

Miss Poi

I'll save you, fair maiden

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

oooooo Kaaayy

asianfire wrote:

Super Bunny Boy to the rescue

WoW, glad you cleared that up. I was going to make a comment about a pink cockroach.
I'm so happy now, I won't have to mention it.


........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........

Over water

My C340 tried to send me over water in Charleston, SC

Truck route

My C550 regularly tries to route me to the truck bypass lanes of the SB I5 at the I405 interchange in the north end of the San Fernando Valley..but not when I'm NB in the same interchange.

TomTom built in and Garmin Nuvi 1490T. Eastern Iowa, formerly Southern California "You can check out any time you like...but you can never leave."

Aliens in Good Ole San Anton

Must be something(Aliens - legal or illegal)in the air waves in San Antonio.

MrKenFL wrote:

Same thing happened to me last Sept. in San Antonio. I just drove scratching my head ! Will find out this weekend if V8 mapping software helped situation any as I'm driving from Florida to San Antonio starting at about 9 AM this morning with my Up-to-date , trusty C330 leading the way !
My C330 is named Lila !!! (not Jill)

Aliens in Texas I think

dcgunman wrote:

Must be something(Aliens - legal or illegal)in the air waves in San Antonio.

MrKenFL wrote:

Same thing happened to me last Sept. in San Antonio. I just drove scratching my head ! Will find out this weekend if V8 mapping software helped situation any as I'm driving from Florida to San Antonio starting at about 9 AM this morning with my Up-to-date , trusty C330 leading the way !
My C330 is named Lila !!! (not Jill)

I think this all has to do with Texas with those service roads on the interstates. it happened to me also in Austin a few weeks ago.

It is not a sign of weakness to need other people; it is a sign of strength to have them!

Good Old DC Bridge

shocktroop75 wrote:

They are building a new bridge in my area and its almost done, the 350 has that down as the only bridge not the current one. When i was taking the bridge the nuvi showed me driving through the water because there was "no bridge there." i heard "Jill" say something about a sailboat as i was driving "through" the water, any one else seen or heard this happen?

Yep, yesterday I was swimming in the Potomac according to Jill. Good old Woodrow Wilson Bridge!

It is not a sign of weakness to need other people; it is a sign of strength to have them!

Aliens in Texas!

I drove from Central Texas to Louisiana a couple of weeks ago, and my Garmin told me to drive about 20 miles on Hwy 84. I knew I would have to drive a lot farther than that on the road. After I drove the 20 miles, my Garmin told me to take the same road for another 80 miles. I reached the 20 miles out in the middle of nowhere, with no other roads around. I'm not sure why it did that, but it was strange.

Garmin Nuvi 660

Two directions in the same freeway.

Rick5266 wrote:

I drove from Central Texas to Louisiana a couple of weeks ago, and my Garmin told me to drive about 20 miles on Hwy 84. I knew I would have to drive a lot farther than that on the road. After I drove the 20 miles, my Garmin told me to take the same road for another 80 miles. I reached the 20 miles out in the middle of nowhere, with no other roads around. I'm not sure why it did that, but it was strange.

I had a similar experience while coming back from Luray caverns in Virginia to DC through Route 66.

Nuvi 660

I've noticed that in certain

I've noticed that in certain my 550 will do the same thing, tell me to get off at one exit or turn onto a parallel street just to get right back on the original street. I think that it has something to do with it's distance calculation.. It tries to get you to your destination using the shortest route possible.. and it turns out that jumping on that other road saves you 100 feet of travel distance. That's not worth it to us, but the GPSr doesn't know any better. As far as it's concerned, it found you a shorter route.

Just my 2 cents, I could be wrong.

around the block

While passing thru a town in SD my nuvi 350 wanted me to make a left, then a right, then another right, then finally a left. As I looked at the map screen I saw it was taking me around a block then back to the same road I was on. I just continued straight and the nuvi caught on.


same here

akirby37 wrote:

I've noticed that in certain my 550 will do the same thing, tell me to get off at one exit or turn onto a parallel street just to get right back on the original street. I think that it has something to do with it's distance calculation.. It tries to get you to your destination using the shortest route possible.. and it turns out that jumping on that other road saves you 100 feet of travel distance. That's not worth it to us, but the GPSr doesn't know any better. As far as it's concerned, it found you a shorter route.

Just my 2 cents, I could be wrong.

However, I've noticed that when it happens(ed) It was because 1) I had a traffic alert and 2) I had "avoid traffic" selected as an avoidence.

I got tired of being directed off the interstate and back on at the next entrance.
Of course I didn't do it (after the first time), but listening to the...take exit....recalculating! got
I deselected "avoid traffic" in my avoidence list and haven't been directed to exit the freeway and re-enter at the next entrance since the change.

Now, if I have a traffic alert I manually choose to Detour or not.

........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........

San Antonio & Maps

The main roads in San Antonio are in a major upheaval right now. Exits are literally opening and closing overnight around here. Even if you've got a 2007 dataset, don't expect your unit to give you excellent directions, especially on the major roads (i.e. 35, 10) in the heart of the city. Heck, those of us that live here don't exactly know which exit will be open on a given day. smile

Wrong Street name and more

I posted this in another thread, but it is more appropriate here.

Last time I used my nuvi 370 was for a local trip into Dallas to find a home. I was routed on major highways, but I forgot about a Cowboys game. Encountered much traffic and decided to go past my turn. Reroute work perfectly. But as I neared my destination, my 370 kept calling out the wrong street name for the exit. Instead of McArthur, it was calling Hwy 183, the road I was on. After I missed my exit, and made a u-turn, it corrected itself and was o.k. from then on. Very unusual. Then as I left the home, I entered "Go Home" and I was rerouted back the way I came(which was the shortest distance), which I knew was full of traffic. So instead of turning east, I went west. The 370 kept rerouting back to the original route. Even after I turned onto a major highway and drove several miles, the reroute was still back to the original path. Only after I stop the current route and the did "go home" again, did it pick a different route. Now that I think of it, I probably should have done "detour". This was the first time that it gave me this strange behavior, but I still love my nuvi. We are planning a trip to Italy and I have it loaded with lots (over 150) points of interest. Looking forward to see how it performs in driving and pedestrian modes.

Sorry for the double post.

Joe - nuvi 370

Happened to me all this week

shocktroop said, "They are building a new bridge in my area and its almost done, the 350 has that down as the only bridge not the current one. When i was taking the bridge the nuvi showed me driving through the water because there was "no bridge there." i heard "Jill" say something about a sailboat as i was driving "through" the water, any one else seen or heard this happen?'

Yeap, I have been traveling through West Point, VA this week and it happens to me each time I go over the bridge. I guess it is a new one and the old one was just a hair to the right of the new one.

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -