Chit Chat Thread for the week of February 22, 2010


This is the place to talk about things that are not gps related.

Have fun...

This thread will be closed on Monday and a new one will be opened.

MaryAnn Melby AKA Miss POI

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Wow, #2. I'm usually never this quick on the ball.

Have a great week everyone.


lots of snow today

1490LMT 1450LMT 295w

More rain for FL today.

More rain for FL today.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.


Have a Great week all.

Good Monday morning crew

I have been too predictable lately. I like having the element of surprise in my corner.

It entertains me to know that there are so many of you perched at the start line every Monday morning just waiting to post.

Miss POI

I made the top ten!

I made the top ten!

My Toys: MacBook Pro Unibody, Nuvi 2589

Top ten too!

Top ten too!

Tight lines



Weather in Palm Desert

Well,our mini heatwave is over. Last week it was in the 80's and today in the upper 60's.

Good Morning World

It's a new day!

"It's not where you start, but where you end up." Where am I and what am I doing in this hand basket?


This is the Last Monday of February 2010 and hope everyone is doing great. grin

Garmin Nuvi, 750

Garmin nuvi,750

Luck 13


Do these posts in chitchat segment count for active membership?

As I said in the title, do they?
Is it normal?

Good afternoon

Happy Monday to our Community! And basexutraian yes they do!

Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.


basexutraian wrote:

As I said in the title, do they?
Is it normal?


Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

Good morning all

Is everyone ready for another great week?

Late Today

Didn't make the top today oh well have a nice week everyone. smile

johnm405 660 & MSS&T

Hope everyone has a great

Hope everyone has a great week. More snow last night. Will this Winter ever end?

John B - Garmin 765T


hope everyone has a great week,and remember warmer weather is just around the corner. wink

garmin nuvi,750 ***3ʇǝʞɔɐɾpǝɹ*** garmin nuvi,855 garmin nuvi,1490t

First Page

Wow I'm back on the first page. Still cool and overcast here in Southern California. Wish everyone a good safe week.

Monday means back to the Gym...

Feeling great today, today I entered my 6th week of weight training so I get to split my workouts into upper body vs lower body.

What a great way to start the week.

Miss POI

Renovation time

It's almost over. Just a couple of installs left and a little painting and the new bathroom will be done. I'll be a happy boy when that day comes.

Hope everyone at POI-Factory has a GREAT WEEK!!

Nuvi 2595LMT Oregon 450 - Always drink upstream from the herd.

Renovation time

Boy I second that. Just finised part of the bedroom downstairs, now need to do the family room and hall. Still need to paint the two and then wood floors in all three. Can't wait to start cutting the lawn and washing the motorhome. smile

johnm405 660 & MSS&T

The car is clean! after the

The car is clean!
after the snowmageddon, I finally washed it.


redjacket3 wrote:

hope everyone has a great week,and remember warmer weather is just around the corner. wink

omg, I can't wait. I'm a summer type of person.

nüvi 205w

You are inspirational

miss poi wrote:

Feeling great today, today I entered my 6th week of weight training so I get to split my workouts into upper body vs lower body.

What a great way to start the week.

Miss POI

You are better than me, I need to get started.


I know I am on first page, which is good.
Today is Monday.
Have a productive week!


Good morning all.

My lifelong dream...

miss poi wrote:

Feeling great today, today I entered my 6th week of weight training so I get to split my workouts into upper body vs lower body.

What a great way to start the week.

Miss POI

is for someone else to go to the gym instead of me. smile Anyway, hope everyone has a great week.

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

newly rescued kitty

Rescued a kitty this weekend - having a great time with him

Warm Weather Just Around the Corner.

Which corner! Where! I want to go find it....


I'm pretty slow this week.

Garmin Nuvi 750


A great week! grin

Nuvi 760



36th this week...

1st Last Week.... Have a great week everyone


tomozo111 wrote:


I'm #37. what does the #44 mean?
I had to count to see if 44 or 36 was correct. Needed a little brain work.

Have a great week, and don't work out too much.
I started a new diet and just ate a fist load of M&Ms. Guess I will have to restart my diet. grin grin

Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)

The battery in my Nuvi 660

The battery in my Nuvi 660 is TOAST! Whaaaa.....Now I have to figure out how to get inside it to take it apart

Your Portion Of Light Whether you are a brilliant flame or but a tiny spark matters not-for the world needs whatever portion of light is yours to give.

The battery in my Nuvi 660

This has been a discussion in the past week. but start here and you can get a number of places to get batteries and the tools to replace them.

johnm405 660 & MSS&T


I guess I'm #40

Late checking in this week

I am late this week due to medical testing today. Still somewhat groggy, but taking it easy and trying to get back to regular routine. Aging is not for the weak or faint of heart! Great week to all on the forum.

I need a vacation.

Wonder when I'll be able to have one.

I am in

Traveling for work this week. Good to have a GPS.


clint45 wrote:

The battery in my Nuvi 660 is TOAST! Whaaaa.....Now I have to figure out how to get inside it to take it apart

There will be a penalty of three weeks credit for a gps related post in this thread. smile


#45. I don't know if I've ever been this low.

Garmin nuvi 855, nuvi 1450, and DriveDeluxe 50



hope that the wet snow

hope that the wet snow forecast will melt the snow in my backyard.

nuvi 2460LMT

miss poi....the new miss

miss poi....the new miss olympia...woohoo!!!!

My Toys: MacBook Pro Unibody, Nuvi 2589

Winter Olympics



Hi all, been out in the sun all day for a change. Also been working on a waterfall POI trying to get it to go though for three days, may be it will be in tomorrow.

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