[ SOLVED] HELP... Format accident !! What files come on a garmin 255W from the factory ?
Sun, 01/31/2010 - 4:16pm
15 years
I´m new here and new to the gps world. I bought a Garmin Nuvi 255W a few months ago and my son in law was going to put a new map onto a SD card for me and acccidently formatted the Nuvi instead of the SD card. I had downloaded a update of the USA map that came with the Nuvi so I was able to reinstall that map but I know that the basemap is missing. Does anyone know what files come with the Nuvi from the factory.I'm not sure but the Nuvi doesn't seem to work as smoothly as it did first not talking about the picture isn't the same with the missing basemap. Thanks foe any and all help.
My steps:
1) Garmin cure 3 make cure firmware
2) Updater install cure firmware
3) My pc see Garmin "disk" empty
4) unzip your files (thanks!) on to Garmin folder (path is f:\garmin\locales.xml etc etc...
5) reflash with "original" firmware then restart
6) infinite loop!
7)And press Dot in the lower left corner (too quick to press it!!)
I'm not sure
but I think I need also fs_image.ver and GarminDevice.xml...
Restart Solved!
With a sd with a map inside the reader the nuvi starts correctly!!! But webupdater still don't recognize it! It seams that it's booting from sd (infinite loop if i take out the sd!).
GARMINDEVICE.XML is created on a reboot. I thought I included the .VER file in my zip. If not I'll provide it when I get home.
"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." --Douglas Adams
No .ver file...
...but i don't think it does matter! Garmindevice.xml is not present in the nuvi, may you send me also this file (i can change the product id!)? In this way webupdater Will detect the nuvi!
Thanks in advance!!!
Hitting the brick wall
I'm not at my computer (typing this out on my phone), and as I said, the XML file is recreated on every boot so it shouldn't be necessary to send it, not to mention it having my serial number. If your nüvi still is not being recognized by WebUpdater, are you sure the USB drivers for the GPS are installed on your computer? Because once the firmware is on the GPS you should have been able to download most of the missing stuff, except for the basemap and time zone map.
At this point, I believe I have gone as far as I can in assisting you. I don't know why you're not able to use WebUpdater, especially with the correct firmware, and I don't know why the appropriate files that are supposed to regenerate themselves aren't.
"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." --Douglas Adams
Thank you!
Thank you so much! It seems that the "garmin" volume is write protect for the firmware, in fact none .xml was never auto-created, if i copy the one on my nuvi 200 webupdater recognize it as Nuvi 200!!!I think i'm gonna return this nuvi at his owner: white flag for me!!!
Thank you once again!!!!
Got it!!!!!!!!!!!!
rmprepusb did the trick!
Just re-format the internal memory with this tool, then updater with original option "et voilà!!!", everything is now so smooth!!!
Thank you once again for your support!
system software missing 255W
Just used webupdater on my 255w and V 7.60 was being installed. Got a message corrupt file. Now all I can get is system software missing. I can not see the SD card or the nuvi with the USB but updater finds device 2xx. Read this entire forum about garmincure 3 but still confused about proper steps. Left an E-mail with Garmin but doubt they'll reply since 255W are no longer supported PLEAS HELP
the 255 is supported
Just used webupdater on my 255w and V 7.60 was being installed. Got a message corrupt file. Now all I can get is system software missing. I can not see the SD card or the nuvi with the USB but updater finds device 2xx. Read this entire forum about garmincure 3 but still confused about proper steps. Left an E-mail with Garmin but doubt they'll reply since 255W are no longer supported PLEAS HELP
it's just discontinued.
Illiterate? Write for free help.
Garmim got me almost back to normal. They E-mailed me 2 files. One was the wrong one for my 255w. There appears to be 2 versions of 255Ws. Then once it finished it reset itself. First time the map came up it was zoomed out showing the entire US with my car in IL. All my favs were gone. Thank gawd I had a backup that wasn't too old. Once I determine what's missing I'll make a new backup.
nuvi 205w
hi..i accidentaly erased the maps for my gps..and i dont know what other files it had..can you please help me..my email is jesusnatividad1987@hotmail.com
I am sure folks can list what files your Nuvi should have on it but map files are locked to the specific GPS they were installed on, so your not going to be able to get map files from other people.
Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.
I am sure folks can list what files your Nuvi should have on it but map files are locked to the specific GPS they were installed on, so your not going to be able to get map files from other people.
Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.
slim chance
hi..i accidentaly erased the maps for my gps..and i dont know what other files it had..can you please help me..my email is jesusnatividad1987@hotmail.com
Welcome to Poi Factory
If you ever installed any maps on your computer, you might be able to put it on your 205W by using Mapsource or Basecamp.
If not, and you only used the unit the way it came in the box, then you are up the creek without a paddle.
Files gone
hi..i accidentaly erased the maps for my gps..and i dont know what other files it had..can you please help me..my email is jesusnatividad1987@hotmail.com
Can you give us a bit more info:
-Did you just delete the map files?
-Did you delete most or everything on your nuvi--or format the nuvi--or ??
-With your nuvi powered down, turn it on and write down all that happens. Then report to us what you saw and describe the final screen display of your device when fully powered up.
Hello, I have the exact same
Hello, I have the exact same problem as yours. Is there anyway I can contact you to find out more information about the solution? Thank you.
Garmim got me almost back to normal. They E-mailed me 2 files. One was the wrong one for my 255w. There appears to be 2 versions of 255Ws. Then once it finished it reset itself. First time the map came up it was zoomed out showing the entire US with my car in IL. All my favs were gone. Thank gawd I had a backup that wasn't too old. Once I determine what's missing I'll make a new backup.
Hello, I have the exact same problem as yours. Is there anyway I can contact you to find out more information about the solution? Thank you.
Deleted all files on my device
Hello Juggernaut.
I see from the discussion in this forum that you seem to know a lot about the Garmin devices.
Recently, I deleted all files on my 255W and the SD-card as I got really frustrated while updating my map using Garmin Express.
When I contacted Garmin Support they simply told me to piss off as my device was too old for free support.
What d'y reckon? Should I just throw the old device or is there still hope?
I have bought this map: nüMaps Lifetime™ Europe- EUNT Kart versjon 2015.40
Any help is highly appreciated!!!
Thanks and regards -
This is one...
This is only forum I'm involved with. Wouldn't have it any other way.
Hello Juggernaut.
Recently, I deleted all files on my 255W and the SD-card as I got really frustrated while updating my map using Garmin Express.
When I contacted Garmin Support they simply told me to piss off as my device was too old for free support.
What d'y reckon? Should I just throw the old device or is there still hope?
I have bought this map: nüMaps Lifetime™ Europe- EUNT Kart versjon 2015.40
Any help is highly appreciated!!!
You can't fix some things. As you reported Garmin stated, it's too old to worry about so just buy a new one. One of the entry-level basic units would work just the same as your unit you killed.
Thanks and regards -
Illiterate? Write for free help.
His reply is buried amongst the query...
See the bold text:
Hello Juggernaut.
Recently, I deleted all files on my 255W and the SD-card as I got really frustrated while updating my map using Garmin Express.
When I contacted Garmin Support they simply told me to piss off as my device was too old for free support.
What d'y reckon? Should I just throw the old device or is there still hope?
I have bought this map: nüMaps Lifetime™ Europe- EUNT Kart versjon 2015.40
Any help is highly appreciated!!!
You can't fix some things. As you reported Garmin stated, it's too old to worry about so just buy a new one. One of the entry-level basic units would work just the same as your unit you killed.
Thanks and regards -
Striving to make the NYC Metro area project the best.
i need your files
hello, can you please send me the files for nuvi 205w becouse i erased it all.....thanks.
nuvi 205w original files
Can you send me the original files for nuvi 205w, please?
My email: florian.agalliu17@gmail.com
Nuvi 205w files
Most grateful if you could email me a link to the original files. I formatted my 205w by mistake. TIA.
Nuvi 255w
Hi, yeah old thread indeed. My aunt had her GPS since it came out. She basically use only 1 time. She is an elderly. She could never figure out how to use it or update the GPS. She did a booboo recently by trying to use it again and she formatted the GPS.
She call Garmin and sadly they said they could not help her at all.
Is there a way to maybe get the original files or at least something to make it work again?
The GPS does boot but there is no map or anything on it.
Your time is appreciated. lucasmoon@gmail.com
thank you
Without a backup ...
Without a backup, it won't be easy, but if the nuvi still boots up to the "Where to" menu and goes into mass storage mode when connected to the computer (shows as a drive), it is possible if you can find someone else with a nuvi 255W who is willing to share a backup with you. Just restore all the files EXCEPT the map files (everything except the \Garmin\gmapprom.* or \Garmin\gmapsupp.* files). The map files cannot be copied from another device because they are locked to a specific serial number.
If you get this far, you can then either buy a downloadable Garmin City Navigator NA map OR use a free map from OpenStreetMaps. The Garmin City Navigator map will be more functional than the OpenStreetMap, but it is questionable whether the cost of City Navigator could be justified on a device this old. It would make more sense to just buy a new, used or refurbished low end device which you should be able to find for about the same or lower cost than the downloadable map
Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon
255W Not recognized by computer
Similar to recent posters, my 255W is now not recognized by the PC either by File Explorer or Garmin Express. Problem arose when I put an SD card into GPS in order to get the complete map installed and allowed GE to do a map update. GE completed the update and said an error occurred. The GPS has the complete map installed on the SD card and works fine as a GPS using that - but it can't be updated now since GE essentially seemed to wipe the internal drive clean. File Explorer just shows the drive as a removable drive with 0 bytes used and 0 bytes free. Note - to be clear, GE created the problem - I did not try to format anything.
I have what appears to be a complete backup from 2 years ago. How can I try to get the 255W to be recognized by the PC - is it as simple as just doing a format using File Explorer? Do I then just copy the backup files back to the internal drive? Does it matter that the backup files may contain v7.6 while the GPS is running v7.8?
I did talk with Garmin support who was willing to try to help me with basic steps that were unsuccessful in getting the Nuvi back to being recognized. Need some more advanced help that I hope to receive from the experts here. I know the device is old but it is still useful, especially if I can get it back to continue to be updated. Thanks in advance.
Nuvi 350
If it still mounts as a drive in Windows, I would try running the Windows disk check tool against it to see what errors it reports. If it no longer mounts as a drive, you may need to do some research on the Garmin pre-boot mode and Cure3 utility program. This method is not easy and not always successful, but sometimes it can recover a bricked nuvi, especially since you have a backup you can use to restore files with.
Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon
Well ...
... If its mounting as a drive and you have a backup just copy the files back, or have you already tried that?
Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20
zero free space ..
@sussamb, since the internal storage shows 0 space used and 0 free space, it sounds to me like the storage space is corrupted ... that's why I suggested to try CHKDSK.
Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon
Yes ...
... I was hoping he'd taken your suggestion
Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20
He only has a couple possibilities.
"my 255W is now not recognized by the PC either by File Explorer or Garmin Express.'
Since its not recognised then chkdsk and copying files won't work.
He needs to try the garmin preboot and Cure3 utility.
Nuvi 2460LMT.
I thought of that too ...
but when he said "File Explorer just shows the drive as a removable drive with 0 bytes used and 0 bytes free", how would windows know that if it doesn't mount as a drive? ... guess it depends on the definition of "not recognized". We do know that Garmin Express will not recognize a device if it can't read the GarminDevice.xml file for any reason. We will have to wait for msaskis to give us more details before we can help further.
Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon
And I missed the "File Explorer just shows the drive as a removable drive with 0 bytes used and 0 bytes free".
So, I agree that chkdsk should be attempted.
As you stated, we need msaskis to chime in.
Nuvi 2460LMT.
255W Not Recognized - more info
Sorry for the delay in responding - work and holiday commitments got in the way. Appreciate the input so far and am providing additional info.
Alandb - can't run Chkdsk. Get the message "The disk check could not be performed because Windows can't access the disk."
I've seen mention of pre-boot mode and Cure3 elsewhere but the directions are not very clear how to use it. Am thinking that's what I need to try next but need to figure it out unless someone has first hand experience to guide me through process.
sussamb - nuvi is not mounting, that appears to be my first problem.
Nuvi 350
I accidently formatted and stopped the format on 1390
Can you guys help, I can't login in on pc I am trying to revive it.