Paid for a month
Thu, 01/21/2010 - 4:23pm
14 years
Hiya -
I live so close to Red Light cameras in my town that I couldn't afford to wait the three weeks. So I paid for a one month sub. But I haven't gotten any email confirmation yet, nor did the Paypal page change or give instructions after I clicked "Pay" ...
I'll check for emails in an hour or so. Usually these things fly right into the in box though?
Help please, webmaster?
I have no transaction data
I have no transaction data for you yet. You have to go through the full checkout process. Are you sure you were on this site when you subscribed to the service. I have had lots of people come here after paying another site.
Miss POI
Yep, I started from this site. It went over to Paypal. I clicked "pay" and nothing happened at all. Hmm, I bet it just didn't go through.
Got an alternate way to pay? Why not just email me directly -
THOMASTHEBOMBUS "What if the one is right, and the thousands wrong?" -Walt Kelly
OK it worked
Ok Miss POI, I tried it again and it went through this time.
The files appear as Excel files? How am I supposed to put that on my GPS unit?
THOMASTHEBOMBUS "What if the one is right, and the thousands wrong?" -Walt Kelly
with these instructions