Paid for a month


Hiya -
I live so close to Red Light cameras in my town that I couldn't afford to wait the three weeks. So I paid for a one month sub. But I haven't gotten any email confirmation yet, nor did the Paypal page change or give instructions after I clicked "Pay" ...
I'll check for emails in an hour or so. Usually these things fly right into the in box though?
Help please, webmaster?

THOMASTHEBOMBUS "What if the one is right, and the thousands wrong?" -Walt Kelly

I have no transaction data

I have no transaction data for you yet. You have to go through the full checkout process. Are you sure you were on this site when you subscribed to the service. I have had lots of people come here after paying another site.

Miss POI


Yep, I started from this site. It went over to Paypal. I clicked "pay" and nothing happened at all. Hmm, I bet it just didn't go through.
Got an alternate way to pay? Why not just email me directly -

THOMASTHEBOMBUS "What if the one is right, and the thousands wrong?" -Walt Kelly

OK it worked

Ok Miss POI, I tried it again and it went through this time.
The files appear as Excel files? How am I supposed to put that on my GPS unit?

THOMASTHEBOMBUS "What if the one is right, and the thousands wrong?" -Walt Kelly

with these instructions