FM Transmitter strength fix
15 years
I, like everybody else, have complained about the drastically underpowered FM transmitter in my nuvi. I happen to have the 765T.
I just wanted to report that there is indeed a way to adjust this, and I was 100% unaware of this. I figured I'd let everyone else know about this in case anyone else here was in the same boat as I with regard to this issue.
If you hold down the battery icon in the top right corner (or the spot where the icon would be if it weren't plugged into external power) you will get into the system diagnostics area of the device. From there, if you hit "next" a few times to get to the audio screen, you'll see a radio button you can touch in order to adjust the output power of the FM transmitter.
For whatever it's worth, I raised mine from the default 100db to the max of 115db, and tested it out. It's 100% better now, and it totally useable and actually sounds good with both the navigation instructions and w/.mp3s!
Anyway, I know this had been one of my biggest complaints about the nuvi, and I'm sure that I'm not alone in feeling this way. So the way I see it, one of my biggest gripes with the model I had chosen has been eradicated, and if I could alleviate this issue for even one other person, I'll be doing my good deed of the day.
I'm running
I'm running out to the car right now, heck with Christmas decorating, to get my 760 to try this out.
If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else. - Yogi Berra
I don't believe that fix will hold through powering it down and starting up again. Will have to give it a try...
edit: Tried. Changes made that diagnostics screen did not hold through a power down and restart.
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
I, like everybody else, have complained about the drastically underpowered FM transmitter in my nuvi. I happen to have the 765T.
I just wanted to report that there is indeed a way to adjust this, and I was 100% unaware of this. I figured I'd let everyone else know about this in case anyone else here was in the same boat as I with regard to this issue.
If you hold down the battery icon in the top right corner (or the spot where the icon would be if it weren't plugged into external power) you will get into the system diagnostics area of the device. From there, if you hit "next" a few times to get to the audio screen, you'll see a radio button you can touch in order to adjust the output power of the FM transmitter.
For whatever it's worth, I raised mine from the default 100db to the max of 115db, and tested it out. It's 100% better now, and it totally useable and actually sounds good with both the navigation instructions and w/.mp3s!
Anyway, I know this had been one of my biggest complaints about the nuvi, and I'm sure that I'm not alone in feeling this way. So the way I see it, one of my biggest gripes with the model I had chosen has been eradicated, and if I could alleviate this issue for even one other person, I'll be doing my good deed of the day.
Wow, that's amazing if true over the entire Garmin "FMed" line of nuvis. Even if true, it still won't be of too much use to folks living in areas with a full FM-broadcast spectrum filled with commercial FM stations.
Hmm, I wonder if this may be a FCC concern.
Where I am...
Just figured I'd add that I'm in the heart of downtown Denver.
It won't work
The adjustment only stays active temporarily. When the nuvi is power-cycled, the adjustment is reset to the default values.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
Settings won't stick?
I wonder if there is a way to get the settings to stick.
That's frustrating that there's a solution to the problem, but it needs to be implemented each time you power up the unit.
Anyone have any thoughts on this?
OK, I tried it
and in order to change the transmit settings you need to have the GPS settings to broadcast. Then when you get to the Audio Output page, click the FM Power button.
If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else. - Yogi Berra
No way to get settings to stick.
It is what it is - sorry.
I've been a fan of using the Aux input on my car's sound system and plugging into my Nuvi anyway, so for me this is no big deal.
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
Two people have already said this, but I'll repeat it since folks can't seem to read.
THE CHANGE DOES NOT WORK. Once you restart your gps the unit defaults back to the lower setting. There is no way to override the setting in the United States.
So to repeat, changing the setting DOES NOT WORK. But if you don't believe me, feel free to waste your time testing it yourself.
"can't seem to read" ALL
"can't seem to read"
"waste your time"
GadgetGuy, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something? I see no harm in having a discussion about trying to fix something we all have been complaining about. Strike me if I'm wrong, but I could have sworn that's what *discussion* forums are for.
Besides, I find the commentary of "can't seem to read" to be quite ironic, seeing as I myself posted that the settings don't stick shortly after I made the initial thread.
So Happy Holidays to you too.
Hi Jeff. I have the 885T and
Hi Jeff. I have the 885T and I'm having some problems locating the same radio button you are referring to. After I touch the battery for about 10 seconds, I get the same pages you refer to .If I click NEXT 3 times, I get to the audio test page and the 4th click I get the audio output test page, listing the SPEAKER, radial, which is grayed.... the FM radial dial which is clear... the headphone radial dial, which is grayed and the lineout radial dial , which is clear...That'a it. if I fill the FM radial dial, it opens up a host of other radial dials from fm power to fm frequency, to audio limit audio deviation, etc,etc, but no options to increase the fm out put, no display of the frequency or a way to increase whatever it is. Any thoughts?
read my
post from above.
If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else. - Yogi Berra
The way I was describing it,
The way I was describing it, 'power' and 'output' are synonymous.
When you get to the page you describe, make sure 'FM' is selected under Audio Out. The new options should appear below. The blue up/down boxes in the middle of the screen is how you adjust whatever parameter is selected in the radial dial in the lower left corner.
So select FM Power, then hit 'Up' until it's at its maximum of 115 db.
Does this answer you question?
Whatever outcome
Whatever outcome I may or may not get with my FM transmission , messing with the parameters seems to have fixed my battery power icon problem.
If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else. - Yogi Berra
I have the 885T and I'm having some problems locating the same radio button you are referring to. After I touch the battery for about 10 seconds, I get the same pages you refer to .If I click NEXT 3 times, I get to the audio test page and the 4th click I get the audio output test page, listing the SPEAKER, radial, which is grayed.... the FM radial dial which is clear... the headphone radial dial, which is grayed and the lineout radial dial , which is clear...That'a it. if I fill the FM radial dial, it opens up a host of other radial dials from fm power to fm frequency, to audio limit audio deviation, etc,etc, but no options to increase the fm out put, no display of the frequency or a way to increase whatever it is. Any thoughts?
My 855 reacts the same as your 885T does. Even if I select the FM power radio button, the UP/Down buttons don't seem to function and the display still shows frequency instead of power. UP/Down buttons don't seem to work on any of the functions.
The 8x5 series has a completely different hardware base and OS than the 7x5, so I am guessing the programming of this diagnostic function simply isn't there on the 8x5 like it is on the 7x5.
Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon
Before you
go into the parameter settings is your GPS set to broadcast using the FM function?
I see you can turn that function on from the parameter settings page.
If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else. - Yogi Berra
HI, yes, it answers my
HI, yes, it answers my qustion but unfortunately, the 885T does not have the same parameters. When I click on the FM radial and it open many other radials, there is an up and down tab in the middle of the page nothing happens when I push either of them. I filled the FM POWER radial dial , also the FM FREQUENCY dial, one disappear when you fill the other dial....... and then pushed the up tab and the down tab..nothing happens. and there is no shown setting of db's at all. Maybe with the 885T, you can't adjust it.
FCC regulation.
The other point to keep in mind is that the FCC regulates the FM transmit strength. If this function actually worked on any nuvi, the FCC would not have allowed it to go to market.
Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon
No good.......
I tried this a long time ago. Like others, I found that, once I powered down the unit and restarted it again, the change was gone.
FM transmitters are limited by law in the US. They're underpowered. That's how it is. You can make the change but it won't last once the unit is powered down.
GPSMAP 76CSx - nüvi 760 - nüvi 200 - GPSMAP 78S
GG, thanks for confirming it
Two people have already said this, but I'll repeat it since folks can't seem to read.
THE CHANGE DOES NOT WORK. Once you restart your gps the unit defaults back to the lower setting. There is no way to override the setting in the United States.
I got excited for a few minutes when I saw the OP. Didn't even have the chance to test it but I'm glad I won't have to now that I know the fact.
Btw that's the nature of most discussion groups that I know of. It's not about inability to read. Some people just want to say/ask something although it's been mentioned many times before. The longer the thread, the greater the chance of repeats because they're too lazy to go through every comment... I know I am
Thanks for the info
'JeffGoobs' - I want to thank you for at least trying to get out information that you discovered regardless of the effectiveness of the adjustment. It is a good topic of discussion.
Merry Christmas and Have a Happy New Year!
No problem, tke1. Much
No problem, tke1. Much appreciated.
I don't have an 1/8" aux input in my car (or a tape input for that matter) so adjusting these parameters each time I get into the car is a crude "fix" with which I'm willing to deal.
I understand that the settings didn't stick. That doesn't mean that this is useless information though. As I stated in the OP, despite the fix being temporary, it still worked.
So as much of a "waste of time" that some of the previous posters have made this discussion out to be, if someone else had posted this infomation, I'd have been thrilled.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well!
it doesnt save, its only for
it doesnt save, its only for testing
I know.
I know it doesn't save. Read my above post.
I know it doesn't save. Read my above post.
Don't worry about it, JeffGoobs. There may be a few more "won't stick/save" replies later.
Btw, I forgot to thank you for the tip although it was short-lived. It may come in handy one day. Happy holidays!
does it stick in navigation mode?
We know it doesn't save across a power cycle, but I am not sure it even sticks long enough to switch from diagnostic to navigation mode. It seems I read somewhere that someone had FM signal testing equipment and verified that the signal dropped back as soon as you exit into navigation mode. I can't seem to find that post now though ... may have been in a different forum.
Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon
If that's the case, then I must have a unique (or 'buggy') unit, because what I experienced was not a placebo effect. The FM transmission went from totally unuseable to almost perfect.
From diagnostic to nav mode
From all I've read and personal experience with trying this, the settings don't even stick when you exit from diagnostic to navigation mode.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
I cannot find that Option on my 265WT, unless it will show if I hook up the power cord which has traffic receiver.
Any ideas?
Garmin Nuvi 2555 LMT, Street Pilot C340, nuvi 265WT, Mio Moov 300, nuvi 255W, Navigon 2100 (Retired)
transmitter vs receiver...
I cannot find that Option on my 265WT, unless it will show if I hook up the power cord which has traffic receiver.
Discussion is of the FM transmitter which allows you to transmit the nuvi's audio to an FM station on your car's radio.
Your 265WT does not have an FM transmitter.
Your FM traffic unit is a receiver, not a transmitter.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
The adjustment only stays active temporarily. When the nuvi is power-cycled, the adjustment is reset to the default values.
Well you could always leave it on and that would solve the problem!!!! Just kidding....
Bobby....Garmin 2450LM
FM output (It does work)
I have tried the instruction as stated (even though some said it did not work!) and did some testing. I have found it does stick... Here is what I did and tested.
1) Turned on the FM output
2) went into the settings screen (pressing the power icon)
3) paged over to the output settings
4) pressed the FM Power selection (lower left)
5) set FM Property Value to 115db
6) press back to the first page (SW Ver)
7) pressed exit.
The GPS rebooted and checked the screen to verify the settings was still 115db (and it was) then exit.
Switch back to Internal Speaker and rebooted. Went back into the settings screen, the FM output was now at 100db. Exit/rebooted.
Switch output back to FM Transmitter. Went back to the settings screen for output... the setting was back to 115db.
So it does work!
Allan Barnett - Garmin nüvi 885T/765T/Pharos GPS (bluetooth) w/MS Maps on PPC
Which unit are you using?
Which unit are you using? Not sure I can get those parameters with my 885T. What did you touch frst, to get to that diagnostic screen? Was the FM tramsmitter engaged in your car, while you tested it? Thanks. If you think it works on the 885T, can you indicate how you got there? I don't see a db value on the 885T.
Which unit are you using? Not sure I can get those parameters with my 885T. What did you touch frst, to get to that diagnostic screen? Was the FM tramsmitter engaged in your car, while you tested it? Thanks.
I just happen to have my wife's 765T in front of me when I was reading this thread. So I gave it a try and tested the process. I have not yet check my 885T at this time. I did not check the results with a FM radio.
Allan Barnett - Garmin nüvi 885T/765T/Pharos GPS (bluetooth) w/MS Maps on PPC
Seems it works with the 765
Seems it works with the 765 but not the 885T...I see you have the 885T, as well...if you have the time, can you see if you can duplicate this with the 885T? Thanks.
When it seems to work, do you have a satellite lock?
Just a conjecture... Since each country has its own regulations regarding transmitter strength, it could be that Garmin either depends on a satellite lock, or locale setting, to determine the maximum allowed transmitter setting. Did those of us that successfully increased their FM transmitter strength have a satellite lock at the time? How about the locale setting and sw version number?
My own test using a 755t failed. My unit had a satellite lock, US locale, and is running 3.90
Thanks at the least there is
Thanks at the least there is a temp way, whenever you are desperate.
Thanks at the least there is a temp way, whenever you are desperate.
But what use is it if the setting defaults back to normal immediately after you exit diagnostics? The GPS doesn't do what it's meant to while in diagnostics.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
Inadvertant post. Carry on.
Inadvertant post. Carry on.
Thanks at the least there is a temp way, whenever you are desperate.
But what use is it if the setting defaults back to normal immediately after you exit diagnostics? The GPS doesn't do what it's meant to while in diagnostics.
The unit was restarted 3 times before my final check of the setting.
Allan Barnett - Garmin nüvi 885T/765T/Pharos GPS (bluetooth) w/MS Maps on PPC
Doesn't stick
I will have to agree with DorkusNimrod on this one ... at least on my 755T with software 3.90. The setting doesn't stick. If I enable FM transmit, then go to diagnostic, FM Power, it will show 107 dB. If I change it ... either higher to 115 or lower to 90, then exit to Nav mode and go immediately back to diagnostic mode, it will be back to 107 dB.
If I start with my unit in speaker mode, the diagnostics will show 100 dB instead of 107. But again if I change it, go to nav mode and back to diagnostics, the value I set doesn't stick.
But if it works for you, that's great.
Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon
The unit was restarted 3 times before my final check of the setting.
Well, I just tried this (again) and the settings do NOT stick after exiting diagnostics mode. This is with a nuvi 765 with firmware 3.90. Locale may have everything to do with it...I'm in the US (SoCal) and the settings have never stuck after exiting diagnostics, neither with the 7x0 series (same method under diagnostics) nor the 7x5 series.
Are you in a different country other than the US? Some countries may not have the FM transmitter power limitation but the US definitely does.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
I have and 880. I went to
I have and 880. I went to the FM auto test page and the power level shows 120. I have not changed anything. My unit seems to work fairly well with the FM transmitter. I am in Canada, just in case that makes a difference. After re-seting and going back it shows 102 and now I do not know if it was 102 and I wrote down 120 or I chaged it by accident.
I just changed it from 102 to 105. Shut it down and restarted it. The GPS shows ready to Navigate and it stayed at 105.
Further on the 880. If I
Further on the 880. If I adjust the power it switches from speaker to FM. If I switch back to speaker, then go back in it shows 120. If I go out and switch to FM and go back in is shows 102.
It worked for me as well
I have tried the instruction as stated (even though some said it did not work!) and did some testing. I have found it does stick... Here is what I did and tested.
1) Turned on the FM output
2) went into the settings screen (pressing the power icon)
3) paged over to the output settings
4) pressed the FM Power selection (lower left)
5) set FM Property Value to 115db
6) press back to the first page (SW Ver)
7) pressed exit.
The GPS rebooted and checked the screen to verify the settings was still 115db (and it was) then exit.
Switch back to Internal Speaker and rebooted. Went back into the settings screen, the FM output was now at 100db. Exit/rebooted.
Switch output back to FM Transmitter. Went back to the settings screen for output... the setting was back to 115db.
So it does work!
I can also verify this works on my 775T. However, for all those that wish to try this, I would cite #6 (press back to the first page (SW Ver)) as a good way to insure any success with this mod.
I've verified this by rebooting and going into diagnostics to the FM Power setting.
nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK
Not sure
Not sure what I am doing but I can't get the FM Power to stay after I go out of output test page on my 750. I checked High Pwr to see if that helps, but it still goes back to 97db. I have taken both directions and had them in front of me and nothing works. I have not acquired sat while trying this. Don't know if that makes a difference.
Even if I had to do this each time I powered the unit on in the car it would be nice to have.
Thanks for trying but I'm just doing something wrong!!
EDIT: I can't get it to work with any of the directions even with sat. acq. Guess it doesn't work on the 750
Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)
I cannot find that Option on my 265WT, unless it will show if I hook up the power cord which has traffic receiver.
Discussion is of the FM transmitter which allows you to transmit the nuvi's audio to an FM station on your car's radio.
Your 265WT does not have an FM transmitter.
Your FM traffic unit is a receiver, not a transmitter.
Please forgive for my stupidity
My mistake between Receiver & Transmitter.
Garmin Nuvi 2555 LMT, Street Pilot C340, nuvi 265WT, Mio Moov 300, nuvi 255W, Navigon 2100 (Retired)
Setting seems to stick now...
I just tried this again on my 765 and the settings now do seem to stick. I still need to verify to see if the actual db increase is actually increasing the output power. Whatever caused it to not work previously, I really don't know.
To the other poster regarding the 760, this only seems to currently be working on the 7x5 series, not the 7x0.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
Good Work Jeff!
Great Find, Jeff!!!
We stopped using it (FM) Because of weak Signal Strength.... I'll try it later this week, and see if it sticks on a 660!!!
A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!
1) Turned on the FM output.
I'm trying to raise the FM output on my 765T but can't find how to turn on the FM output. If anybody could help?
Thank you.
GPSmap76Cx handheld, Nuvi 2557LMT, Nuvfi 2598LMTHD