"Exec" is anything available for downloading the same POI on a weekly basis


Has anyone created an exec/utility that will automatically pull selected POI files from the POI factory database and download to their PC. I currently download each file every time and I am interested is there is a utility available. Thanks.

kind of

I have something I wrote that downloads my POI files. I didn't write it as a general purpose utility, so I would have to make some changes for someone else to use it.

If you're ok with manually editing a couple of files, I can make the changes and have you try it out.

Batch Download of Files

I would like to see what you have written.

nuvi1350T and nuvi260

Ok, in a couple of days.

I should have something in a couple of days. I don't have a web site to publish it to, so I'll probably have to distribute it via email.

Website to publish

I would be happy to post your utility on my website if you want to share it with the users here.

drop me a line when you are ready at

mobajwa <(@)> gmail <(.)> com


Just the thing

I've been wanting a file or program to get my regular downloads from here. Please let me know when it is available. Thanks

Website to publish

Thanks, I will take you up on your offer. Code changes are almost done, need to write up some usage instructions. Shooting to be ready sometime this weekend.

perhaps the download tool will be your Christmas present to us

Sounds like a really cool tool. Thanks for working on it for the group.

utility available

I've completed the utility. Working to get it on a web site. Anyone that wants to try it before it is available for download can email me at schumanshao@gmail.com

Utility Software

schumans wrote:

I've completed the utility. Working to get it on a web site. Anyone that wants to try it before it is available for download can email me at schumanshao@gmail.com

Mail sent. Will report any issues to your Email.


Garmin Nuvi 2555 LMT, Street Pilot C340, nuvi 265WT, Mio Moov 300, nuvi 255W, Navigon 2100 (Retired)

PoiSync utility available

The utility for batch download POI files is now available for download at


To install, unzip to a directory. The documentation is in both text and html and can be found in the directory named doc.

Thanks to all the beta users and the valuable feedback. A special thanks to mobajwa for hosting the download.

auto download of red light camera file

Is there some sort of work around you can put in place for the redlight camera file? Currently you click the link and it give you a zip file with three different files to extract (beta redlight, regular red light, and speed camera).

Is there a way to place a local file into the poiFiles.txt file? That would allow you to download the redlight/speed camera file to the harddrive then run the .bat file to start the sync.

What is the "beta" file

What is the "beta" file for???

OK.....so where the heck am I?

Red light camera file

Are all the red light camera files in zip format? I've never downloaded them.

I can change it so the local path you specify for a zip file points to a directory, and unzip it automatically into that directory. Would that be a good solution for zip files or would you prefer to have control over where each file in the zip file goes?

Both Ways

schumans, I don't know how much of a problem it would be but, if you could make a version of your program that unzips files into a directory and a version that gives control where each file in the zip goes. I am only speaking for myself but, I think it is good to have options.

Red light beta

pkdmslf wrote:

What is the "beta" file for???

The beta version will give you the names of the intersections where the red light cameras are located.

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

Doesn't Allow Spaces in Filename

The utility doesn't allow for spaces in the file name - it truncates the file name at the first space. Is there a workaround for this?

Here is an extract from the output using the POIFiles-sample.txt file as the POIFiles.txt file input:

-----------------------------begin ----------------
downloading http://www.poi-factory.com/poifile/download/csv?node=12311 to c:\poisync\test\Coffee
c:\poisync\test\Coffee downloaded successfully
---------------------end log -------------------

Otherwise it's a nice utility, thanks for publishing it.

blanks in file name

Yes, there is a bug that prevents using blanks in directory or file name. The fix is in the works.