Hard Reset for Map Glitches


I read somewhere about doing a Hard Reset after downloading a map.

I downloaded 2010.3 and found a highway ramp that showed on the map, but for some reason my NUVI 350 seemed to think it didn't when it plotted a route.

When I got about halfway around the ramp, it seemed to recognize things properly.

Is a hard reset the right way to go or is this a map glitch?

How is a hard reset done? Is that where you hold the lower left corner on power up and then clear user data, or is this the reset button under the antenna?

DriveSmart 65, NUVI2555LMT, (NUVI350 is Now Retired)


shut it off, hold left bottom corner of the screen with one finger and turn it back on


backup your favorites first...

The hard reset can sometimes delete all your favorite. If they mean anything to you, you should back them up using the following. Then feel free to hard reset all you wish.

Backup/restore favorites

From the nuvi drive, copy x:/Garmin/GPX/current.gpx to your backup location. To restore them, copy current.gpx back to the same folder on the nuvi but rename it to temp.gpx (important). On the next power cycle*, the favorites will be read from temp.gpx into the non-user accessible memory area on the nuvi where they are actually stored (current.gpx is only a shadowed backup of your favorites).

*Note that a "power-cycle" (or power-on/power off sequence) on the nuvi 8x0/8x5 units consists of removing, then reinserting the battery into the unit. Using the power switch on the unit to power it off only puts it into a "sleep" mode.

nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area

Dorkus, Thanks for the info.

Thanks for the info. I forgot about renaming the file to temp. I'm glad this site has so much info.

Nuvi 255W St. Louis, Missouri


I'll try that.

DriveSmart 65, NUVI2555LMT, (NUVI350 is Now Retired)

A Hard Reset . . .

A Hard Reset won't solve a glitch in the map. It's probably one of two things. 1. a problem in the map download, try downloading the 2010.30 again. Remember, the best thing while downloading the map is to leave the computer alone while downloading and installing the map into your GPS. 2nd maps are made in overlays and it may have been a bad fit at that ramp. The map actually doesn't see the connection to the ramp. You can report it here www8.garmin.com/cartography/mapSource/errorForm.jsp

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