wow..... - back home


I am back home now and will be trying to catch up today and tomorrow. Not very happy with the internet service that my parents use. I was not able to get online until I got home a half hour ago.

Do you guys realize how much talking you do in a day and a half? I have 3 pages of unread posts to get through.

It is nice to be home.

Miss Poi

Welcome Home, We all miss

Welcome Home,
We all miss you....

NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT

Welcome back!

Welcome back!

welcome back, you mean that

welcome back, you mean that you didn't have a wifi POI list?????????????? LOL

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

Welcome back

miss poi wrote:

Do you guys realize how much talking you do in a day and a half? I have 3 pages of unread posts to get through.

It is nice to be home.

Miss Poi

LOL, guess we have a lot to say or ask.

I'm sure now that you're home, hopefully you'll have a high speed connection to help you zip through those three pages.

Originator of Keeping Your Windmill Alive. Live in MA & have a cooking website. 6 yr. member.

welcome back

Miss POI welcome back.

Today I became an active member! What a great group to be active with. Thank you and all the others that contribute.


Officer I'm sorry I was going the wrong way on that one-way street but my GPS told me to turn left ... Oh, I'm still getting a ticket, okay then the GPS will see ya in court!

ok I survived;) now to get

ok I survived;) now to get to that contributor of the week award.

Miss Poi

I think I will answer my 42 emails tomorrow.

Welcome back

It must have been difficult to go cold turkey, without internet and with the "wrong" GPS. lol

Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource

lets just say that it felt

lets just say that it felt like a forced vacation from work. I will be playing catch up for a few days.

Miss Poi


Hi miss poi. I'm new here. I got my Nuvi 350 last friday but lurked a few days before it arrived. It didn't take long before I decided to join.

Looks like there are a lot of us newbies here, running up the post counts, too wink This site is a wonderful and a great help. Thanks so much for your work. Nice to meet you.

I'm glad that until I'm able to contribute with content, I can contribute and support the site by paying for the red light POI. I have it and even though I haven't been anywhere yet that has a so-called safety-camera, I like it. What a great service for a reasonable price.

Garmin Nuvi 350