What towns have LANE ASSIST and/or Junction View
Sun, 08/16/2009 - 5:09pm
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![]() ![]() 17 years
Hello to all with newer NUVI's with Lane Assist.
I live just south of Louisville and don't seem to have Lane Assist in Louisville. I also checked for Lane Assist in Albuquerque (none there) and in Los Angeles (have it there.
I am assuming it will be added to more cities as the Map Updates keep coming out.
Louisville Ky - NO
Albuquerque NM - No
Los Angeles Ca - Yes
If those who have the Lane Assist option in their Nuvi's would add city names and whether Lane Assist is/not avaiable there, It might be of some use to those who are going to travel to those towns to be able to know in advance if Lane Assist is available.
lane assist
Washington DC and Baltimore
ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet
Perhaps I just don't understand, but what difference does it make if the town you are going to has Lane Assist or not?
Would you avoid that town for the lack? What of the suburbs of the town?
Not all intersections or turnoffs have Lane Assist anyway - it isn't as if you get the lane symbols on the upper left corner for every turn.
Currently have: SP3, GPSMAP 276c, Nuvi 760T, Nuvi 3790LMT, Zumo 660T
Perhaps I just don't understand, but what difference does it make if the town you are going to has Lane Assist or not?
Because I just want to know, if it is alright with you.
Would you avoid that town for the lack? What of the suburbs of the town?
As to whether I would try to avoid a town without; I probably wouldn't drive more than a few hundred miles out of my way just to be able to use my feature. See a ridiculous answer for a ridiculous question.
Not all intersections or turnoffs have Lane Assist anyway - it isn't as if you get the lane symbols on the upper left corner for every turn.
Are you sure?? I never thought of that!!
"Those that stop and smell the roses, must realize that once in awhile you may get a whiff of fertilizer."..copyright:HDHannah1986 -Mercedes GPS - UCONNECT 430N Chrysler T&C - Nuvi 2598- Nuni2555 - Nuvi855 - Nuvi295W - Nuvi 750 - Ique 3600
Lane assist in Brooklyn
Does lane assist exist in Brooklyn (New York City)?
nüvi 1490T, V1, Sanyo PRO-700a, maps, sunglasses, hot co-pilot, the open road
sure it makes a difference
Perhaps I just don't understand, but what difference does it make if the town you are going to has Lane Assist or not?
Would you avoid that town for the lack? What of the suburbs of the town?
Not all intersections or turnoffs have Lane Assist anyway - it isn't as if you get the lane symbols on the upper left corner for every turn.
Might not be a huge feature now. I remember a few years ago when GPS's came out that you only had detailed maps of major urban centers. Now we have all of North America or more in the palm of our hand.
Lane Assist for me would be handy if I was in a strange city. Lane Assist is in its infancy now, but in a few years could be included in most of the mapset.
Today, it is not make or break feature for me, but in a gps purchase a few years from now, it may be.
Lane Assist and Junction View work great here in the DFW area.
In Chicago I find it helpful
And if I were an out of towner traveling to Chicago, I'd find it even more useful. In addition it has a lot of junction views and lane assists outside the city in the burbs. I have seen some more than 40 miles away from the Loop.
Dah Bears
You can walk a horse to water, but a pencil has to be led.
Lane assist in...
Atlanta, Nashville, and Orlando.
Works well for me in North
Works well for me in North Jersey, New York and Philadelphia.
Lane Assist
St. Louis has it!
As an RV driver who also
As an RV driver who also tows a car, I would value Lane Assist as I perceive it would add an extra alert of needed lane changes...and we all know the world needs more lerts!!!
More Lane Assist
Seattle has it.
Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.
Lane Assist
Staten island , New york has it..
lane assist
Not all intersections or turnoffs have Lane Assist anyway - it isn't as if you get the lane symbols on the upper left corner for every turn.
Are you sure?? I never thought of that!!
Lane assist only comes into play if you are following a route, and then not always. On my 885 I get a combination of LA and Junction View where I might get a JV, but no lane assist, sometimes its just LA, and still other times it is none of them.
Heading south on one freeway, I'll get JV and LA if I go one way at the split, nothing if I go the other way. It depends on the maneuver that has to be made.
ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet
Anybody know if there are any Lane Assist areas in Canada, like in Toronto or Ottawa?
Not that it matters, I don't think my 760 will do lane assist. Just curious.
May be some now
When lane assist on the Nuvi first came out there wasn't much, if any, information about Canadian roads. There maybe now and there will be more as the quarterly map updates are released. Like roads this may be a slow process to get new data added for Canada.
Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.
Have not been down into the
Have not been down into the city Chicago yet with my 755T but the lane assist is popping up in the northwest suburbs for sure. 290/355 elgin-ohare, etc. And was just down in bloomington/normal area and if I recall correctly it was working down there as well.
H Hannah, thanks for posting this question. I hope you will create and post an organized list of the responses you get.
Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon
Lane Assist and Junction
Lane Assist and Junction View feature works in Greator Toronto Area. I don't know about Ottawa and Montreal.
Iphone XR, Drivesmart 61,Nuvicam, Nuvi3597
Lane Assist and Junction
In my limited experience with my Nuvi 765T it seems to function on major roads (Interstates) in the 5 states I have been in in the last 3 weeks (Lou, Miss, Tenn, Ark, Tex) just fine, the lane assist I get on non interstates roadways is the small left hand corner turn indicators on multilane roads only.
(formerly known as condump) RV 770 LMT-S, Nuvi2797LMT, Nuvi765T
Detroit/metro area
Lane assist works in most areas around Detroit & its surrounding suburbs & throughout most of our recent trip to Mackinac. Junction view is available in some areas but is hit or miss.
On a somewhat related topic, I've seen very few 3d buildings appear on the map in our area, however, when leaving a golf course this spring, the road that I was on was not listed on the map but there was a 3d representation of the course's clubhouse!
Not lost anymore. Well, not as it pertains to driving anyway. -Garmin Nuvi 765t, 56 unt Mac user.
Houston, TX
It works in several locations here
Town So Far
Chicago & Burbs
Dallas-Fort Worth
Los Angeles
New York
North New Jersey
St Louis
Staten Island
Washington DC
"Those that stop and smell the roses, must realize that once in awhile you may get a whiff of fertilizer."..copyright:HDHannah1986 -Mercedes GPS - UCONNECT 430N Chrysler T&C - Nuvi 2598- Nuni2555 - Nuvi855 - Nuvi295W - Nuvi 750 - Ique 3600
Junction view and Lane Assist in...
Cleveland and San Diego from my 1490T.
NEOhioGuy - Garmin 2639, MIO Knight Rider, TomTom (in Subaru Legacy), Nuvi 55, DriveSmart 51, Apple CarPlay maps
lane Assist
Hey I hope this feature only gets better I can use all the help I can get. I travel for business in city's I've not driven in so BRING in on!
Flip Garmin Street P.330 Garmin 255WT Garmin LM50
Lane Assist
Perhaps I just don't understand, but what difference does it make if the town you are going to has Lane Assist or not?
Would you avoid that town for the lack? What of the suburbs of the town?
Not all intersections or turnoffs have Lane Assist anyway - it isn't as if you get the lane symbols on the upper left corner for every turn.
Bramfrank; come on, let H Hannah have his moment; one day it might be you asking the question.
I was once told that the only stupid question is the one not asked, and yes we have lane assist in OH-IO, come on Buckeye fans say it with me OH-IO.
I know that was a clever plug for THE Ohio State University Buckeyes.
Being ALL I can be for HIM! Jesus. Kenwood DNX9980HD Garmin 885t
Need not upgrade existing GPS for this feature.
I have a Nuvi 650 with no lane assist feature. The voice guidance does tell to bear to the left or right, when coming to a major intersection/exit. So this is as good as lane assist.
Apparently this is what has been converted to the lane assist. The feature was there, the display has been updated to include this.
Perhaps I just don't understand, but what difference does it make if the town you are going to has Lane Assist or not?
Would you avoid that town for the lack? What of the suburbs of the town?
Not all intersections or turnoffs have Lane Assist anyway - it isn't as if you get the lane symbols on the upper left corner for every turn.
Bramfrank; come on, let H Hannah have his moment; one day it might be you asking the question.
I was once told that the only stupid question is the one not asked, and yes we have lane assist in OH-IO, come on Buckeye fans say it with me OH-IO.
I know that was a clever plug for THE Ohio State University Buckeyes.
No disrespect intended, but the question and comment were perfectly reasonable - and the arrogant reaction by the rather prolific OP was not.
Lane Assist and Junction View are *wherever they are*.
It seems to work, often at exits where you wouldn't expect them to be because of the simplicity of the roadway and clear signage. Sometimes it isn't where you *need* them.
Since only *some* interchanges are covered in any city, it's a nice feature, but you certainly can't count on it being there on your route everywhere when you travel and it isn't as if you can set a routing preference to take you through 'Lane Assist interchanges'.
While we have it at some major interchanges in Montreal (where I live), and I saw it operating in Boston, Atlanta and a number of other cities (like Cincinatti) on a recent road trip, at this point in time IMO it is really more of a pleasant novelty than a tool whose presence you can depend on everywhere, even in 'equipped' cities.
If one had a list of the implemented interchanges in a given city, it might be useful as a planning tool.
Maybe as they extend their coverage over time, but the implementation of the feature as it stands today is such that one can simply not depend on it being available at important and unfamiliar intersections. Hence my original comment.
Currently have: SP3, GPSMAP 276c, Nuvi 760T, Nuvi 3790LMT, Zumo 660T
Apparently, LA does not
Apparently, LA does not exist in Phoenix. NOt that we need it everywhere but it would come in handy in a few spots. Maybe in the next map update.
Lane Assist
Houston, Texas
Lane Assist
Dallas, Texas (but not everywhere)Houston also has it at some locations but coverage is sketchy. Also, it only pops up for a couple of seconds then dissappears
Lane assist mistaken for Junction View
Everyone.... Sorry, my comments were about Junction View. Lane assist works well in both Houston and Dallas
Lane assist most definitely
Lane assist most definitely is everywhere in the Phoenix area. Do you possibly mean Junction View?
lane assist
for those where lane assist would be helpful(even in your own area) it would be nice to know if it exists for your interested cities before you pay extra for a unit where it would not be helpful
Lane Assist
Philadelphia and Delaware are loaded with them on I-95 and I-495
Dear Joe,
I was hoping you might occasionally go over the VZ Bridge and check whether Brooklyn had it too.
Your friendly neighbour, david
nüvi 1490T, V1, Sanyo PRO-700a, maps, sunglasses, hot co-pilot, the open road
Easily Checked
A really easy way to check if junction view exists in any location is to go to Navteq.com and enter a start and ending address 'search' & 'route' fields at the top of the page. Then click on the ROUTE icon. The resulting trip route that appears on the left side of the screen will, by default, show you the actual junction views along your route.
Enter 90012 Los Angeles USA and 10007 New York USA and you'll see the "views" available along that route from one coast to the other.
Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.
Checking for Lane Assist
to check if lane assist is available, all you need to do is put your nuvi in the simulation mode. then using the map find an area you want to check, then use set location along a road a the place your curser past some interchanges further along the route, select go snd watch your screen.
And yes in crossing the VZ Bridge west to east you do see lane assist along the route!
"Those that stop and smell the roses, must realize that once in awhile you may get a whiff of fertilizer."..copyright:HDHannah1986 -Mercedes GPS - UCONNECT 430N Chrysler T&C - Nuvi 2598- Nuni2555 - Nuvi855 - Nuvi295W - Nuvi 750 - Ique 3600
I have the 885T and drive
I have the 885T and drive all over Phoenix all the time and I've never seen LA pop up. I alway get the junction view or next turn lane in the upper left hand corner of my unit but never LA. Is there anyon else that can validate that they often see lane assit in the phoenix market? I think perhaps that some people do not know the difference between LA and junction view. I've never seen a 'reality view" or lane assit box pop out and show the right lane to be in. I do always see the junction view where it shows all of the lanes and all are grayed out except the lane you need to take at the next turn. I always get that, with every next turn.
Sacramento, CA & San Francisco
Sac. has it for at least one interchange. And many in the Bay Area are available.
I have never seen lane assist in the Phoenix & surrounding areas
Is there anyon else that can validate that they often see lane assit in the phoenix market? I think perhaps that some people do not know the difference between LA and junction view. I've never seen a 'reality view" or lane assit box pop out and show the right lane to be in. I do always see the junction view where it shows all of the lanes and all are grayed out except the lane you need to take at the next turn. I always get that, with every next turn.
I have never seen lane assist in the Phoenix and surrounding areas just the lane arrows with the suggested lanes in the upper left corner. I did have lane assist pop up many times when I was in the Los Angeles areas of California.
Garmin Drive Smart 55 - Samsung Note 10 Smartphone with Google Maps & HERE Apps
H Hannah wrote: Hello to
Hello to all with newer NUVI's with Lane Assist.
I live just south of Louisville and don't seem to have Lane Assist in Louisville. I also checked for Lane Assist in Albuquerque (none there) and in Los Angeles (have it there.
I am assuming it will be added to more cities as the Map Updates keep coming out.
Louisville Ky - NO
Albuquerque NM - No
Los Angeles Ca - Yes
If those who have the Lane Assist option in their Nuvi's would add city names and whether Lane Assist is/not avaiable there, It might be of some use to those who are going to travel to those towns to be able to know in advance if Lane Assist is available.
Minneapolis/St. Paul has lane assist. We are leaving NC for MN next Sunday. Did a sim to the airport. Lane assist came on twice for me. I havent experienced Lane Assist in real life yet. Will be interesting to see if it looks like the real thing.
Unless you are the lead sled dog, the view never changes. I is retard... every day is Saturday! I still use the Garmin 3590 LMT even tho I upgraded to the Garmin 61 LMT. Bigger screen is not always better in my opinion.
Is there anyon else that can validate that they often see lane assit in the phoenix market? I think perhaps that some people do not know the difference between LA and junction view. I've never seen a 'reality view" or lane assit box pop out and show the right lane to be in. I do always see the junction view where it shows all of the lanes and all are grayed out except the lane you need to take at the next turn. I always get that, with every next turn.
I have never seen lane assist in the Phoenix and surrounding areas just the lane arrows with the suggested lanes in the upper left corner. I did have lane assist pop up many times when I was in the Los Angeles areas of California.
Those arrows with the lanes highlighted in the upper left corder IS lane assist.
That 'reality view' (as Gerry describes it), the simulated signs that pop up? That's 'Junction View'.
Currently have: SP3, GPSMAP 276c, Nuvi 760T, Nuvi 3790LMT, Zumo 660T
Yes, some are still mixing
Yes, some are still mixing Junction View with Lane Assist, though Garmin has not always been clear about them.
You will find Lane Assist - the arrows in the left hand corner most everywhere there are multiple lanes and you are on a route, and just Major highways. When on Rt19 in Florida for instance Lane Assist shows. And yes, I saw Lane Assist used all over Phoenix.
Juntion View is in less areas, but that is because it is a different function and not every area has a need for it. (I also think not essential as Lane Assist is, but can be helpful and there are certainly areas that probably should have it by now) You are most likely to see it on a major highway, when two major routes divide, or a major route is separating from a small route and it is not evident. A case of this is coming off the George Washington Bridge, heading south to the New Jersey TPK. If you stay straight as you might think you would do, you would not be on the TPK. Instead, you have to stay right and then actually take an "Exit" to enter the TPK. Junction View pops up and shows the actual junction with the actual two overhead signs, one of them dimmed out, the correct one showing.
Perhaps I do not have a
Perhaps I do not have a clear understanding of JV and LA , myself. But when I get the "junction View" as you call it, pop up and cover the entire screen for about 5 seconds, there is a tab that says it is Lane Assist, so this very confusing. Only when I get this pop up screen as you describe JV, do I get tab message in the bottom center of the screen that calls it LAne assist. I will have to call Gamin to get the 'official" word on this , I guess. Anyone else want to ring in on this?
Las Vegas
has lane assist (arrows in the upper left) everywhere.
Netpilot - Garmin 885T - Exploring 70+ screens in Test Mode
the Lane Assist page may display a view of the upcoming junction
Perhaps I do not have a clear understanding of JV and LA , myself. But when I get the "junction View" as you call it, pop up and cover the entire screen for about 5 seconds, there is a tab that says it is Lane Assist, so this very confusing. Only when I get this pop up screen as you describe JV, do I get tab message in the bottom center of the screen that calls it LAne assist. I will have to call Gamin to get the 'official" word on this , I guess. Anyone else want to ring in on this?
On my 885T it also shows a "Lane Assist" tab on the next turn page and when I touch the tab it shows the next turn as a photo realistic depiction with highway signage.
Page 16 of the 885T Owner's Manual states the following and I have quoted it exactly. (The only reference in the entire 76 page manual to Lane Assist is on pages 15 and 16 and nowhere does the manual ever reference "Junction View", the word junction only appears once and it occurs in the quote below):
"Lane Assist Page
When available, the Lane Assist page may display a view of the upcoming junction and in which lane you should be driving. You can also accesss the Lane Assist page from the Next Turn page."
Link to 885T manual download:
Garmin Drive Smart 55 - Samsung Note 10 Smartphone with Google Maps & HERE Apps
Just in case . . .
If anyone isn't quite clear on the subject, PC Magazine did an interesting review on the 885 and included the following pages demonstrating that unit's Lane Assist and Junction view functions as commented screen grabs . . . . there are additional pages of screen shots including MSN Direct weather shots and such for those who may be interested . . click the back and forward buttons on the pages if you want to see them.
Lane Assist:
Junction View:
The JV page opens automatically on my Zumo 660 . . . no buttons to press.
While the older Nuvi manuals were a bit ambiguous, for a more detailed and complete description of the feature have a look at the manual for the 1490T.
Currently have: SP3, GPSMAP 276c, Nuvi 760T, Nuvi 3790LMT, Zumo 660T
On my 885T it shows a "Lane Assist" tab...............
Those arrows with the lanes highlighted in the upper left corder IS lane assist.
That 'reality view' (as Gerry describes it), the simulated signs that pop up? That's 'Junction View'.
On my 885T it shows a "Lane Assist" tab on the next turn page and when I touch the tab it shows the next turn as a photo realistic depiction of the next junction with highway signage.
Page 15 of the owners manual shows this exact situation with pictures depicting what I wrote above.
Everytime that a photo realistic view of the upcoming junction is going to be available the "Lane Assist" button lights up and when no view is available the lane assist button is grayed out.
The lane arrows in the upper left corner of the 3D map view screen are always shown whenever there is a active route being navigated.
Lane Assist is explained on pages 15 and 16 of the 885T owners manual.
Link to 885T manual download:
Garmin Drive Smart 55 - Samsung Note 10 Smartphone with Google Maps & HERE Apps
lane assist
Of course you don't change your travel plans based on lane assist but if the product is offered it should be rolled out everywhere as soon as possible.