Just an observation


My 1st gpsr announces the street name and the 2nd gpsr I got does not. While using the one that does not name streets, it occurred to me that this might be safer, as I was not looking for street signs to match Jill's announcements. Is that a correct assessment or am I wrong in my reasoning?

Alan-Garmin c340

Just an observation

Well if your gps is not announcing the street name then you would still be looking at the street name sign to confirm where you are, or to confirm that is where you want to turn.

I have found with the street name announced I look at the signs less and the road and traffic around me more. Which I think is safer.

So I would think you would want them to be announced.

In the city

when you are driving in the downtown area of most large cities many streets are not far apart and I found I had missed the turn if the street name was not announced and then looking for a place to turn around. How safe is that? Give me text to speech anytime.

Wanted -Woman with GPS -send picture of GPS

Street names

You raise an interesting question.

I have not extensively used one that does not announce names having had only one unit, a 255W. I could load a non-TTS voice to try this out. I would think that having more information is better than having less. I think there would be a tendency to look to the GPSr to see the name of the street which you have to locate signs for. Mine gives distances with the names so if one had a good feel for distance, one would not have to find the road signs.

One thing I have found is that there are times when a road has both a name and a number, the GPS picks one and the signs pick the other.

I am with you on that one

I am with you on that one

I would be lost

jwboyes wrote:

One thing I have found is that there are times when a road has both a name and a number, the GPS picks one and the signs pick the other.

My GPS does not have text to speech, but the majority of the roads near my house have at least two names... if not three.

alanrobin1 wrote: My 1st

alanrobin1 wrote:

My 1st gpsr announces the street name and the 2nd gpsr I got does not. While using the one that does not name streets, it occurred to me that this might be safer, as I was not looking for street signs to match Jill's announcements. Is that a correct assessment or am I wrong in my reasoning?

I have used both types and I feel if the street names are announced it is easier to negotiate the turns and safer.

If street names are not posted I use the "distance to next turn" to pick the street. This can be used on both types.

I don't have TTS so . . .

I've learned it's best to read the name of the road/street on the gps screen to which I'm being directed to turn. Even though the "distance to turn" and constant reminders to turn are announced, without verifying road/street names on the signs I've sometimes taken the wrong one.

Maybe I drive too fast sometimes, too slow others. But for me it works best to compare the gps to the actual signs if I want to get it right the first time.

Winston Churchill said, “Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing, after exhausting all other possibilities.”

street name...

I find having the gpsr announcing the street names to be much easier to navigate esp in unfamiliar locations.