Nuvi 765 locked up with black screen
Mon, 06/22/2009 - 5:20pm
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![]() 17 years
I was driving home today and heard a beep. I looked up and saw that the message on the screen said something like GPS updated. I pressed ok, and it went about searching for satalites. It then poped up again GPS updated. I pressed ok once again and left it alone. The screen then went black and that's all it does now. It sits there as if turned off and will not come back up. resettling it back into it's cradle does nothing. Taking it home and hooking the USB from the computer to it does nothing. I have even tried holding the power slide to the left for 20 seconds to try to reset the device (on power with USB and off) and that seems to do nothing either. Help...
Similar problem with 755T
My 755T has worked flawlessly since I got it in October, but today it did the same thing you describe with the "update complete" message, then complete loss of satellite reception. It did this several times and I finally shut it off. Fortunately, I was able to restart mine, and satellite reception returned immediately. It worked normally for the rest of my trip (only about 20 minutes).
Did you by any chance put on the recent voice updates (Jill)? That is the only thing that has changed on my nuvi. The only other thing I can think of is that it was very hot today with strong sun baking thru the windshield directly on the unit. While I had it shut off, I held it in front of the AC vent for a while to cool it down.
Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon
I had the exact same issue today as well with the "Updating GPS software" message. A few power cycles and cradle connects/disconnects and it seems OK now...*very* odd. I also did a hard reset so that may have done something also.
EDIT: No dice. It happened again on the way home from work. Maybe there is a GPS chipset update pending release. I seem to recall a new GPS Chipset Type M (MediaTek) being released for one of the hand-held units but cannot be sure. The MediaTek GPS Chipset is the same one used in the 7x5 series ans well as some 7x0 series units.
Regardless, the nuvi is updating the GPS Chipset when it's already at the "current" version.
For testing/debugging purposes, I am renaming the GPS chipset update file on the nuvi temporarily to something else to see if this alleviates the problem. If the update file is not seen by the nuvi, perhaps no update will try to take place. The files are:
Rename the two to something the nuvi won't be looking for such as:
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
GPS Updated
Also happened to me going home, once home I re-installed software and all seems Ok so far, will see tomorrow.
Nuvi-3760 *** Magellan-5045
Everyone who's had this issue, please see:
If your unit still powers on and connects to the PC, I'd highly recommend doing the following until some answer or solution is provided by Garmin or otherwise
Renaming the GPS chipset update file on the nuvi temporarily to something else. If the update file is not seen by the nuvi, perhaps no update will try to take place. The files are:
Rename the two to something the nuvi won't be looking for such as:
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
So now Garmin is hard coding stuff into the software which can kill our GPS devices. I don't know about you but this scares the heck out of me. What's to keep Garmin from setting some abritrary "die" date so that your new Nuvi automatically dies 2 years and 1 day after you purchase it?
nuvi 765T won't power up
I think I may have had the same problem everyone else is having in this post with their 765T. I was driving and the unit would show "Acquiring Satellites". I tried powering it off and on and the unit would come back up then go into the "Acquiring Satellites" mode again. After probably the 2nd time powering it off and on I looked over at the unit and the screen had gone black. I don't recall seeing anything about a GPS update. I took it out of the beanbag cradle and put it back in a few times and it would not power up. I brought it home and tried to connect it to the PC and it won't power up there either. I'm going to try to call Garmin in the morning since I purchased this unit new only 3 months ago. What's also really frustrating is that I had just purchased the lifetime map updates just last week.

Here's a bit of info. My unit is still operational after this stink-bomb hit. After the initial problem with the "Updating GPS firmware" yesterday at about 5pm, I had the unit operating in my house hooked up to an extra cradle/GTM 20 being powered from a 12v DC 1A regulated power supply. I backdated to v2.50, then reflashed the v3.40 update again. I had it on for at least 3-4 hours after I did my procedure above. I was locked on with good satellite reception with NO issues.
When I left to work this morning @ 1am, all was fine. On the way to work (8 minute drive), satellite reception took a dump after about 4 minutes and my position froze. Satellite reception was zippo. I unplugged the GTM (did not power down the unit) and let the unit shut down due to loss of external power. I plugged the GTM back in and all was well the rest of the way in to work.
This *seems* to indicate that movement is required for this bomb to hit. Remember, I have renamed the GPS update files as above and did NOT receive the "Updating GPS firmware" message. I will see what happens on the way home. If it happens again, my next course of action will be to backdate the firmware to v2.50 & see it it resolves the issue.
Garmin has a BIG problem on their hands with this stinky time-bomb...
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
No new install
No new installs, nothing new at all for that matter. Except for the normal Garmin Webupdater stuf, but that was a couple of weeks ago. So nothing really new, it just "happened". No overheat issue either that I can tell, A/C was on all day, and I didn't leave the poor guy to bake in the sun. I hav now had it inside my house anyway for 15 hours not and it's mighty cool. No luck. I see the post in the other forum, but havent had time to read it through. I hope there is an easy answer out there. I am going on vacation in 1+ week.
Not gotten this yet
But I have been getting hangs requiring a hard reset to get out of. I have multiple updates listed in the RemoteSW folder. The newest one is dated May 13 2009.
I dunno...
I had this happen on my way to work this morning. I had my 755T in the cradle and received the "Update" message. I did the ol' hold the power switch for 8 seconds while in the cradle, unit started up right away and of course 2-3 minutes later, same thing happened. The 3rd time, I removed my 755 from the cradle and powered it off, also removing the SD card (not sure if it made a difference or not). After restarting the unit, it lasted the rest of the way to work. We'll see what happens on the way home, but sounds from the above posts like it is going to crash again.
Garmin Quest/Quest2/Nuvi660/Nuvi755T
Me too
Mine did this yesterday... none of the resets are working. Will not power on. It's dead. I've been on hold with tech support for about an hour now. Can't get through.
Same here
I got the "acquiring satellites" message yesterday afternoon after work and was curious. I turned it off and it worked again. Before I got home, it was "acquiring satellites" again, turned it off at home and it powered on again. This morning, it went dead and refuses to turn itself on. Receiver is 765T.
Did anyone have this problem that does not have traffic?
Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)
has anyone called Garmin, yet, i am scared to turn my unit on ,,
Everyday is a GREAT day :)
same here
has anyone called Garmin, yet, i am scared to turn my unit on ,,
I am going to try the file rename as soon as I get home from work tonight
I guess the thing to do as soon as I connect it with the USB cable and it powers up, is to put it into simulation mode so that it doesn't attempt to acquire satellites right?
that will give me time to open the directory and rename those files.
— (Garmin nuvi 765T) — "people who say money can't buy happiness, don't know where to shop"
Something different
I have done the rename but until there is a resolution I will use a non-traffic cable to power my 765T. I bought it as part of an accessory package including a new cradle and the non-traffic cable. This way I have a spare when on the road with a motor coach full of people.
I might have gotten lucky.
On the GPSPassion link it talks about if the unit is on at the transition time there will not be a problem. It looks like I might have been working at that time. If so maybe I won't get the problem. Finally work being good for something.
Holy *_%&
Can you believe this? I renamed the files, I did not have a .bin and .gcd with the same name so I renamed everything. I am not going to power the darn thing up for few days. I am on a weeks furlough and not traveling so why take the chance.
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving in a pretty, pristine body but rather to come sliding in sideways, all used up and exclaiming, "Wow, what a ride!" -------- Nuvi 755T and 1350T Jensen NVX225 WorldNavigator PDA based GPS
765T dead too!
My 765T did this today! Weird, I got an "update complete" message and I pressed OK, then I got several more, after a while I stopped pressing ok, then the screen just went blank and it won't power on anymore. I am using a MSN traffic receiver instead of the original one. I connected it to my PC and the PC doesn't see it - it seems dead. What do I do?
Garmin c340, Nuvi 350, Nuvi 765T, Nuvi 2360LMT
Story @ Engdget
Garmin 7x5 series devices bricked by firmware update?
If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else. - Yogi Berra
My 765T among the deceased
I had the same problem yesterday. Received message "Updating GPS firmware" on three occasions then the unit went black and nothing could resuscitate it. I called Garmin and after one-half hour plus wait, I spoke to a very courteous and accommodating tech rep. He sent me a new unit (765T) today, with the UPS tracking number, to replace the defective unit. This will be the second time that Garmin will have replaced my 765T. The previous problem also involved the unit dieing suddenly with no ability to revive it. Based on the number of problems reported on this website, Garmin needs to FIX THE PROBLEMS. I did some research and I am not sure that other GPS manufacturer's units are any better.So our options seem to be limited. If anyone knows of a more reliable brand, let me know.
double post
double post
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
still alive and kicking...for now
My unit is still operational and still picking up GPS signals. I can't report with any certainty if it's losing lock on it's own though as I'll need to monitor it more closely. I'm testing in the house on my test-bed equipment (stock cradle mount/GTM 20/2 amp regulated 12V power supply).
I seemed to have dodged the "dead unit" bullet, perhaps with the file rename trick I posted when I realized what was taking place (an unneeded GPS firmware update) earlier but that could just be a coincidence. Regardless, I have also done the file rename on my 760 (MTK) but not on my 750 (SiRF) since I do not have access to it until this weekend.
If I see any sort of complete sat signal loss at any point, I will be reverting to firmware v2.50 to see if that is affecting things in the same way. You have to take these debug procedures a step at a time to try to isolate the problem.
To those that are still able to power their units on and have the MTK chipset, I STRONGLY recommend you do the file rename as it *seems* to have prevented mine from bricking. You can always rename them back to what they were much more easily than having a bonafide brick in your possession and sending the unit to Garmin for a brand new "refurb"...
Also, has this story up on their website.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
anyone subscribe to the Garmin Blog emails/newsletter?
I do
I wonder if we will see any mention of this on that, even though it is basically a Sales/Marketing document
— (Garmin nuvi 765T) — "people who say money can't buy happiness, don't know where to shop"
If any of you 755/765/775 owners need directions just let me know. My 750 is still running strong!! LOL Sorry, couldn't resist.
But seriously, I extend my condolences to all of you. I feel your anguish and frustration. Lets just hope Garmin does the right thing and resolves this issue VERY VERY quickly.
Same Problem: Nuvi 765 locked up with black screen!!!!
Same problem! It just happened to me this morning!
I was driving along this morning when I got the "acquiring satalites" message that wouldn't go away which I thought was strange. I shut the unit down and powered it back up. It seemed to work for a while then it just went black and I couldn't start it up again. I also tried the USB cord on the PC when I got home with no luck. I'm so angry; first my cradle goes out three weeks ago, and now this! I hate the thought of having to send the unit back to them, especially since I was counting on using it th is Friday to get to an important appointment. If it will turn on when I get home from work tonight I will try that re-name idea, if not I guess I will be on the phone with Garmin first thing in the morning.
Nuvi 765T, Nuvi 2350LMT
Black Screen
It happened to me. Held for a half hour with Garmin today. They are aware of a "problem." He gave me no choice but to send it back to Olathe. Provided a return authorization number but I pay the freight. Said it would be in my possesion 7-10 business days after they receive the unit.
Raven STL
black screen
does this only happen if you are using the MSN reciever?!
Everyday is a GREAT day :)
It happens regardless of power source.
It has been reported with the GDB 50, GTM 20 and just running off of battery power.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
Same again
It happened to me. Held for a half hour with Garmin today. They are aware of a "problem." He gave me no choice but to send it back to Olathe. Provided a return authorization number but I pay the freight. Said it would be in my possesion 7-10 business days after they receive the unit.
I called Garmin after the earlier post today. Half an hour wait on the phone. Got an RMA and I have shipped back the 765T. I will get a new one in exchange.
Garmin didn't say that I
Garmin didn't say that I would get a new replacement. Will compare the old serial number with the one that I get back. Am concerned that this update wasn't subjected to more testing before release. It only took a day to completely fail.
Raven STL
The lady said I would get a new one and asked me to send back the old (dead one) with all the accessories included in the original box, including the power cable. Mine (765T) is quite a recent purchase, maybe that was why she said it would be replaced with a new one.
Same problem
Mine 885T gone wild after a trip to CA. Gotta return to Garmin.
Garmin is now doing a new(if
Garmin is now doing a new(if less than 3 months old) or refirb exchange where they pay shipping both ways. If you give them a CC it will go out 2nd day UPS, and they release your funds when the old one comes back.
Just got off the phone with Garmin and mine will be here on Friday.
I'm going to wait a few days and see if Garmin changes the policy on replacements. If they send me a replacement unit, is it still going to have the same issues?
Is this effecting the 7x5 series only?
I had the exact same issue today as well with the "Updating GPS software" message...
For testing/debugging purposes, I am renaming the GPS chipset update file on the nuvi temporarily to something else to see if this alleviates the problem. If the update file is not seen by the nuvi, perhaps no update will try to take place. The files are:
I have a 750 with the MediaTek chipset and I have both of these files residing within the RemoteSW folder. I also use the GTM-20 cable.
I'm planning a road trip in the next week. I haven't seen any mention of this showing up on a 7x0 so far. Should I anticipate any problems like this on the 750?
"There's no substitute for local knowledge" nüvi 750, nüvi 3597
Is unit software the culprit?
I looked for Nuvi 7x5T unit software. It's nowhere to be found on Garmin site. They must've removed it. Sounds like some Garmin employees are going to get fired.
Well my unit is still operating normally since performing my initial procedures driving back to work my 2nd shift today. Since there's ALOT of info dispersed in the topic, I'll summarize what I did (to the best of my memory) in the hopes that it -may- prevent someone's still operating unit from bricking. Who knows, mine may brick after I write this up:
1. Had "updating GPS message" at approx 5pm the June 22nd while driving to lunch.
2. Upon message, pressed OK after it was done.
3. Got the message again after a few minutes and did the same but pulled the GTM 20 unit from the 12v
4. Got no GPS signal multiple times & pulled the GTM 20 to correct.
5. Reflashed v3.40 & did a hard reset (press & hold bottom-left corner of screen while powering unit on)
6. After update, checked unit which seemed OK
7. Backdated to v2.50 & renamed x:/Garmin/RemoteSW/006B073300.GCD & x:/Garmin/RemoteSW/006B073300.bin
8. Ran unit for a few minutes which seemed OK
9. Reflashed v3.40 & left files renamed
10. Got a message on the GPS stating that my maps were outdated and needed to be updated...I currently already have the most recent 2010.10 maps.
Since then, I have had no issues. Just an FYI...
Came back from lunch a few minutes ago (4:10pm). No visible issues with unit and brought it into the office. Tried to power unit on from battery. Unit did NOT respond. Tried again, no good. Tried holding the power switch to the ON position for five or so seconds. Unit powered on normally.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
Garmin's response
Garmin has now updated their website to include this FAQ:
Question: Why does my nüvi 7x5 series unit not power on?
Answer: It has come to our attention that firmware version 3.4 for the Garmin nüvi 7x5 series has an error that is causing the device to perform an unprompted GPS software update and then shut down. Garmin is aware of this issue and we are working diligently on a solution. We know our customers rely upon their GPS device and we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. Developing quality products always has been and continues to be a priority at Garmin. For regular updates about this issue, please revist this article at
Last modified on: 06/23/2009
Sure am glad I'm going on
Sure am glad I'm going on vacation before I get it back.....
My reply from Garmin:
"Thank you for contacting Garmin International. That unit will need to come in for repair. This error has been happening a lot with the 7x5 series. Please send just the unit to the address below. DO NOT send any cords or accessories.
Garmin International
Attn: RMA #xx xxxxxxx
1200 E. 151st St.
Dock Door #24
Olathe, KS 66062 "
No Power
These are the exact directions that I received from Garmin. Just wasn't too happy with the 7-10 business days turnaround.
Raven STL
Wonder if there will be a 'fire sale' on all the refurbs
If everyone that sends theirs back gets a new replacement, I wonder if they'll eventually sell the 'refurbs' to the public...
Almost bought a 765T, was waiting for a certain price before I upgraded.
After having my 785T for
Sure am glad I'm going on vacation before I get it back.....
I am in the same boat your in, I feel your pain.
After having my 785T for just a few days over the one month mark it kicked the bucket.
Same spill everyone else is going through.
Though I offered to drive it down to Olathe for a faster turn around and the response I got was:
"Even if you deliver it in person, we have to ship it back to your residence."
T765 Lock Up
Is the black screen of death related to the windows blue screen?? My 765 has gone dead after up dating the 21st just voice files (as far as I know). Worked OK the morning of 22nd driving to work but that was the last time. Spent 45 minutes on hold with Garmin today final gave up. Have contact with E-Support all they said was to reset the unit.
Also have a 660 that wont find satellites any longer
I'm start to looking at other brands.
Please continue this here...
There is already a huge topic regarding this.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
My 785T Died Today
I was driving and my GPS lost it signal. I though that was strange I turned it off and back on and it was fine. 30 min later a screen popped up saying my 2010.1 map update was more than a year old, very strange. I just updated last month. I parked my when I returned and turned the car on my GPS did not power up. Checked all the cables and everything and still nothing. I held the power button for awhile and still no power. I connected it to the computer and nothing not even recognized. It's dead, and of course this had to happened 3 days before my road trip. Tomorrow I will call Garmin.
yeh I realized that after I posted
Join the club...
It has happened to most of the Nuvi 7x5T series. See here:
Good luck
.... Tomorrow I will call Garmin.
Good luck. I have heard of people waiting up to 2 ½ hours before giving up on their Tech Support.
An update:
On my way home from work (a 10 minute drive), the unit (still running v3.40) lost GPS reception four times. When the unit is in this state, the GPS firmware version is at 0.0. A simple power cycle slide of the switch did nothing. To clear the issue and to regain sat reception, I needed to perform one of the following:
a. Remove & reinsert the unit into the cradle
b. Unplug GTM 20 (12v power), then plug it back in
c. Reset the unit while on the cradle (still powered by 12v) by sliding & holding the power switch to the ON position for approx. 5-10 seconds
The unit is now unreliable but still works & at least the GPS chipset is not doing it's false update, maybe due to the file renaming I mentioned.
My last test to verify that it's indeed the firmware is to backdate to v2.50 which is the last bug-free version that I've used. I will report my findings if v2.50 resolves the issue.
Stay tuned...
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area