Reload files from SD card
Sun, 06/21/2009 - 11:23pm
16 years
My computer crashed,had to get a new one.How can I reload my poi files from the SD card to my new computer. Is it possible??
16 years
My computer crashed,had to get a new one.How can I reload my poi files from the SD card to my new computer. Is it possible??
My computer crashed,had to get a new one.How can I reload my poi files from the SD card to my new computer. Is it possible??
If you are talking about obtaining the source files from the compiled GPI file - NO.
Depending on how you originally loaded the files, you can get a list of the different POI from scrolling through the extras. That will tell you which ones you need to reload as CSV or GPX files.
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The best way I know would be
The best way I know would be to use MAPSOURCE to collect all your POI's and Favorites. You can then save these off to a .gpx file, and use Extra Por editor to edit them.
Reload Files from GPS
You can't do it that way. That's why backing the *.csv, *.gpx etc should be made to a flash drive. It's cheap insurance.
reload files from GPS
I sorta suspected that. I wasn't sure how the files are loaded to my sd card in my gps. I thought I could read my sd card using my laptop and resaving as txt files. Thanks anyway
Aubin555,Nuvi 660
Reload sd card
I have all my poi files loaded on the SD card. I thought I could insert the SD card in my laptop and restore them back onto my computer.
I appreciate your response
Aubin555,Nuvi 660
reload from sd
As long as your new computer has a SD card reader you can load them onto your new computer. If it doesn't there are plenty of SD card readers for around $20 that can connect to a USB port, or internally in a 3.5" or 5.25" bay.
gpi files
I have all my poi files loaded on the SD card. I thought I could insert the SD card in my laptop and restore them back onto my computer.
I appreciate your response
You started with individual csv and/or gpx files that resided within the POI folder on your PC. When you ran POI Loader it rolled them all up into a ball called poi.gpi. That is the file that should be on your SD card or residing inside the poi folder inside or your nuvi. The programs many of us use such as MapSource, Google Earth and Extra_POI-Editor can't look inside a .gpi file.
Anything is possible, but the work involved may not be worth it. Do a google search on gpi file format and gpi file editor. You may find something that will extract the data out of the gpi file in some usable manner. Maybe someone else knows of a good one and will post it here.
"There's no substitute for local knowledge" nüvi 750, nüvi 3597
You can try to convert it to a more usable format. It uses GPSBabel from which you could also use. It supports .gdi files and several other formats.
Reload From Sd
It looks like all of the poi files are bunched into one GPI file after it goes thru POI loader.
Thanks for your help
Aubin555,Nuvi 660