Little Sahara Sand Dunes - Utah

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Includes 6 locations in the following area:
- United States: UT
Western Utah, 115 miles Southwest of Salt Lake City
Little Sahara Recreation Area is a designated and managed off-highway-vehicle open area Managed by the Bureau of Land Management. It features 60,000 acres of sand dunes, trails, and sagebrush flats. The recreation area is about 12 miles long (north to south) and 10 miles wide. Sand Mountain, a wall of sand climbing nearly 700 feet, is the primary focal point for hill climbing. The sand dunes, on the northern side of the recreation area, have plentiful riding “bowls.” The low-lying dunes southwest of Black Mountain provide good terrain for beginners or for those who just want to get away from the crowds. Black Mountain provides a network of dirt trails up, over, and around a peak, offering excellent trail riding for just about any kind of OHV.
The Little Sahara sand dunes, located in the northeastern part of the Sevier Desert in western Utah, lie within the northern half of one of Utah’s largest dune fields (about 220 square miles). This dune field contains both actively forming or migrating dunes and plant-stabilized dunes. According to BLM literature, the dunes at Little Sahara are remnants of ancient Lake Bonneville, which receded about 15,000 years ago. Winds that flow across the Sevier Desert deposited the sand near what is now Sand Mountain, creating 124 square miles of free-moving dunes. The dunes are still moving to the north and east between 5 and 9 feet per year.
The most prominent barrier is the Sand Hills (also known as Sand Mountain) located within the recreation area. The Sand Hills lie directly in the path of migrating dunes and are aligned at right angles to the prevailing wind direction. Sand travels around the ends of the hills or through passes to form dunes on the other side.
Elevation - 5000 - 5471 ft.
Directions to Little Sahara:
Approximately 115 miles SW of Salt Lake City via Nephi, UT.
The entrance road to Little Sahara is 4 miles west of Jericho Junction.
From Delta: 34 miles North on Hwy 6
From Nephi: West on SR 132, then right on Juab County Road 1812
From Eureka: 18 miles South on Hwy 6
Little Sahara Camping Area(s):
Camping is available within the recreation area along the 9-mile main road at these sites:
White Sands – Campsites nestled among the juniper. Immediate access to small dunes at the north end of Little Sahara. Closest campsite to the Visitor Center, farthest from Sand Mountain. 99 sites, flush toilets (vault in winter), drinking water. Fenced play area in dunes adjacent to campsite. The candy-striped homing pole in the White Sands Play Area serves as a visual reference point throughout the recreation area. At night the pole has a white blinking beacon.
Oasis – The most developed site in the recreation area. Paved pads for trailers and motorhomes. 114 sites, flush toilets (vault in winter), drinking water, RV dump station. Good family area. Nearby access to trails and smaller dunes.
Jericho – Originally designed as a fenced picnic area, Jericho serves as overflow camping area. Good area for large groups. Paved parking access road, 41 picnic tables with shade armadas, flush toilets, drinking water, fenced sand play area. Nearby access to trails and smaller dunes.
Sand Mountain – Primitive camping area at the end of the road. Three paved parking loops, with parking off the pavement in the sand. A flush toilet, vault toilets, drinking water. Very popular area during holiday weekends.
There is a use fee of $8.00 per day with the exception of Easter, Memorial Day, and Labor Day weekends when the fee is $10.00 per day. Annual permits may be purchased for $75. Payment is made at the Visitor Center. If the booth is closed, there is a self-service station in the Visitor Center parking lot.
This is your recreation area - Please help keep it clean. Please put trash in garbage receptacles.
Please do not chop or otherwise damage live trees, fences or structures. Green trees provide tour shade and a buffer from wind and noise.
Recreation fees help provide recreation facilities and services. All vehicles entering the area are requited to pay the appropriate fee.
When operation motorized vehicles, please obey the posted speed limits, and do not drive in a reckless or negligent manner that may endanger yourself, other persons or property.
Limited motorized vehicle use (including ATV’s & motorcycles) within campgrounds to roadways or other designated access points will minimize noise and the danger of accidents.
ATV’s are fun for the whole family. Steep, open terrain and heavy use concentrations warrant caution to ensure a safe riding experience. Small children should be visibly supervised at all times to ensure their protection. No one under eight years of age may operate an OHV on public roads, trails, or lands in Utah.
To ensure an enjoyable visit for everyone, help us maintain quiet hours from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Operate audio devices and motorized equipment so that they do not make unreasonable noise that disturbs other visitors.
Shooting of firearms, other weapons or fireworks is very dangerous within Little Sahara doe to the high concentration of visitors and highly mobile users. Help protect users by not using these items.
Dumping of sewage and/or gray water only at the trailer dump station adjacent to Oasis Campground will help maintain a more sanitary and enjoyable area.
Please keep pets on a leash or under some form of physical control at all times to insure they don’t become lost in the vast open terrain or injured by vehicular activity.
Grills and fire pits have been provided for fires. Please build fires only in these locations.
To insure that everyone has an opportunity to enjoy use of the area , camping is limited to 14 days.
Please do not clean food, clothing or household articles at outdoor hydrants or within the restrooms.
Help us keep the campgrounds in good condition by putting tents, trailers, vehicles and/or other equipment only in places designated for them.
Drinking water is at a premium in the desert environment. Help us provide enough water for everyone by not bathing or washing vehicles.
Tables, stoves, barriers, litter receptacles, portable restrooms and other campground equipment have been placed at their location for maximum utilization by everyone. Please leave them in place.
Items tacked to signs within the recreation area detract from the aesthetics, damage the signs and cover the message. Please use only the message boards provided for your messages, directions for other visitors, etc.
Help us keep recreation faculties such as restrooms and water hydrants available for use by everyone by not camping within 50 feet of these facilities or hooking your trailer or motor home hoses to hydrants.
The fences surrounding the sand play areas at White Sands Campgrounds and Jericho Campground are to provide a safe protected area for you and your children. Help us keep vehicles out of these areas.
During winter months, freezing conditions with no means of heating the facilities necessitates closing the restrooms and turning off hydrants. Portable restrooms and vault toilets are provided along with drinking water at the hydrant in the back of the Visitors Center .
Help us maintain the unique vegetation and wildlife within the Rockwell Natural Area by keeping vehicles out of this area.
Little Sahara Recreation Area in provided for your safe enjoyment of this unique sand dune environment. Please report disturbances, damage or any concerns you have to BLM personnel on duty.
2/5/11 - Took out commas in Col C for new 2.6 POI Loader