difference between CSV and GPx


Haven't figured out why there are two types of files for Garmin the csv and gpx both do the same thing I.ve looked at them both in POI editor and see no difference. Both work actually the same way do the same things. What was the point?

CSV vs GPX files

ser_R wrote:

Haven't figured out why there are two types of files for Garmin the csv and gpx both do the same thing I.ve looked at them both in POI editor and see no difference. Both work actually the same way do the same things. What was the point?

Yes, they both can generate POI files on your Garmin but they're similarity ends there. CSV files are simple text files that can be generated by almost any text editor. They are limited in the data they can contain and how they can be used. They're major advantage is their very simplicity and size while their main disadvantage is their simplicity which limits what they can do.

GPX files require a special program to generate easily. They can contain and display addresses, phone numbers, information on hours of operation and both proximity and speed alerts that can be set individually for each entry. There is also a drive under way to make GPX the default format for cross-platform files (a POI file for a Garmin would work on a Tom-Tom or cell phone). GPX file's advantage is it's versatility while it disadvantage is the difficulty in generating them and their size.

Jack j

CVS vs. GPX Files

Thanks for the clarification regarding the two types of files.

difference between CSV and GPx

If your using the POI Editor I don't see any difference all the information is the same.Only thing i have found is the editor will when you go to save will try and have you save your file as GPX.You can make alerts on both using the editor and both files work just the same.


ser_R wrote:

If your using the POI Editor I don't see any difference all the information is the same.Only thing i have found is the editor will when you go to save will try and have you save your file as GPX.You can make alerts on both using the editor and both files work just the same.

Trust us, there are differences. You can start reading here to learn more http://www.poi-factory.com/node/6664

difference between CSV and GPx

A little difference I will agree but hardly noticeable at all.

It's big for me

ser_R wrote:

A little difference I will agree but hardly noticeable at all.

On my GPS (Nuvi 205w), the GPX files show much more detail than the CSV files. For example, I downloaded a list of Taco Bueno's. To find the one near me, I look in my custom POI's, under Taco Bueno. The list has text like this:

Taco Bueno x.x mi

Taco Bueno y.y mi


With a GPX file the list looks like this:

Taco Bueno x.x mi
123 Main St

Taco Bueno y.y mi
111 Elm

I like that better than the other.

CSV and GPx

Can you have both in a GPS at the same time??

Claude using Garmin c330,Nuvi 250W and a Etrex venture Cx. Member #2602

Yes you can have both csv

Yes you can have both csv and gpx files for custom pois.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

csv or gpx

ser_R wrote:

A little difference I will agree but hardly noticeable at all.

If you take a csv file and just convert it to a gpx file you are right.You will hardly see the difference except some models using gpx will display all the information on the first screen when you touch go to instead of using the more button.
A true gpx file that contains additional information.Like a description of the location,times,cost etc you will be able to view on the more screen.Using csv files you can type all the info in column 4 but there is a limit and when Poiloader loads it and anything outside that limit will not be loaded.You can extend that with the gpx format.I done a file on Miami Attractions in the gpx format and would not have been able to add the extra information using the csv format.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.


ser_R wrote:

A little difference I will agree but hardly noticeable at all.

Hardly noticeable at all? GPX offers: dialable phone numbers; better formatted text; ability to attach pictures and sounds clips; ability to create tour guides.

Thanks for this thread.

Thanks for this thread. Very helpful!


Garmin 2595LMT, Garmin 750, Garmin 780, Garmin 76Csx, GPS Bluetooth receiver for laptop


The difference depends on the GPS unit itself... with my c330, there is ZERO difference between the two. Maybe on higher end or newer units it may display it differently but overall it is (usually) the same info, just displayed differently depending on the unit itself.

Garmin c330 w/ 2011 maps

yes and no

claude wrote:

Can you have both in a GPS at the same time??

You can load both. You actually have neither in your GPS, you have a file that is the result of POIloader reading either or both types of files and outputting a different type file to the GPS.

where can i go to download a

where can i go to download a gpx file w/extension to the computer

If you are just looking to

If you are just looking to try one.Take any of the csv files you have and load to Extra Poi Editor at http://turboccc.wikispaces.com/Extra_POI_Editor and save as a gpx file.

Note.If you get message missing the required OCX file? Yu will need to install Etra_POI_Editor_Installer+v250.zip .Scroll down past the Extra Poi Loader and you will see the download.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.


Thanks for all the info as I've been wondering what the difference is between the file types and what they do differently in the GPS.

Nuvi 750 and 755T

neither end up in the GPS, POI loader converts both

JFCTexas wrote:

Thanks for all the info as I've been wondering what the difference is between the file types and what they do differently in the GPS.

They do nothing differently in the GPS, because neither file actually ends up in the GPS. CSV is a leaner and simpler format, it holds basic information but that information is not well defined so information beyond the coordinates and a name just gets lumped into a "catch-all" comment field. GPX is a much more complex form and allows data to be much better labeled, and if done properly it allows the GPS to deal with certain data (such as being able to dial a telephone number if your GPS includes bluetooth). That is not to say that GPX is always better or richer, data can be poorly organized in GPX format too. And if you just do a crude conversion from CSV to GPX then your data is likely to be no better than it was in CSV format. But GPX does have the potential of better organizing the data than CSV.

You can add a lot more

You can add a lot more information and details with a gpx file plus you can build in the alerts. See http://www.poi-factory.com/node/6203 for more details.Extra Poi Editor makes it easy to make a gpx file.You can take one of your csv files and download there then build on it to include more information.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.