XM weather less-detailed recently?


Has anyone else noticed a recent lack of detail in their XM weather data? I have a Zumo 550 and have been using XM weather/traffic (NavTraffic subscription) for a bit over a year now. Noticed over the past 1-2 months the weather data seems to have less detail (forecast info, high/low temp data) for the same reporting stations I usually see forecast and other data for.

Just rode across the southern-US for a few days (Arizona to Florida), and noticed the same issues across most of the reporting stations I encountered. Didn't get any severe weather alerts either, although I most certainly went through some severe weather areas.

My subscription hasn't changed, and I have reset my XM subscription info (by phone and web site); with no improvement. My antenna has a clear view, connections are good, everything else works fine, blah blah blah -- nothing has changed in my own setup or configuration since I set it up over a year ago -- I seriously doubt it's anything I have any control over. I'm concerned they may be changing the amount of data they report.

Just wondering if anyone else who watches their XM weather data regularly has noticed any issues with their service over the past couple of months...

- Chuck


Just a little bump for my lonely ole' thread out here... wink

I guess a better question might be -- does anyone else use XM weather on their GPS? grin

They fixed the glitch...

For whatever it's worth to follow-up on my own problem report... XM "fixed" whatever was wrong, and now XM weather reports full forecasts and detailed weather data as normal. Wish I knew who did what or what it took to fix it, so if it ever happens again, I could help get it fixed faster, but oh well...

At least for the Utah 1088 coming up next month, I'll have good weather info. wink