Speed Alert Comment Lines?


Hello again folks,

I've had my 1st Auto GPS less than a week and had some questions about speed alerts.

I've read about using the @ symbol for setting the alert speed so that makes sense, but is it possible to put a comment field in a csv file to remind me that I've changed the original file?

So, for instance in the following line (from a file I downloaded):

-79.37883,43.72099,"Bayview Ave & Sunnybrook Hosp@50",""

If I were to change that to @60 would this be the result?

Say you have a speed alert of 60 kmh and you are in the proximity radius of that speedtrap.

* below 60 kmh - No Alert
* 50-60kmh - 1 beep with Speed Trap Ahead displayed, indicating the speed limit.
* 60 and above - Beeping sound with flashing 60 kmh Speed Alert displayed.

Can I add a line to that file to remind me that I changed the limit? At the end of the file say all "at fifty" set to sixty? Will it cause errors for POI Loader?

That particular road has a lot of changes in the limit on the section I travel when taking my wife in for cancer treatments. Yesterday I turned the GPS off because I didn't know how to silence the alert. Slowing down wasn't going to be the answer.


What I did is save the original file and did all my setting and saved it to new file just incase I want to go back to the original setting. But after I have made these changes and it working so well I will not change it back it just works to good to go back

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