What GPS Did You Get For Christmas?
Fri, 12/26/2008 - 2:55pm
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![]() 16 years
Thought it would be interesting to see what everyone got for the Holidays.
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![]() 16 years
Thought it would be interesting to see what everyone got for the Holidays.
A pair of socks and ...
A pair of socks and ... oops! Wrong group.
Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267
I got a Garmin Nuvi 750...
I got a Garmin Nuvi 750... My wife said that it was just too good a deal at Sams....
A pair of socks and ... oops! Wrong group.
I just got a rock. I was promised a Blu-Ray player and didn't even get that.
For Christmas
One of my gifts was my first GPS - a garmin nuvi 200. So while I was updating the maps and exploring how to use it, I followed the link here.
Looks very cool.
I puchased a 760 at the begining of the month for a early christmas present from my parents.
Garmin SP 2730 and Nuvi 760
bought myself
A new 750 it was too good a deal to pass up...But now I am thinking about sending it back to Amazon for the 760...Also a great deal...
Dave_ Nuvi 660 , 760,1490LMT Wooster, Ohio
Nuvi 750
Gave my son and his wife a Nuvi 750. He LOVES the thing and so does she. She says that maybe now they won't have an argument when the get lost and he refuses to ask for directions.
Officer I'm sorry I was going the wrong way on that one-way street but my GPS told me to turn left ... Oh, I'm still getting a ticket, okay then the GPS will see ya in court!
nuvi 880. Its pretty sick,
nuvi 880. Its pretty sick, has bluetooth for handsfree phone and voice activated navigation
Garmin 255W -- great gift
Garmin Nuvi 255W -- great gift but now there are all those accessories to buy....
Nuvi 780
Got me a new Garmin Nuvi780
love it
love it
love it
only 300 bones
A Nuvi 205
I rode around for almost an hour this morning just to try it out!
Hi everyone, I just got my
Hi everyone, I just got my first GPS for Christmas - a Magellan Roadmate 1212. No frills, but seems to do the job well. Cheapest text-to-speech model I've ever seen, in my limited experience.
So, my friend recommended that I join this site and start getting some decent POIs!
I got a ...
Hi! I got a 760 for Christmas, and the purchased the GDB50 receiver, so its a 780 yeah!
I got a ...
I picked up a 205W, only cause I had a gift card that I was afraid that the company would go bankrupt. But really wanted to get the 265WT...what's your thoughts.
Nuvi 765T !!
Last year we took my brother-in-law with us on a road trip with my new-at-the-time Nuvi 200W. I guess he was impressed with it, as well as took note of how many times I mentioned that I wished I had gotten one with Mp3 so I could have TourGuides.
So .. this year he surprised me (understatement!) with a Nuvi 765T.
Geez. I love the guy!
It's about the Line- If a line can be drawn between the powers granted and the rights retained, it would seem to be the same thing, whether the latter be secured by declaring that they shall not be abridged, or that the former shall not be extended.
I gave a 760
Love my 360,so bought my inlaws a 760. Costco obviously got a deal on the 750 (available online)and the 760 (in store) because the 765 is the new standard.
Nuvi 360
What GPS?
From my daughter: A photo-framed collage.
From my younger son: A model of the U.S.S. Enterprise from the original series. He knew I loved the TV show when I was about his age.
From my older son and his family: A set of family photos (with my grandkids!
From my sister: two bottles of wine from her "home vineyard." She and I exchange the best from our local vineyards.
I'm not too much into receiving gifts.
nüvi 750 & 760
My brother bought me a Nuvi
My brother bought me a Nuvi 760, pretty cool if I do say so.
I got a Garmin 755T
Hello all
I got a 755T, this is my second GPS so far. My first one was a Lowrance 500c
Wilson T * Nuvi 3597 * Romulus, MI
What GPS Did You Get For Christmas?
treated myself to a nuvi 765t - love it so far
Received the Nuvi 200W...
Received the Nuvi 200W... Enjoy it so far... afarid the wife and I may quarrel over it though... fortunately I drive 35 miles one way everyday and she drives 3 miles. I win...
I got a Nuvi 750. This is
I got a Nuvi 750. This is my first GPS and it is a big step up from using my cell phone for directions. Still trying to play around with it but I love it.
I didn't get one!!!!
I want a new one to replace my 350, but I have sorta lost connections with what is the lastest and greatest. I got addicted to Facebook!!!! Sorry for the betrayal...lol.
I am going to have to come here more and re-educate myself. I hope that everyone had a great Christmas and so a New Year!!!!
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
255W for my husband - we
255W for my husband - we love it!
Jansj "Do what you like - like what you do."
Welcome back...
I want a new one to replace my 350, but I have sorta lost connections with what is the lastest and greatest. I got addicted to Facebook!!!! Sorry for the betrayal...lol.
I am going to have to come here more and re-educate myself. I hope that everyone had a great Christmas and so a New Year!!!!
I think the daily post count dropped by several hundred while you were gone....
I bought the 760 for my wife, although I (we) have been using it the most. Made custom routes for the christmas light displays in town and it worked great.
Garmin StreetPilot c580 & Nuvi 760 - Member 32160 - Traveling in Kansas
gps for xmas
ha bought mine during the summer 760
My wife got me a 255W. I love it! And I can honestly tell her I love the gift she got me. Yay!
Got a Nuvi 780 too.
Got me a new Garmin Nuvi780
love it
love it
love it
only 300 bones
Another GPS
I got a Garmin Nuvi 785T can't wait to see how the lanes work and the hwy Speed Signs & Exit Signs
Auggie SP2720 , SP C330, Nuvi 650, Nuvi 785T,Dezl 770lmt America Moves By Truck
I received a 260w for my
I received a 260w for my first gps this Christmas.
Yeah, let us know, I wonder
Yeah, let us know, I wonder how well that works. I heard a Best Buy employee yesterday say to a customer that a certain model shows building and so you know where you are exactly. Because you can see a short and a tall building on the GPSr and then you see it for real and know where you are. I can't see that it works that well.
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
Garmin 265WT...love it.
Garmin 265WT...love it.
Garmin 780
I bought myself the Garmin 780 on eBay for $300. So far I'm VERY impressed.
Still learning all the tips and tricks and ran across "POI Factory" while searching the Internet. I was so impressed with this site I not only subscribed for a year, I am working to become an active member as well!!! I learned how to build and have loaded my first POIs and was only a member for just over an hour.
Now if I could just learn how to (if possible) avoid individual streets and have the GPS recalculate without them and not rely on the randomness of the "detour" function.
Nuvi 780
Well, an early present...Nuvi 765T. 4th GPS...now to buy all the vehicles to put them in.
Hello and Welcome to all the new members
I just want to say a quick welcome to all the new members that have joined us since Christmas. It is really nice to have you all with us.
Miss POI
Christmas GPS
My wife gave me a Garmin 255W. I already loaded 25,000 POIs from this site. The unit works splendidly except in downtown areas surrounded by skyscrapers. I took for a walk around downtown Chicago and never acquired the satellites until crossing the river into 4-5 story buildings.
And, yes, many pairs of socks!
I got a Garmin eTrex Vista
I got a Garmin eTrex Vista HCx. I am going to try geocaching.
Since I knew I hadn't been
Since I knew I hadn't been good, then Santa wasn't bringing me anything for Christmas, so I bought a Magellan Maestro 3225 for my birthday which is right before Christmas. I like how it works on the short trips I've taken so far and my wife and I are planning a raod trip to Key West in June so we'll be using it then. I've been visiting the Poi Factory for a couple of weeks now and thinking I needed to download some custom POI's for that trip. A special thanks to those who have developed those files. Hope I can help in the future.
Got a 660 last year, Who
Got a 660 last year, Who knew it was going to be outdated so fast. Anyway got my self a new puppy this year.
Nuvi 200w
Just received the Nuvi200w as my first GPS, looking to update it as much as possible! This site looks like a pretty helpful resource
Just received the Nuvi200w as my first GPS, looking to update it as much as possible!
With your gift of understatement, I'm sure you will fit right in!
This site looks like a pretty helpful resource
Welcome to the BEST place for information and a POI or two.
ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet
A 760
I bought a 760 for myself
and I give my old 680 to my wife and also I bought another 680 for my brother
I'm new to this site but I
I'm new to this site but I received a Garmin 255W.
It's a good thing that there's GPS systems or I would be ... always lost!
No gps under the tree
I guess I will have to just go out and get one...my gps always ends up in my wifes car. Any suggestions from you recent gps owners.
Flip Garmin Street P.330 Garmin 255WT Garmin LM50
New to the whole GPS scene
New to the whole GPS scene but i have already learned how put in pois and new vehicles into my new nuvi 260 and my sons new nuvi 200 that we all got for Christmas. hope to learn even more things to do and customize my gps.
RE: No gps under the tree
I guess I will have to just go out and get one...my gps always ends up in my wifes car. Any suggestions from you recent gps owners.
The 255W is my 2nd GPS, a MIO C220 was my first. I went with Garmin because it seems to be the strongest company out there and I believe Garmin still provides map updates for it's older Streetpilot series. Mio hasn't released a map update for any of it's older stuff in the 1 1/2 years that I've owned it. I haven't used my Garmin yet so I can't give a thumbs up or down on it compared to the Mio, which I really like BTW.
I did a lot of research about my new GPS and the Garmin xx5 series have some newer ideas that have been in other GPS systems for a while. I understand that some of the newer features were in older Garmins as well.
I wanted the 255 because I wanted a GPS that did just GPSing with the possible added feature of traffic avoidance (I'm thinking of getting the MSN direct receiver) and hope that Garmin will be supporting the NUVI line for a while. The 3 features that I wanted the 255 for - TTS, although not essential using a GPS without one made me realize it is nice to have street names/exits spoken; maps of US and Canada - I don't do much long distance traveling but like to know that if I did go to Canada my GPS won't be blank and finally I wanted the "next turn" indicator, my MIO has it and I find it very handy.
Someone mentioned MP3 for tour guides - I didn't think of tour guides when researching but I don't see myself using an audio tour guide. If this is something that you may use I believe the 265 has MP3.
I didn't want bluetooth since I like having the device in my ear vs using a speakerphone. A friend has the 760 and I was riding around with him a couple of days and it seems nice. I liked the wide screen so I went with that for the new GPS.
Hope this helps!
It's a good thing that there's GPS systems or I would be ... always lost!
Now that my 350 is acting up again
Any suggestions from you recent gps owners.
I'm eyeing the 755T. I'll probably get one this summer after the map update becomes available.
nüvi 750 & 760
new for christmas
I had been eyeing the 255w, but the wife surpised me with the 755t. I talked her into giving it to me early since I use it for work. I love it so far. works great.I like the traffic, with lifetime subcription. Would like to have more voices though. I downloaded dr. nightmare it's ok, but would like more.
None for myself
Bought two for Gifts, Nuvi 270's.
For myself, I am waiting for either the next generation beyond nuvi or the middle of January where I think the price will be at rock bottom on all nuvi's, if not I will wait. I am in no hurry to be screwed by Garmin this year or any year, been at this for to long to take the suckers bet.
Magellan buying up Mio will be very intersting, I look into what they have coming to the table in the near future.
After all Good things come to those that wait.
Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.