Marietta, Georgia (NW Atlanta) Adds A New Red Light Camera
Wed, 12/24/2008 - 9:59pm
18 years
The header reads ; Drivers Beware. The City of Marietta, Georgia ( NW Atlanta ) have added a new Redlight Camera to come online on Jan 12, 2009. The link is below.
New Camera in Marietta
If the camera is on Marietta Pkwy to catch the people making a right from Powder Springs without stopping, the coordinates are -84.54969, 33.94741
ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet
New Camera in Marietta
You are probably right. Thanks. The ones that I sent to Ms. POI may be incorrect.
Merry Christmas
JG - Nuvi 2460
Red Camera in Marietta
Well, as stated in the article, this new redlight camera is already live and being tested. It will be in official use on Jan 12th or Jan 13. Watch out. I was in the area yesterday and noticed a crew making what appreared to be adjustments to the camera. Location has already been send to Ms. POI to be added to the list.
JG - Nuvi 2460
new camera...
Great just what I needed another red light camera in my area!!!! yuk.