12 cars of Christmas
Sun, 12/14/2008 - 9:17pm
![]() 17 years
It appears that Garmin has started their "12 cars of Christmas" releases... starting today, Dec 14
First release? Tiny
It appears that Garmin has started their "12 cars of Christmas" releases... starting today, Dec 14
First release? Tiny
They started that yesterday, Blinky is out today!
Bob G. Nuvi 750
Oh man, I'm a day late on my
Oh man, I'm a day late on my post. I just found Blinky. I've got to read my emails more often! And I should have used the Garmin calculator to figure out that Dec 14 plus 12 days equals Dec. 26.
Garmin 205, 260W, 1450LMT, 2460LMT, HEREwego for iPhone ... all still mapping strong.
Thanks for the tip. These look cool.
Garmin nüvi 765T, nüvi 350
redRider (day 3) posted!
check out the holiday bundle too...
Special delivery is kinda nice...
non-native nutmegger
These look cool. Do they
These look cool. Do they dissapear off the site everyday?
Do they
still hold the contests for new icons?
Thanks for the site info. Will definitely check them out.
still hold the contests for new icons?
They don't have a contest currently going on, but you can submit vehicle ideas. Each month they create a new vehicle based upon the ideas submitted.
Next up...A plow
I think we got robbed by two days. Blinkie vs Twinkle and Red Rider vs Holiday Hauler. They are just too identicle. He must have been pressed for time!
The plows nice!
I see what you mean about twinkle and blinky.
Bob G. Nuvi 750
The heck with setting my
The heck with setting my Garmin up with a snow plow ... I could use a real SNOW PLOW here today (to clean up yesterday's and last night snow storm.)
Garmin 205, 260W, 1450LMT, 2460LMT, HEREwego for iPhone ... all still mapping strong.
skiing scooter posted
the next installment of the 12 Days vehicles is posted ... Skiing Scooter
Blinky with your filament so bright...
Blinkie vs Twinkle
No way! I really like how Blinkie blinks as you're driving.
Al Valanche was more fitting for my drive today.
Shredded tree
Did you also notice that they loaded the tree on the roof of Red Rider backwards? All your limbs and needles will be shredded by the time you get home!
Math Problem
Oh man, I'm a day late on my post. I just found Blinky. I've got to read my emails more often! And I should have used the Garmin calculator to figure out that Dec 14 plus 12 days equals Dec. 26.
Higher math can get quite complicated.
Todays vehicle.............
Frostbite the sled just out!
Bob G. Nuvi 750
what page are you going to?? this is not yet posted on the vehicle or blog page of the garmin site.
what page are you going to?? this is not yet posted on the vehicle or blog page of the garmin site.
server error
maybe it's the weather here in the NE
maybe it's high traffic volume, but I can't access that page ...
oh well, we'll try again later.
or try this ...
maybe it's the weather here in the NE.....
You can try this:
go to Garmin.com, make sure it knows you are looking for the USA site.
Look at the links at the top and find Extras, click it.
Look at the page and find the GOODIES section near the bottom. Click the first option there, Garmin Garage.
On the page that it takes you too there will be a small section marked "quicklinks" on the right hand site near the top. In that section, click on "All Vehicles".
thanks, but ...
thanks, but I did know that. it seems there is some issue going on at the moment that is preventing me from accessing much of the Garmin site.
Thanks for the info. I
Thanks for the info. I hadn't been to the Garmin Garage for quite a long time. There's lots of new stuff.
Day 7 - Frank
Frank the Christmas Ball (a blue ball) is posted.
day 8? maybe ...
there is a new vehicle on the garmin site ... an airplane named Blue Baron.
however, it is not listed as Day 8 of the 12 Days series in the garmin blog .... so, not sure if this is really Day 8 or not!?
Day 8?
there is a new vehicle on the garmin site ... an airplane named Blue Baron.
however, it is not listed as Day 8 of the 12 Days series in the garmin blog .... so, not sure if this is really Day 8 or not!?
Hi djs, It's listed under the Holiday Bundle which might make it part of the 12 Cars of Christmas Series.
nüvi 3590LMT "always backup your files"
Hi djs, It's listed under the Holiday Bundle which might make it part of the 12 Cars of Christmas Series.
I know ... conflicting info - it's still not listed on the 12 Days blog
yeah...it's a wonderful time of the year
confirmed as Day 8
the Blue Baron was added to the 12 Days Blog
Day 9 - Sweet Tree
a decorated Christmas cookie
North Korean Air Force?
there is a new vehicle on the garmin site ... an airplane named Blue Baron.
Looks to me that the Blue Baron carries the roundrel of the Korean People's Air Force. Maybe it's made for M*A*S*H fans and is a nod to 5 O'Clock Charlie?
Drivesmart 66, Nuvi 2595LMT (Died), Nuvi 1490T (Died), Nuvi 260 (Died), GPSMAP 195
Super Slider
They are getting better with their designs and colors.
>getting better Yeah,but if
>getting better
Yeah,but if they really want to make my Christmas, Garmin should design some realistic looking cars ... instead of the cartoonish type stuff.
I mean, I'd love a simple "stock" pick-up truck with a topper on the bed.
I realise Garmin's position is potential trademark problems if their vehicles are recognizable.
But hey, I would also think the cartoon company's would complain about Garmin getting into the cartoon (vehicle) business.
Garmin 205, 260W, 1450LMT, 2460LMT, HEREwego for iPhone ... all still mapping strong.
Day 11 posted
tomorrow's vehicle is posted ... Aunt Edna (the fruitcake!)
Create Your Own?
Garmin should design some realistic looking cars ... instead of the cartoonish type stuff.
Sometimes to get exactly what you want you have to do it yourself. If you 'really' want a pickup truck with a topper on it look for other threads (there are several recent ones) showing how to create your own vehicle icons. You could even have your own truck (assuming you have one) on the screen without a lot of effort.
Garmin GPS III, GPS V, StreetPilot 2610, Mobile 10, Nuvi 660, Nuvi 760
Merry Christmas!
Last vehicle is out, "All Aboard" The best one so far in my opinion!
Bob G. Nuvi 750