I loaded 22 Custom POI's and can't load number 23


I have a Garmin Nuvi 350. I loaded 22 custom POIS with icons, alerts, etc and now I tried to load number 23. It won't display it on my Garmin under custom pois. I also put in on the card and it sill won't display. If I delete a custom poi then it shows up. Did I reach the limit? I deleted some of the help in foreign languages to free up some room but how many can you have. Most are low KB but I have 1 at 1245KB and 1 1645KB. What happened? What can I do to store more? Thanks

I tripped going up the escalator and I fell for an hour and a half!

I forgot to add that I gave

I forgot to add that I gave each custom poi a new name so I could add them individually.

I tripped going up the escalator and I fell for an hour and a half!


bpa5152 wrote:

I have a Garmin Nuvi 350. I loaded 22 custom POIS with icons, alerts, etc and now I tried to load number 23. It won't display it on my Garmin under custom pois. I also put in on the card and it sill won't display. If I delete a custom poi then it shows up. Did I reach the limit? I deleted some of the help in foreign languages to free up some room but how many can you have. Most are low KB but I have 1 at 1245KB and 1 1645KB. What happened? What can I do to store more? Thanks

You need to make subfolders for your custom pois to expand the number and for all the custom pois to show. see http://www.poi-factory.com/node/8674

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

I took your advice and went

I took your advice and went into the Garmin/Poi folder and set-up 4 other folders. Then I copied all my points of my gpi files into these folders. There was not change. Should I have created a POI folder 1, 2 etc?

I tripped going up the escalator and I fell for an hour and a half!

It should look something

It should look something like this example.

>My pois =main folder

>>>cracker barrel.csv

>>>National parks.csv
>>>Fl state parks.csv

>>>redlight cameras.csv
>>>speed cameras.csv

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

How many GPI files?

bpa5152 wrote:

I forgot to add that I gave each custom poi a new name so I could add them individually.

bpa5152 wrote:

I took your advice and went into the Garmin/Poi folder and set-up 4 other folders. Then I copied all my points of my gpi files into these folders. There was not change. Should I have created a POI folder 1, 2 etc?

Have you been renaming POI.GPI after each run of POILoader, so that you have 22 .GPI files?

You may have found an architectural limit.

------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ----------------------               http://GeePeeEx.com - Garmin POI Creation made easy           »      

Exactly. I have 22 gpi

Exactly. I have 22 gpi files because I did just what you said. I did create folders under CGarmin/poi and named them shopping, lodging, etc. It appears to be working now. Is this the right thing to do?

I tripped going up the escalator and I fell for an hour and a half!

Yes thats it.I sent you a

Yes thats it.I sent you a email with more details but looks like you got it now.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

I think I may have hit an

I think I may have hit an architectural roadblock. I tried to add one more and now it won't display under custom POI's. I put it in a subfolder with other pois and it should have displayed. Any ideas?

I tripped going up the escalator and I fell for an hour and a half!

How many csv files do you

How many csv files do you have in one subfolder?

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

No more than 5

No more than 5

I tripped going up the escalator and I fell for an hour and a half!

Did you get a message about

Did you get a message about not enough space to load the last file.When you set up the subfolders how many more files were you able to see under custom pois?Last thing go to my computer and with the gps hooked to computer find the drive and see how much space if any do you have left to use.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

I received no messages, I

I received no messages, I will check the space

I tripped going up the escalator and I fell for an hour and a half!

10 files 1,171,483,182

10 files 1,171,483,182 used
728,547,328 free

I tripped going up the escalator and I fell for an hour and a half!

Based on you post it appears

Based on you post it appears you have been able to load more files since using subfolders.Make one more subfolder as a test and put the last one that didn't show up in it and see what happens.

How many subfolders do you have now?

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

I had 6 subfolders and I

I had 6 subfolders and I added one more. The\ gpi's all show now. I am not sure why...

I tripped going up the escalator and I fell for an hour and a half!

You are reaching the limit

You are reaching the limit size in each folder.You must really be downloading some big files.Just hold your cursor on the subfolder that would not take the last csv file and see what the size is.That will give you idea of limits and compare the others to it.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

Is there a limit on

Is there a limit on subfolders? Thanks

I tripped going up the escalator and I fell for an hour and a half!

See this node it goes into

See this node it goes into detail about it. http://www.poi-factory.com/node/15907

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

It should look something

charlesd45 wrote:

It should look something like this example.

>My pois =main folder

>>>cracker barrel.csv

>>>National parks.csv
>>>Fl state parks.csv

>>>redlight cameras.csv
>>>speed cameras.csv

I did this as above and it still only shows 20 .gpi files. It doesn't show my subfolders??

I have a Nuvi 200


mmadd29 wrote:
charlesd45 wrote:

It should look something like this example.

>My pois =main folder

>>>cracker barrel.csv

>>>National parks.csv
>>>Fl state parks.csv

>>>redlight cameras.csv
>>>speed cameras.csv

I did this as above and it still only shows 20 .gpi files. It doesn't show my subfolders??

I have a Nuvi 200

This file structure is used for loading all files at once, by pointing to the parent folder, "My POIs", as the source. All files are then compiled into a single gpi file. If you are seeing 20 different gpi files, are you renaming them and loading individually? If so, and you are pointing at the individual subfolders, you will lose the subfolders. To get around that, you can duplicate the subfolder by having an "Alarms" folder and another "Alarms" subfolder and you would point to the upper folder.

Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.

I loaded 22 Custom POI's and can't load number 23

Thanks for the explanation.....