Apple store POI
Wed, 02/21/2007 - 2:51pm
![]() 17 years
I just completed my first POI, consisting all the Apple Store locations in the US. It's available now, so check it out, and if anyone notices anything wrong, or suggestions to make them better, let me know!
Snagged another one....
Congrats!!! Welcome to the addictive world of POI file building. Hahahahahahaahaaaa, we may actually need to someday have a 12 step program to cure this addiction.
Miss Poi
i thought the AAA and the
i thought the AAA and the CAA poi were 12 step lol
It was certainly easier then
It was certainly easier then I expected! I'm already trying to think of my next!
Is this POI file good for all kinds of fruit stands, or is it exclusively for apple vendors? =)
Buz (Garmin StreetPilot c340 with GTM 12 Traffic Receiver)
Hi, When this file was
Hi, I have created an update to this file to include the newest apple stores. How can I share that? One location doesn't have long, lat data because google earth can't find it. How can i fix that?
Garmin C330 TomTom One Nuvi 250
Depending on your model of
Depending on your model of GPSr, you could drive to it if it is close and get the coordinates for it. What is the address of the store?
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
11410 Century Oaks
11410 Century Oaks Terrace
Austin, TX 78758
(512) 691-4800
I am in KY , not TX so I can't go there but I was just trying to make the file complete.
Garmin C330 TomTom One Nuvi 250
try this
11410 Century Oaks Terrace
Austin, TX 78758
(512) 691-4800
I am in KY , not TX so I can't go there but I was just trying to make the file complete.
Two things actually,
1) Make a request - if someone in the area could drive by and mark the location. Or, if they are familiar with the area, pin point the location via google earth.
2) Make an educated best guess, until a more exact location (1 above) can be obtained.
Here is how I make a best guess. Pull out the Sherlock Holmes cap and magnifying glass. Then,
Look at the apple store locator page for the one in question.
There is a map with how to get there directions. Try to find this spot on google earth, if it's still not quite clear, look for other clues. There are other clues, Macy's, Kona Grill, Marcus...and The Domain (mall) All of these are searchable and most times maps and driving directions will be available. These maps and directions can be compared to the google earth map.
A fairly close lat and lon can be obtained, by following the "driving directions" Follow along in google earth, "Then, stay on the access road until it loops back to the left under {that's a clue} MoPac. Enter The Domain on your right just past Macy’s. Then, turn left onto Century Oaks Terrace and the Apple Store will be on your left.
I came up with -97.721486,30.405408 by following the driving directions which will get you to the mall and close to the actual store.
If you search for The Domain (name of the mall) you will actually get the following -97.725602,30.402340 for 11410 Century Oaks Terrace suite 210, then if you click Hybrid on the map, these coords actually point to the pitchers mound of a nearby baseball field. I believe my "Best Guess" will actually come closer.
Another tip
You can adjust zoom levels so both maps (google earth and locator map) are close in size which will help find the location.
This is how I handle this situation when it arises, it may seem complicated but really isn't.
........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........
Malls are tough - some times
Malls are tough - some times its hard to pinpoint where in that big mass of stores is the right option. lsmonop gives a pretty good overview. It would be nice to have a quick revise option for POI files though - to sort of suggest errors. What do most folks do - just message the authors? what about cases where messaging is disabled?
Email the author
Malls are tough - some times its hard to pinpoint where in that big mass of stores is the right option. lsmonop gives a pretty good overview. It would be nice to have a quick revise option for POI files though - to sort of suggest errors. What do most folks do - just message the authors? what about cases where messaging is disabled?
Authors should keep their email enabled. If not, or you are not getting a response, then you should post to a discussion group.
Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource
Thanks for everyone help!
Thanks for everyone help! Now the question do I share the updated file?
Garmin C330 TomTom One Nuvi 250
Thanks for the Apple Store
Thanks for the Apple Store POI file.
I checked the locations for the store near me and found one error. The correct coordinates for the Mission Viejo California store are:
-117.66922 33.56141
Thanks for the Apple POI's. Very helpful for us Mac owners.
RKF (Brookeville, MD) Garmin Nuvi 660, 360 & Street Pilot
I will fix it in the file
I will fix it in the file and also update to include the 2 newest apple stores opened yesterday!
Garmin C330 TomTom One Nuvi 250
Great Job everyone, I really
Great Job everyone, I really like how everyone is keeping their files up to date. It is nice to hear when updates happen so that those of us who cherish your file can reload it and have the updates too.
Miss Poi
If everyone takes ownership
If everyone takes ownership over updating there files, it makes life that much easier for everyone....
Garmin C330 TomTom One Nuvi 250
When Google can't find an address
Try Steve Morse's site
Re: Apple Store POI
I just completed my first POI, consisting all the Apple Store locations in the US. It's available now, so check it out, and if anyone notices anything wrong, or suggestions to make them better, let me know!
Hi Paul,
Great job on the Apple Store POI. I uploaded it and went to my local Apple Store in Burlingame, CA and the phone number for the store is missing the last digit.
The phone number on the POI shows "(650) 340-116" and it should be "(650) 340-1167".
Thanks again for the Apple Store POI...
Nuvi 670
Sullivan's Law: Murphy was an optimist!
Apple Store POI
Hi Paul,
Great job on the Apple Store POI file. I hope you don't mind but I downloaded it and made a few tweaks and corrections for use on my Nuvi 750. Of course, it took me all day as it is very tedious work as you already know. I added formatting so that the addresses showed correctly and added the cities in the titles so as to make it searchable. I also included the store hours. This was done using a combination of your file and opening each store on the Apple web site. If you or anyone else is interested in the update, please let me know.
Thanks again,
Does not work on my Nuvi 650
Hi, the Apple Store POI file does not work on my Nuvi 650. It just show the 1st store. That is it.
I opened up the file in Excel and several different text editor. There seems to be some unusual character in the address. In PSPad and TextPad freeware/shareware text editors, there are line end after address and zip. In Window's NotePad text editor, I see a square symbol where line ends exist. When I open it in Excel, I don't see the line ends at all; in fact, I just see run-on text (no spaces) where the line ends exist.
I will try to get CaptCHill's version (which he modified for his Nuvi 750). I'm just curious what is the problem, because couple other POI lists I downloaded also have the same issue.
Is this because the file was created on the Mac and this is a pay back for PC users? Just kidding.
In PSPad & TextPad text editor: Note the line end.
-86.730059,33.448475,"Apple Store","217 Summit Blvd. Space F1
Birmingham, AL 35243
(205) 909-2570"
In NotePad text editor: I see square symbol and I fake the square symbol as [].
-86.730059,33.448475,"Apple Store","217 Summit Blvd. Space F1[]Birmingham, AL 35243[](205) 909-2570"[]
In Excel, column 4 shows up as:
217 Summit Blvd. Space F1Birmingham, AL 35243(205) 909-2570
CR, not LF
One problem is the ascii code for that character is 13, not 10 that Excel's ALT-ENTER produces. Therefore, all of those characters are Carriage Returns, not LineFeeds. I changed all CRs to LFs.
A second problem is all of the lines are run together. Running POI Verifier corrected this.
I sent the corrected file to Miss POI. I hope I got all of the problems fixed. Give it a try.
"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."
I just re-uploaded the file,
I just re-uploaded the file, try it and see if it works.
Miss Poi
Anyone Check this file?
Did anyone check the linefeeds in this file after it was corrected? The nuvi 350 doesn't display standard linefeeds correctly so I can't check it.
"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."