C530 simulation speed


Hi, newbie here.

I returned my I5 after a week because it was too small and had limited mapping functions, and I now have been having fun playing with my C530 which arrived today!

About running a trip simulation with GPS off:
Is there a way to adjust the speed at which the unit proceeds through the simulation? It seems to be awful slow, maybe even real time.


Nuvi 55LMT

C530 simulation speed

I do not believe there is a way to adjust the speed. It is in realtime. If someone else knows a way to speed it up, I would also be interested. It would be nice to be able to get an overview of the trip.

If you want to see the entire trip in a planning mode, you should request Mapsource from Garmin. This software is not included with the c530 as all of the maps are preloaded in the GPS and the main purpose of Mapsource was to load maps into a GPS that could not hold the entire US maps. Many members (myself included) have obtained the DVD from Garmin free of charge by calling the support center and explaining they want to use it to upload and download waypoints (favorites) to their c530.

Do a search on this site for Mapsource to get additional information.

Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource

thats y i wanted mapsource.

thats y i wanted mapsource. using the unit is a pain but u can the turn advance and see the the turns to get some idea of the route

Mapsource dvd

mkahn wrote:

Many members (myself included) have obtained the DVD from Garmin free of charge by calling the support center and explaining they want to use it to upload and download waypoints (favorites) to their c530.

Thanks, I will try that. (I'm a pretty good whiner.)

Nuvi 55LMT

ull fit in great with this

ull fit in great with this group lol