660 Charging


I have a Nuvi 660 that i use on my motorcycle. I have a cigarette lighter hook up that runs to a 12V constant hot. I use the port on the GPS that i hook to the computer to program the GPS as the way to power the unit while riding. I have noticed that it will only charge up to 2 bars even after hours of riding. Do i need to use the factory cradle and cord to make the unit charge ? I assume the port i am using just powers it and not charge the battery ? ...Thanks


USB port charging

If the cigarette lighter hook up is hot 100% of the time I would say that your 660 has a problem. You should get a full charge. The USB port even when connected to your computer is supposed to charge your 660 albeit at a slower rate.

IF you have a car, try the same cigarette lighter charger and see if you get a better charge.

Otherwise call Garmin.

Thanks...i will try it. If i

Thanks...i will try it. If i use the factory cradle and plug it charges fine.....will see what happens...


Nuvi Connection

I think that what is happening is your unit is not receiving anything thru the USB. If you are in navigation mode then the USB connection isn't doing anything. In USB connection you would get a computer icon and that is the mode that you would be in. You are essentially trying to add a peripheral battery source to your nuvi. (which is possible, but not easily, from what I have seen.) Best thing to do is use the cradle hookup. You can find lotsa mounts.