Lakes to Locks projects


Hello Everyone:
My wife is a big American history buff, and seeing that we're from the Capitol District of New York and gas prices are crazy, we've decided to do what many are doing and hang close to home.
This site and some others has inspired me to compile a POI of the Lakes to Locks region from now til late fall, and hopefully it will maintain my interest until I get through the whole region.
I write this hoping that someone experienced will be able to provide me with a link for an outline or advise so that the tour won't come across as the 1st time effort I'll be trying so hard to avoid.
If any of you would view these links I believe you'll see it is a worthy project, I'm sure above my current capabilities.
I'm pretty good with a camera and I'll be "taking snaps" as I go.
The area I'm covering this weekend is below.

Thanks for reading