Drive in movie
Wed, 02/14/2007 - 6:54pm
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![]() 18 years
Jmarqua has put together a file that has over 500 drive in locations covering the US and Canada in raw form that is ready to be processed into longitude latitude coordinates so that we can get it into the database. Any volunteers send me an email and I will set you up with the file.
Miss Poi
Happy to help
Just let me know what I can do.
BTW, if you already have a file with the names, address, city, state, can't you save it in excel, copy the entire list, and paste it into batchgeocode?
Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource
Miss POI, I have already
Miss POI,
I have already began working with JMarqua and more than 2/3 of those sites completed and will be sending the file back to him in day or so to put on the finishing touches.. but I do appreciate those who would have volunteered to help out..
NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT
Thanks Nick ;) Miss Poi
Thanks Nick
Miss Poi
Mkahn, I have been doing the
I have been doing the coding by hand, Could you tell for future coding how you go about doing it by batchgecoding.
NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT
Batch Geocoding
It is quite easy. You utilize the website:
You need to supply the address, city, state, and/or optionally the zipcode in separate fields from an excel file.
What I do is create a spreadsheet as follows:
Name, Address, City, State, Zip. Make sure to use these headings in the first row.
Copy all of the fields in the spreadsheet (limit of 100 at a time). (Note, do not have quote marks in the fields as this seems to hang the program).
Paste into the appropriate field on batchgeocode.
Select button to verify. It will match the appropriate fields.
Select button to geocode.
Result is a listing (as you provided) with two additional columns, latitude, and longitude.
Copy the resulting data and paste into a new worksheet in excel.
My next step is to create a worksheet in the proper order for a .csv file. In the first column, the formula is = (the longitude field), the second column = (the latitude field), the third field is = to the name field, and the fourth field uses the concatenate function to join the city, state, zip into one field.
You can do the same thing by concatenating the 3rd field and or, you could have created an additional column to submit which includes the phone number for example.
Finally, save the worksheet as your final .csv file.
BTW, I only just found out about this simple method. Another member had mentioned the site in his posting. I just used it for creating a .csv file for all of my contacts. It took under 10 minutes from start to finish.
Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource
Batch Geocoding
That is a SUPER site! Thank you very much. I just gave it a spin with my recent submittal of Roller coasters. I copied in my column four that included phone numbers to mess things up, and it found 43 of the 49 locations I tested. Nick, think we found a new partner on future project! I also want to add that I have already found one drive-in out of state that made our list, but soon will be condos. So I encourage ALL that if they find any other errors to let us know, and we can keep current. Doubt I will be driving past 576 drive-ins in the near future to verify all.
Garmin 350
Glad to help
Glad to help. I am looking forward to the listing of Drive-ins.
Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource
mkahn, Thanks for the
Thanks for the information.. I will definitely try it the next time I create POI's
NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT
Wow I will have to try this on my Zoo POI when I have the time.
Garmin Nuvi 3597, Garmin StreetPilot 2720, Garmin 76CSx (Hand Held), Iphone 6S Plus
Was the Drive-In Movie POI's ever released?
I see only California. Even if they aren't confirmed we could use the phone# to call ahead. Thanks to all.
Full POI is listed as "Drive-In Theaters USA & Canada"
Sorry, was searching for "Movie". Is listed under Attractions category.
Batch Geocoding
That is a SUPER site! Thank you very much. I just gave it a spin with my recent submittal of Roller coasters. I copied in my column four that included phone numbers to mess things up, and it found 43 of the 49 locations I tested. Nick, think we found a new partner on future project! I also want to add that I have already found one drive-in out of state that made our list, but soon will be condos. So I encourage ALL that if they find any other errors to let us know, and we can keep current. Doubt I will be driving past 576 drive-ins in the near future to verify all.
Garmin 350
You must have missed it when it was posted before. Here is another site that I use for looking up single addresses, I haven't tried the batch mode on this one yet. I think I'll give it a test run and see if it will handle more then 100 addresses at a time.
Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.
Thanks for the information,
Thanks for the information, I plan to check it out soon.
NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT
Both are excellent sites!
Both are excellent sites! Thank you.