P.O.I. (converting from Streets and Trips)


I have built a file with all the canadian WalMarts to be used with MS Streets and trips and it is working.

Now I am trying to built one to be used with my Garmin Street pilot 2720

I have built a partial file to test on my Garmin as folled

Longitude, Latitude, "Address" and seved it as a c.s.v. file, when I tries to download with POI loader the message reads, not a valid file.

Could anyone help me?

Thank you


Here is a line from a file

Here is a line from a file that I have:
-97.58301, 30.24751, "Highway 969 & Hunters Bend"

Your format as described is correct. Be sure if you have blanks or commas in the "Address" field that they are enclosed by double quotes. Did you edit the file with notepad or some other test editor? If you used Excel, it may have modified the format.

Other things to try are loading a copy of the file with only 3 or 4 lines incase you just have a bad record in the file.

If you can post a few lines on here, we can look at it and make suggestions.

I plan to live forever. So far, so good.

saved as what?

Did you mean to say you saved the file as a c.s.v. file or .csv file?

What did you use to build the file? Notepad? excel? or something else?

Posting a few lines would be a great idea.

........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........

POI File Format

Here's a good page to check.


Some problems I've noticed on POI files are:
1. More than 4 fields. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER do this.
2. If you have a blank field in an entry, type in double quotes. Some POI converters and editors get confused if this is not done.
3. If you have comma, quotes, CR, LF, etc in a field, always put them within quotes (Excel does this for you).
4. If using Notepad, end each row with a carriage return (enter key).

These are just a few of the things to remember.

"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."

POI files

Thanks to you all for your help

I don't know where I am going wrong but it doesn'tn work

Here is an exemple of what I am trying to do

-71.74416, 48.50313, "CAWM"
-68.25684, 49.20047, "CAWM"
-71.20671, 46.86861, "CAWM"
-73.46558, 45.46279, "CAWM"

I work with Excel

Thanks again


POI files with Excel

Make sure that you do not insert the quote marks around CAWM in Excel. When you save the file as .csv, Excel automatically inserts them. If you already have quotes, you will end up with double quotes which will not work (""CAWM"").
File in Excel by columns should therefore be
-71.74416 | 48.50313 | CAWM
-68.25684 | 49.20047 | CAWM
-71.20671 | 46.86861 | CAWM
-73.46558 | 45.46279 | CAWM

Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource


If you wanted to send me a few lines of your file, I'd see what I could do with it.

"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."



Thank you so much, I took your advice and it is working, my mistake was the quote marks.

Now I will work to update that file and upload it when ready.

To you all who answered my request thank you


I just started. Where do I

I just started. Where do I go first? I think I understand that you need to make CSV files and then use POI Loader to convert them. After that I guess I'm sorta lost. I have a KNA-G510.


Where to go first

thapranksta wrote:

I just started. Where do I go first? I think I understand that you need to make CSV files and then use POI Loader to convert them. After that I guess I'm sorta lost. I have a KNA-G510.

Welcome thapranksta.
The only problem your going to experience is that you will become addicted to this site and your GPS very quickly.

To begin, go to the "Getting Started" section of this website. While you can, and probably will, be creating your own POI .csv files soon, there are hundreds available for download on this site. Go to the POI Files section and have a look. The third thing I would do is to enter "Kenwood" as a search criteria on this site and you will see several discussions directly related to your GPS.


Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource

Thanks for the welcome. I

Thanks for the welcome. I think I'm already addicted. lol. I've been trying to get an mp3 file to play whenever I'm around a Wal-mart. BMP file shows up and alert sounds but there is no mp3 file playing for some reason. The csv file, bmp file, and mp3 file all have the same file name. I'll start searching but in the mean time if you think you can help, let me know. smile


Did you load it manually to

Did you load it manually to create an alert with poi-loader? (Beta version)

NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT

I used POI Loader Beta. I

I used POI Loader Beta. I used Express Mode instead of Manual Mode if that is what you are asking. I named the files so I'm alerted within a 0.2 mile radius (keyword "safety").


Try loading manual mode and

Try loading manual mode and check the alert function and see if that helps

NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT

Mio Question

I am not sure if this is the right place but can some1 please tell me how to upload different maps on MIO? Email me at sudhaker_chhabra@hotmail.com. Thanks