MapSource Route missing Waypoints on Zumo 550


On my new Zumo 550, when I create 300 mile, 30 waypoint routes in MapSource, after they are imported, there are 3-5 Waypoints per route missing when reviewed in edit>add/review points. They are converted into shaping points, without a flag in the map. If I recalculate, for example to add/remove a waypoint, these shaping points are lost. My SP2720 loads these routes flawlessly.

This has been solved with a combination of the MapSource 6.14.1Beta and my changing all my Waypoints. When I put an elevation of 0.0 into all my Waypoints, they stopped being changed into shaping points.

This version of MapSource uses a Blue Flag to indicate a shaping point. If you put those on intersections, the properties shows the point as a "Map Intersection" and it won't be announced and the flag doesn't appear. It is still in your route, so recalculation works. The other two shaping points, "Map Points" and "Map Line" work just like any other Waypoint.

Zumo 550 & Zumo 665 My alarm clock is sunshine on chrome.


Hopefully once the "official" version is released (vs. the beta) it will get a bit faster and fix some of the problems you noted. You may also want to look at for some Zumo specific discussion.