Collecting POI's


We are intent on making a file or 3 of haunted sites in Texas - plus the ones we have actually been to personally - or even try a general file of sites in the US.

I have found one or two FREE websites that roughly show lat. and long. - or I can go and buy a DeLorme map ($150) to get exact info. The alternative is to visit EVERY site, including those already been to - this may take a while.

Any suggesttions? How do y'all made your files; by going to the individual places.

Frequently Asked Questions

------------------ Exploring the "unexplained" and beyond. Having Fun! ------------------ Garmin c550; NA v8(maybe).

Obtaining long/lat data

GPS visualizer is a site where you can enter one or more addresses and the output is the location in long and latitude. Go to:

Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource


I have the same question as above but how accurate do you have to be?

Collecting POI's part Two

OK - after some serious googling I found some sites.

Thanks 'mkahn' for the reply - I did check it out and got definate buzz words to help with my google.

The accuracy seems to vary from site to site by about 20 yards, but I can live with that.

------------------ Exploring the "unexplained" and beyond. Having Fun! ------------------ Garmin c550; NA v8(maybe).

20yds is good

I like to check my coordinates with google earth. Especially if it's a place I'm familiar with or have been to before.
It's not the fastest way but perhaps slightly more accurate in my opinion.
Example, I used gpsvisualizer with my home address, then copied the lat and lon to google earth and flew there. I ended up on the right street. Only 5 houses away, a little more than 20yds in this case I'd say.
I would prefer to mark the driveway, then use those coordinates.

Haunted places in Tx huh? My son would love that. I'd be interested in the locations.

........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........

Haunted Tx


We are just starting out with mapping them, but can find alot of references and locations on the net. Your son might like to google them rather than waiting for us to come up with a decent list. We will be trying to visit and verify as many as we can before adding any, or at least from another who has been to the haunted site with their impression of it. It should save alot of hunting around as some sites are just silly piles of rocks or tourist traps.

------------------ Exploring the "unexplained" and beyond. Having Fun! ------------------ Garmin c550; NA v8(maybe).

most importantly

Just Have Fun!

........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........