Send Google Maps and Mapquest results straight to your garmin GPS
Mon, 03/31/2008 - 9:55pm
16 years
Google and Mapquest have teamed up with Garmin to allow users to import routes and locations that they find on their respective services onto their Garmin GPS. This obviously requires a usb connection of sorts, but should be available on google starting tomorrow.
Where did you get this info.
Where did you get this info. Not that I don't believe you, just want to get more detail.
Also, can any garmin do this? or just the ones that can do routes?
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
I did a google search and
I did a google search and found this
Here's another with a screen shot
Yeah, I did too and came up
Yeah, I did too and came up wit the first link. Man, if this can be used with Google maps (as stated) and can go to ANY GPS, it is going to kill the hype of the 7xx and 8xx series ability to do routes!
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
From Garmin site
Here's a Garmin press release.
nüvi 750 & 760
Man, from what I understand,
Man, from what I understand, as long as your device is USB Mass Storage and capable of using GPX files, you are good to go. I can't wait to use this feature and see if it will work with my nuvi 350. Of course, my coworker would have to have my nuvi with her this week!!!
Dang it!
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
And speaking of google maps
Google map can display the location based on lattitude and longitude.
I didn't know that.
nüvi 750 & 760
Yeap, that is why I use it.
Yeap, that is why I use it. Also, if you press "directions" and then move "B" slightly, it will give you the coordinates.
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
My guess is Google maps to
My guess is Google maps to GPS will use the Garmin development tools which allow transfers of waypoints and not routing on the Nuvi 3XX. I suspect the routing will only work with the Nuvi models that support routes..Nuv 7XX etc...
eTrex Touch 35, Nuvi 1350LMT, Nuvi 350, Nuvi 260, Garmin GPS III, Basecamp
According to Mapquest... You
According to Mapquest...
You can send as waypoints or as a route.
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
I just tested the
I just tested the Garmin/Google send to feature on my Nuvi 680 and it works perfectly. I had to download the Garmin communicator plugin, first, then just went to and did a search for a business and then clicked on the 'sent to' tab and a pull down menu appeared with TomTom and Garmin. I selected Garmin and then sent to my 680 and VOILA!,it appeared in my FAVORITES. It isn't suppose to be available in google maps until tomorrow, but it works. It seems it is only working for business, now, but maybe tomorrow it will work with residences. It doesn't appear that it works with routes, yet,either, but maybe tomorow.
I didn't see the send to
I didn't see the send to feature. Where is it?
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
In google maps, look just
In google maps, look just above and to the right of the map and next to "print'. You will see a 'send' tab.
Garmin communicator plugin
>>I had to download the Garmin communicator plugin<<
I've tried four times to download and install that plugin. After each attempt the Garmin test page could not detect it.
Anyone else run into this?
Garmin DriveSmart 55 & Traffic | Garmin eTrex "yellow"
Here is the link to download
Here is the link to download the communicator plugin
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
Public section only lists 3
I went to the site, made a route and tried to send to my GPS but found that only 3 are compatible. The Nuvi 880 and 780 along with another brand.
I didn't try the business side to see if it is different.
Glenn - Southern MD; SP C330 / Nuvi 750 / Nuvi 265WT
Don't see
In google maps, look just above and to the right of the map and next to "print'. You will see a 'send' tab.
Unless I'm missing something the "send" tab is only to send to email; I don't see the send to Garmin device tab.
It is there
When you click "send to..." it does display email and GPS as well as one other device (site not open and I'm old).
You may need the plug-in loaded to see it, though.
Glenn - Southern MD; SP C330 / Nuvi 750 / Nuvi 265WT
You can only use BUSINESSES
You can only use BUSINESSES for sending to Garmin, as of today. If you are attempting to send a route or a residence, it will only allow you to send to an email address. I have sent 4 as poi's to my 680 favorites already.
GPS on Garmin 350
I had to turn off Garmin 350 and pull out USB. I then turned on and plugged in and ran communicator.
I passed the test, but can't find any send to JPS links. I can only find send to phone or email.
Google send to tab can not be found.
Any ideas? Do I need to wait till tomorrow for official start date?
Thanks, Dave
If you are searching for a
If you are searching for a business in you will find the 'send ' tab just over the map, to the right. Click on the address you select, when the map appears in the map box, click the 'send' tab and it will direct you to a pull down menu for GPS, listing Garmin and TOMTOM. You can send from there, if you have the communicator plugin installed. Obviously, you must have your Garmin GPS plugged into your computer, so it can find it.
i didn't even know you could
i didn't even know you could send poi's if they were businesses as of current, but i'm certain the official garmin support will not limit it to businesses
I'm hoping that, as of
I'm hoping that, as of tomorrow, we can send residences, also, and routes but we may have to wait until April 15th, when Mapquest rolls out their version.
Seems too easy
I didn't see the send to feature. Where is it?
Try this for a GPX file:
scroll down to instructions. (Basically, in Foxfire, drag yellow highlighted GMapToGPX to Favorites.. in IE right click GMapToGPX, Add To Favorites.)
For a test: went to Google maps, input zip code, then Circle K (a convenience store) then clicked on GMapToGPX (in Favorites). Copied the window output to notepad, saved as .gpx then placed in POI folder, hooked unit by USB, ran PoiLoader... I'm going back for seconds... and more..
Nuvi 260 Nuvi 295W
I don't have it either
If you are searching for a business in you will find the 'send ' tab just over the map, to the right. Click on the address you select, when the map appears in the map box, click the 'send' tab and it will direct you to a pull down menu for GPS, listing Garmin and TOMTOM. You can send from there, if you have the communicator plugin installed. Obviously, you must have your Garmin GPS plugged into your computer, so it can find it.
I only have an Email option if I click the Send link. The Garmin Communicator is working fine, I use it regularly on
Oh wait - - - I get it - - It only works when you search for businesses, not addresses. That's a little lame... Even worse, after saving to the Garmin, it takes you back to the zoomed-out US map instead of where you were. What if you wanted to save multiple locations from the same area? You have to search all over again.
I've been using the Garmin Communicator on the web site for a few months now and it does not do that on that site. It just pops up a little save to gps window to show the status and closes it when it's done. Google's implementation of the Communicator is pretty poor in comparison.
I tried this several times
I tried this several times and I get as far as saving the file that was generated by Gmap to Gpx and then use GPSVISUALIZER to convert it, but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to save it in GPX alwaus saves in txt format..I must be missing a vital step. Can you assist?
If you are using windows
If you are using windows Notepad, you must change the File "Save as type:" from "Text Documents(*.txt)" to "All File (*.*)" and then manually add the .gpx file extension. Otherwise Windows will automatically add a .txt file extension.
Business not work also
I entered: pizza san francisco
I clicked search map.
B is North Beach Pizza.
I got a pop up.
I can not find a SEND TO GPS.
Thanks, Dave
I did that, saved as "all
I did that, saved as "all files", and it was saved as a .txt file. SO, I added .gpx file extension but it is still a txt file.
Business not work also
I entered: pizza san francisco
I clicked search map.
B is North Beach Pizza.
I got a pop up.
I can not find a SEND TO GPS.
The feature isn't suppose to start until tomorrow, 04.01.08, of course, the naysayers claim it's all an April Fools joke.
In the meantime try this for a GPX file:
Nuvi 260 Nuvi 295W
Yes, that is correct, it is
Yes, that is correct, it is a text file. The .gpx extension is required for the Garmin to recognize the file as a legitimate file. Once that file is place in the garmin/gpx folder on either the GPDr or the SD card (if you have one), the unit will automatically load the information as a Favorite if it is a waypoint. If it is a route, in the case of the 700 series, the route will have to be manually loaded into the "Routes" location from the "My Data" location with the Import Route from File? option on the GPSr.
If the file is loaded via the POILoader, the data will end up in the Custom POI location.
Hop this helps. It is a bit confusing and has taken me a few weeks to work out the neuances of the GPX files and there are others here more versed in that.
But it is tomorrow !!
But it is tomorrow !!
Google Maps to Garmin GPS
I just tested my 750 and could dounload business ans individual street addresses but not routes.
H Hannah
Nuvi750 and IQUE3600
"Those that stop and smell the roses, must realize that once in awhile you may get a whiff of fertilizer."..copyright:HDHannah1986 -Mercedes GPS - UCONNECT 430N Chrysler T&C - Nuvi 2598- Nuni2555 - Nuvi855 - Nuvi295W - Nuvi 750 - Ique 3600
Google map to nuvi
It is not an April fools joke! I just used it this AM. It works for both business any street addresse on my 260. They show up on your favorites list. It is very easy to use, even for me.
Paul..... Nuvi 765T
Can you download all businesses at once
Hi - I finally found out it works right now only for businesses (thanks previous posters) and was encouraged to try enough to get it working. It does work.
I though I could put Ms. POI out of business by downloading, say, all pizza places in 10012. Alas, AFAICT, I have to do it one joint at a time. Maybe that is good since I do not need all the Famous Ray's, but then Ms. POI is back in business.
Has anyone successfully downloaded a whole bunch of businesses at once. Don't much care about routes, and find it hard to believe that Google software could get around limitations of my 370.
Nuvi 255W/European SD card
This made CNETs radar, also.
it works for residence
I just tried it for a residence and it took perfectly, put the residence in and send, then the gps showed up and garmin, and checked it in favorites and it was there, HOT DANG, that sure is goiing to save a lot of time, so it works for the nüvi. dont know about the streetpilot, soninlaw has that one.
Jerry...Jacksonville,Fl Nüvi1450,Nuvi650,Nuvi 2495 and Mapsource.
it will be nice if we can add routes in the future...
I've been able to feed my Nuvi 360 business POIs. I also see a feature called send to CAR. You can then select between MBz and BMW.
(2) Nuvi 1450LMT + 3597LMTHD + 2557LMT + DS61LMT-S Boston MA
Works for house numbers.
I just done the same thing putting in a residence and it worked also.Looks like a good option teaming up by Garmin and Google maps.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
the addition of routing capability will be very nice...
I've been able to get this to work on my Nuvi 360 for business POIs. Haven't tried street addresses.
I send in the SEND options a choice for "CAR". You can send to BMW or MBz from a dropdown menu.
(2) Nuvi 1450LMT + 3597LMTHD + 2557LMT + DS61LMT-S Boston MA
Yes!!!, checked this morning
Yes!!!, checked this morning and google maps now includes residences as well as business to transfer to gps, even for my 680.
Re: Send Google Maps Straight To Your Garmin GPS...
I tried Google Maps, this morning, and can report that it worked beautifully on my Nüvi 670 and it also loaded with the address and "dialable" phone number in the display.
"That's one small leap for man, one giant leap for GPSkind..."
Nüvi 670
Mac User
Sullivan's Law: Murphy was an optimist!
Has anyone been able..
Has anyone been able to create a route on googlemap and sent to GPS? I can only see email tab in the send button.
-Garmin Nuvi 760 & 765T-
Great news!!
I tried Google Maps, this morning, and can report that it worked beautifully on my Nüvi 670 and it also loaded with the address and "dialable" phone number in the display.
"That's one small leap for man, one giant leap for GPSkind..."
Nüvi 670
Mac User
Very good news...I am really happy that you all had posted this above and I can include this as an additional output for the disc golf file in my pitch to the PDGA for the Frisbee Golf File!!
Bravo Garmin and Google!!
It's those changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes nothing remains quite the same. With all of our running and all of our cunning, If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane.
just waypoints
Has anyone been able to create a route on googlemap and sent to GPS? I can only see email tab in the send button.
No routing available yet, just waypoints.
Jerry...Jacksonville,Fl Nüvi1450,Nuvi650,Nuvi 2495 and Mapsource.
Dowload Directly to GPSr
When using Mapquest or Google Maps the place marker is loaded to Favorites on computable units. Is the new data appended to the favorite file or does it overwrite the current file? Also is there a limit to the number of locations that can be loaded/stored in the Favorites file?
Not true for the c530>>>
You can only use BUSINESSES for sending to Garmin, as of today. If you are attempting to send a route or a residence, it will only allow you to send to an email address. I have sent 4 as poi's to my 680 favorites already.
just call up an address and then hit the send tab next to the print tab up top...don't try to use the individual address icon that does not work yet.
Ince saved, you can edit the address in your unit and put in the name vs the actual address as there is no edit function that I have found as yet.
You can edit the name right on the "send" bad
Regards, Ted
"You can't get there from here"
I can not find a SEND TO GPS.
When it finds the business, in the pop up is the choice to "SEND TO PHONE" Click that, and then you can select GPS instead.
"For those who fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know."
are there any tools that permit us to edit the built-in database (FAVORITES) on the Garmin? Or is it locked?
I know we can do simple stuff like add and delete on the unit, but what about a PC-based program?
(2) Nuvi 1450LMT + 3597LMTHD + 2557LMT + DS61LMT-S Boston MA
Wonder if it works with a handheld............
I'll have to remember to check this out when I get home and see if it will work for an autorouting handheld unit. I have a GPSMAP 76CSx that I use for routing and also for geocaching. If this works it could be pretty handy at times when I'm out of state or on the road for work.
GPSMAP 76CSx - nüvi 760 - nüvi 200 - GPSMAP 78S
No and Yes
are there any tools that permit us to edit the built-in database (FAVORITES) on the Garmin? Or is it locked?
I know we can do simple stuff like add and delete on the unit, but what about a PC-based program?
You cannot edit the built-in POI's, but they are not termed Favorites. Favorites are added by the user.
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.