What constitute a "linebreak" in a POI file


Hi All,

I am just learning to create POI files and as some of my work will be done on a Linux system, I need some more info on what constitute a "Linebreak"

On Windows systems, a linebreak is actually a series of 2 Characters. Namely Linefeed & Carriage return (aka: LF+CR). These are invisible to you but results in the following text to begining at a new line.

On Some Linux/Unix systems, when you hit the "Enter" key, only one invisible character is needed. Namely the Linefeed (LF).

So, my question is, in the POI files (.csv) that subsequenly run through the POI loader or POI Edit, will a LineFeed Character do the trick or do I have to include a LF+CR if I want a comments field to have multiple lines?


ejodoin wrote:

On Windows systems, a linebreak is actually a series of 2 Characters. Namely Linefeed & Carriage return (aka: LF+CR).

I don't believe Windows actually has a formal definition - but you're right, most Windows software writes {CR}{LF} to mark the end of a 'line' (in that order)...

He also wrote:

So, my question is, in the POI files (.csv) that subsequenly run through the POI loader or POI Edit, will a LineFeed Character do the trick or do I have to include a LF+CR if I want a comments field to have multiple lines?

POI Loader seems to understand {CR}{LF} or just {LF} as being a 'record' delimiter. It doesn't understand just {CR} though. When it comes to the embedded data within that record, it's probably the same story - but some experimentation will be in order.

One thing to bear in mind, is that there are some device-specific issues, when it comes to the rendering of the data in the .GPI file. The Nüvi 3xx series has a very browser-like rendering engine and doesn't like embedded control characters.
Your Nüvi 660 has two different ways of working - normally, it won't render html, but will render control characters. However, if you can persuade it to display "Page 2", you'll find that it understands Garmin's Markup Language (gml) (as well).

------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ----------------------               http://GeePeeEx.com - Garmin POI Creation made easy           »      


Thanks for the Info,

I'll check it out on my nuvi 660.