17 years
Does anyone know a way to speed-up a simulation... or somehow make it do it's paces in drastically less time than the actual trip would take?
I recently tried the "Simulation" function on my Nuvi-660. It seems to be a TRUE real-time kind of thing. It simulated the route it selected, from where I was, to the destination I entered. It did this by showing my car-icon driving along the entire mapping for the proposed trip (which I expected, but...) --USING THE VARIOUS, ACTUAL SPEED-LIMITS, ALONG THE ENTIRE WAY THERE, just as if I was actually driving there at the time. If I asked it to simulate a route to a nearby town around 7-miles from here, just to see how it would route me, the moving simulation could take twenty minutes or more, just to watch it get to the end (based on some LOW speed limits in that area). I suspect that if I planned a simple point-A to point-B trip across the country, and wanted to simulate it, that the simulation could take a few days & nights to fully run. If I simulate a trip, it's NOT to see how long it would take. I can simply enter a destination in, and when it comes up as ready to go... that alone will tell me when I should arrive there, with out using a "simulation".
Any helpful ideas would be appreciated!
yeah, unfortunately, unlike
yeah, unfortunately, unlike other manufaturers, Garmin doesn't give you the option to speed up the simulation of a route.
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
Just say NO to simulation to see route...
When the unit asks you if you want to simulate the route, just pick NO and now you can view the route on the screen. No need to actually have it "drive" the route for you to simply see what route it picked.
Garmin nüvi 200 (my first GPS), 780, & 3700 Series. And a Mac user.
You can also...
... touch the green bar on the top of the screen just like you can when navigating to scroll through the actual turns, then touch any turn you want to view and see it in the split screen display.
IMO, the turns are all that is really important on a route anyway.
Rick - Nüvi 260 - eTrex Summit HC
What Info Are You Looking For?
I recently tried the "Simulation" function on my Nuvi-660. It seems to be a TRUE real-time kind of thing. If I simulate a trip, it's NOT to see how long it would take. I can simply enter a destination in, and when it comes up as ready to go... that alone will tell me when I should arrive there, with out using a "simulation".
Any helpful ideas would be appreciated!
As you say, you don't need to run a simulation for the entire length of the trip to get info, so what is it that you looking to find out? That's important, because there are different techniques depending upon the info you are looking for. For instance, if you want to see what a specific POI looks like as you pass, you can set your location a mile from the POI and then run a simulation past it. If you want to see what the specific turns look like, you can (on the 660) leave the antenna down and press the lower right hand corner to bring up a view of the first turn, and then scroll down through the subsequent turns.
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.
thank you to all!!
As you say, you don't need to run a simulation for the entire length of the trip to get info, so what is it that you looking to find out? That's important, because there are different techniques depending upon the info you are looking for. For instance, if you want to see what a specific POI looks like as you pass, you can set your location a mile from the POI and then run a simulation past it. If you want to see what the specific turns look like, you can (on the 660) leave the antenna down and press the lower right hand corner to bring up a view of the first turn, and then scroll down through the subsequent turns.
Thank you for this info, Bentbiker, this will be helpful... and thanks to all for the ideas!
~Jim~ Nuvi-660, & Nuvi-680
MS Streets & Trips is a helpful addition
I had S&T (without GPS) before joining the GPSr's... and for about 40.00 S&T gives you a computer screen sized route view and lots of other good stuff to aid in planning a trip. I wouldn't think of going on a trip without working up a route on S&T. Google is another option but requires net access.
The GPS is so much better when actually on the trip that there is no comparison to S&T or a AAA trip book or any other paper map based system.
John Nuvi 750 765T Winnipeg, MB
What is S&T?
I had S&T (without GPS) before joining the GPSr's... and for about 40.00 S&T gives you a computer screen sized route view and lots of other good stuff to aid in planning a trip. I wouldn't think of going on a trip without working up a route on S&T. Google is another option but requires net access.
The GPS is so much better when actually on the trip that there is no comparison to S&T or a AAA trip book or any other paper map based system.
Thank you kindly for your post!
What is S&T? I hate to admit it, but I don't know this one, nor where to find it.
~Jim~ Nuvi-660, & Nuvi-680
S&T = Streets and Trips
By DeLorme
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
Thank you asianfire.
Thank you asianfire. About a minute after I posted my last question... I looked again, up at the "Subject" line for jqua's post, and there saw the answer to my question.
It's pretty late at night, and I'm not feeling too bright right now. As soon as I saw what I had done... I tried to go back and "edit" my post to eliminate my question, and to just say "Thanks" to jqua for posting about S&T, but alas, it would not let me do it.
Still, though, thanks again asianfire and jqua for your helpfulness.
~Jim~ Nuvi-660, & Nuvi-680
S&T = Streets and Trips By DeLorme
Well, actually by Microsoft.
oops, thanks for the
oops, thanks for the correction
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
Delorme Street Atlas and Microsoft Streets and Trips
What is S&T? I hate to admit it, but I don't know this one, nor where to find it.
Both of these are full mapping CD's and come in a package of CD only for around $50, or CD and a GPS receiver for around $100. Sold just about anywhere; Best Buy, CC, etc. These are very powerful packages for trip planning and routing. I had the Delorme Street Atlas package a few years ago at work. I was astounded with the features for that price. The flexibility of a 15" laptop screen that allows side by side zoomed in and zoomed out views and information windows is really nice.
Ah, if only they could package that all, small enough to fit in my shirt pocket like my Nuvi does so that it would be feasible to use it every day....
I used to use S&T when I had a pocket PC and could download the stuff to the axim. But when I switched to a palm, I left S&T for google maps and have never looked back. Google maps seems to have all the basic functionality for trip planning without all the microsoft overhead, and the price comparison is rather favorable! And I can download any points in my google maps very easily to the Garmin using TakItWithMe (so I can use my wife's mac on our next trip).
Nuvi 255W/European SD card
Streets and Trips
S&T = Streets And Trips
By DeLorme
Don't you mean Microsoft?
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.
Yes, MM corrected me.
Yes, MM corrected me.
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
Yes, MM corrected me.
My bad; I went searching to make sure I was right about the publisher and didn't read the following new posts.
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.
Amazon price for MS's Streets & Trips 2008
Amazon has a pretty good price for this program ... $37.00 including S/H.
As I said above, an inexpensive addition for trip planning.
John Nuvi 750 765T Winnipeg, MB
WOW, $37.00 including S/H is
WOW, $37.00 including S/H is a pretty nice price!!
Thanks for the tip-
~Jim~ Nuvi-660, & Nuvi-680
Yes, great tip---
Yes, great tip, thank you on behalf of all of us!
nightrider --Nuvi's 660 & 680--