The stars are shining.....


We have now put up the stars...

If you go to your user profile page you can now see where you are in your active and general maintainer status.

The new system is going by eastern time instead of GMT (sorry Hornbyp). Weeks run Monday through Sunday, according to the Eastern US timezone

Wiki style editing for general maintainers is not yet available. JM will have that up and running later this week.

Miss POI & JM

Frequently Asked Questions

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tailspin wrote:

(BTW, I still haven't figured why a 3-star General is called a "Lieutenant" General.

Major General is derived from the older rank of Sergeant Major General. Lieutenant General is a military rank used in many countries. The rank traces its origins to the Middle Ages where the title of Lieutenant General was held by the second in command on the battlefield, who was normally subordinate to a Captain General.

Computers are useless. They can only give you answers. - Pablo Picasso (Bob - Garmin c530, eTrex Vista HCx)

I don't have any stars yet

I don't have any stars yet but I have a questions for those of you that do, did it hurt when you got your stars? The reason I ask is, in the past whenever I saw stars it was always associated with a great deal of pain, (LOL)........ Just curious.

Your Portion Of Light Whether you are a brilliant flame or but a tiny spark matters not-for the world needs whatever portion of light is yours to give.

Stars and Pain

clint45 wrote:

I don't have any stars yet but I have a questions for those of you that do, did it hurt when you got your stars? The reason I ask is, in the past whenever I saw stars it was always associated with a great deal of pain, (LOL)........ Just curious.

The stars mean that you are getting older, and I have all of the pains that go with that!

I plan to live forever. So far, so good.


trigon wrote:

1 Star = Commodore
2 Stars = Rear Admiral
3 Stars = Vice Admiral
4 Stars = Admiral
5 Stars = Fleet Admiral

Sure glad I kept my Bluejackets' Manual

Except Commodore hasn't been used by the US Navy since the mid 80's.

We are really star struck

We are really star struck here!



Something to aspire to ... the stars ...

Nuvi 260

All of a sudden so many

All of a sudden so many stars on this site.

nuvi 2460LMT

General of the Armies "Black Jack" Pershing

drbillk wrote:

Long, but definitive answer...


1 star - Rear Admiral (lower half) RDML
2 star - Rear Admiral (upper half) RADM
3 star - Vice Admiral VADM
4 star - Admiral ADM

Marine, Army, Air Force:

1 star - Brigadier General
2 star - Major General
3 star - Lieutenant General
4 star - General

5 star ranks... this rank no longer exists

Navy 5 star - Fleet Admiral FADM (only 4 men ever held this rank... William D. Leahy, Ernest J. King, Chester Nimitz, and William F. "Bull" Halsey.)

Army 5 star - General of the Army (only 4 men ever held this rank... George C. Marshall, Douglas MacArthur, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Omar N. Bradley.)

Air Force 5 star - General of the Air Force (only 1 man ever held this rank... Henry "Hap" Arnold.)

6 star rank

General of the Armies. The only person to ever have this title was George Washington. It was awarded to him posthumously on July 4, 1976. By act of Congress, no one will ever be promoted higher than General Washington. During life, Washington only ever wore 3 stars... as symbolized on the flag of Washington, DC.

The rank equivalent in the Navy is Admiral of the Navy... which was only awarded to one man, George Dewey.

The Marines and Air Force do not have a rank equivalent.

Dear DR,

Not quite. John Joseph Pershing held the rank of General of the Armies, which would be six stars although he never wore more than four. This was after he commanded the American Forces in Europe during World War One. He also never held field-grade rank as he went from Captain to Brigadier General (when he chased Pancho Villa into Mexico). I am shocked that you don't know about Black Jack, a name given him by the cadets at West Point when he taught there as Jack had always commanded Black troops at that point (rather famously at San Juan Hill). They also called him worse. There was a movement for him to run for president of the United States in 1920.
When he died in 1948, a Black bugler played taps at his funeral.


nüvi 1490T, V1, Sanyo PRO-700a, maps, sunglasses, hot co-pilot, the open road


drbillk wrote:

Long, but definitive answer...

First, thanks Miss POI & JM! It's an honor to be in the same group as many of the distinguished "stars".

Second ... thanks drbillk for the details! That was a great, thorough explaination. On a side note, I was just watching a special on the History Channel aobut the USS Enterprise and Admiral "Bull" Halsey - quite a guy!

Bonus! I got stars!

Bonus! I got stars!

bombos, Garmin nuvi 1450LMT


djs wrote:
drbillk wrote:

Long, but definitive answer...

I was just watching a special on the History Channel aobut the USS Enterprise and Admiral "Bull" Halsey - quite a guy!

That's funny - I just watched the movie "The Gallant Hours" starring James Cagney as "Bull" Halsey. I can remember during the mid- years of
WWII hearing the name "Bull" Halsey and I was just a kid then.

MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !


davidwynyard wrote:
drbillk wrote:

Long, but definitive answer...

Dear DR,
I am shocked that you don't know about Black Jack...


You are correct, and I am sorry to have slighted Pershing... he was the only living person to ever assume the title of General of the Armies. My humblest apologies... I appreciate you reminding me. Of course, with 32 years in the US Navy (and still serving)... I'm more up on sea going history.

Of particular interest to THIS group would be Pershing's 1921 development of the "Pershing Map," a proposed national network of military and civilian highways... our Interstate Highway system bears a remarkable resemblance to the Pershing Map.


"For those who fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know."


Thanks for the stars Miss POI smile

Garmin Nuvi 750 & c530 with RT's vol. mod., Vulcan Nomad


You're right MM. It's a "War Time" rank. During peace time it is called Rear Admiral (Lower Half).

The Stars are Shining

This is still the best forum in the world. I may not post everyday, but I am here and reading what others have written. Will answer when I have the knowledge, will ask when I have a question and know I'll be answered by many.

Miss POI and JM make everyone feel at home and want to belong.

Thanks for everything and keep up the great work,

Alan-Garmin c340


i will have to wait a bit for mine sad



Everyday is a GREAT day :)

Thank You

Got My Stars 3 more and i will be the 5 star General of the poi's Even so the US Services don't use it no more lol smile razz

Auggie SP2720 , SP C330, Nuvi 650, Nuvi 785T,Dezl 770lmt America Moves By Truck

Pershing Rifles

drbillk wrote:
davidwynyard wrote:
drbillk wrote:

Long, but definitive answer...

Dear DR,
I am shocked that you don't know about Black Jack...


You are correct, and I am sorry to have slighted Pershing... he was the only living person to ever assume the title of General of the Armies. My humblest apologies... I appreciate you reminding me. Of course, with 32 years in the US Navy (and still serving)... I'm more up on sea going history.

Of particular interest to THIS group would be Pershing's 1921 development of the "Pershing Map," a proposed national network of military and civilian highways... our Interstate Highway system bears a remarkable resemblance to the Pershing Map.


Dear DR,

There is a great deal more that could be shared about Black Jack and you are quite right about that interesting piece of history. When at NYU, I was a member of Company E-8, Pershing Rifles, and therefore was required to commit to memory many things about the life of John Joseph Pershing.


nüvi 1490T, V1, Sanyo PRO-700a, maps, sunglasses, hot co-pilot, the open road

For Us Travelers.. Thanks!

Miss POI,

Thanks so much for the stars. Traveling a lot, it sometimes means I am gone for a while from the board. At least now I can wear my stars proudly while I am gone and chase that silly windmill when I am home.


Garmin Nuvi 2699 with 2017.30 Maps

Woo Woo

Lets see... If the stars are to be woren on each side then we got one star.. In the marines that would be a Brigader General!! If we have 2 stars on each side it would be a Major General.. hummmm

Just wondering.. anyone knows the order of all the generals in the corp and how can you remember them? i will tell ya all later!!! hehe (btw I gave you the first 2 as you can see)

Opps... I see that someone already listed the realmeanings but can you gess of a way to remenber them? hehe

Bobkz - Garmin Nuvi 3597LMTHD/2455LMT/C530/C580- "Pain Is Fear Leaving The Body - Semper Fidelis"


I've been away for awhile due to slow, no internet. I am hooked up now and got a promotion too!

Thanks Miss Poi and JM

........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........

Wow - Once Again

The last time I was rewarded with a star was 47 years ago when I refrained from wetting my bed that had brand new sheets. It was gold, only one star was tendered and it sat on the kitchen fridge for a week. I like my two gray stars better - thanks !!!

RKF (Brookeville, MD) Garmin Nuvi 660, 360 & Street Pilot

at 20?

rkf wrote:

The last time I was rewarded with a star was 47 years ago when I refrained from wetting my bed that had brand new sheets. It was gold, only one star was tendered and it sat on the kitchen fridge for a week. I like my two gray stars better - thanks !!!

Thanks for telling us that, especially since we don't know that you might be 67 now. smile

nuvi 200 | lifetime maps


I am a retarded CPO-E7 and I do not have any stars he he. Working on them.

Ho miss POI I had a Bus load of Jar-heads from Fort Irwin back to San Diego they sow my c330. Turns out most of them have GPS'S mostly Garmin. I told them all about this site. We talked about this site for over 30 Min's Great job Miss POI and JM.

Jolleyr c330

Ho Ml you are right

Freedom isn't free!!!

Southern CA Temp 76 and Sunny. Running around with my Nuvi 465T. Getting lost around the country and loving it.

Ahoy matey!

bobkz wrote:

Lets see... If the stars are to be woren on each side then we got one star.. In the marines that would be a Brigader General!! If we have 2 stars on each side it would be a Major General.. hummmm

Just wondering.. anyone knows the order of all the generals in the corp and how can you remember them? i will tell ya all later!!! hehe (btw I gave you the first 2 as you can see)

Opps... I see that someone already listed the realmeanings but can you gess of a way to remenber them? hehe

Just remember - you don't want to be a Rear Admiral in a certain navy! razz


Freedom isn't free...thank you veterans! Heard about the tests to detect PANCREATIC CANCER? There aren't any! In Memoriam: #77 NYPD-SCA/Seattle Mike/Joe S./Vinny D./RTC!

Good One

Touché (Good news - I'm only 50).

RKF (Brookeville, MD) Garmin Nuvi 660, 360 & Street Pilot


Thank you for the stars and the Windmill. Love them both.


I just noticed in my

I just noticed in my profile, I have stars now! When did THAT happen? OMG, does that mean I've been on my rear too long? OMG, tell me it ain't so! (LOL)

Your Portion Of Light Whether you are a brilliant flame or but a tiny spark matters not-for the world needs whatever portion of light is yours to give.


I don't have my Stars, compass, or windmill yet! But I'm on my way. Hopefully soon.

Jeep Trail Guide (Garmin Quest 2)

Something the Navy will NEVER do

Thanks for the stars!!! Closest I'll ever get to seeing stars next to my name. The Navy has me maxed out at Captain... no stars in my professional future. However, I do appreciate you giving me two!

"For those who fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know."

That was gonna be MY line!!!

speedy wrote:

I will keep it short, I would like to thank the academy, ... grin , lastly, Miss POI and JM.

Now to keep em...

Yeah, I was scrolling down to say, "I want to thank my dear husband who has slept (stood by me) through all the wee small hours...."

....but really, you guys stood it for THREE WEEKS so far, without giving me the boot yet, so DRINKS ARE ON THE HOUSE FOR EVERYBODY. I'll have to set up my embroidery machine to emblazen these symbols of perseverence on my windbreaker. This interest is likely to continue, it links me back to my days working offshore navigating by DR and some older Garmins.

"Making tracks..." {:)-<=| Nuvi 880


Thank you, Miss POI, for the stars. Good feeling to get a promotion even if it does reflect "Officer".
NCO's Lead the Way!


I have stars!!!!

Not doing anything worth a darn.

stars here we come

stars here we come

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