New glasses on order...


I wanted to let you guys know what has been going on with me so that you understand why I have not been as quick with some of my responsibilities as I usually am.

Over the last few weeks I have been having eye strain and headache issues. I went to the eye doctor yesterday and found out that my current glasses are not strong enough to support the work that I am doing on the computer.

I have a new set of bifocals coming in a couple of weeks which will help with my eyesight and I will be back up to full production mode.

What I am looking for from the group is a bit of patience with me and understanding of the situation. I tend to be a workaholic and will usually try to keep up with the work as it comes in.

I am going to be taking time away from my computer over the next 2 weeks so that I am not always having the headaches and eye pain that I have been experiencing.

So if I don't get right back to you or there is a delay in my email response, this is why.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Miss POI

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I can certainly sympathize

I can certainly sympathize with you Miss POI.
Have had similar situation.

Hope the new prescription works well for you !
Good Luck !

MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !

miss poi wrote: I wanted to

miss poi wrote:

I wanted to let you guys know what has been going on with me so that you understand why I have not been as quick with some of my responsibilities as I usually am.

Over the last few weeks I have been having eye strain and headache issues. I went to the eye doctor yesterday and found out that my current glasses are not strong enough to support the work that I am doing on the computer.

I have a new set of bifocals coming in a couple of weeks which will help with my eyesight and I will be back up to full production mode.

What I am looking for from the group is a bit of patience with me and understanding of the situation. I tend to be a workaholic and will usually try to keep up with the work as it comes in.

I am going to be taking time away from my computer over the next 2 weeks so that I am not always having the headaches and eye pain that I have been experiencing.

So if I don't get right back to you or there is a delay in my email response, this is why.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Miss POI

We understand, take care of those pretty eyes of yours... Let Hubby take over for a while...

Re: New Glasses On Order...

Hi MaryAnn,

Not only understanding and patience, but a whole big helping of gratitude, for all you (and Jonathan) do, to make this site the "best poi site" on the planet.

Best Regards,


Nüvi 670
Mac User

P.S. Having gone through the whole progression (from drugstore reading glasses, to prescription glasses and finally having cataract operations on both eyes) I totally understand what you're going through.

Sullivan's Law: Murphy was an optimist!

Totally understand

We completely understand. You need to take care of yourself. I know that everyone here understands and will help out in any way they can.

Eye Strain

For me..I am on the PC 8-12 hours a day most of the time between work and photograpghy...So i bit the bullet this year and got a 24 inch high end monitor...I think Gateway and HP are the best for the $$ right now...You sound look into it if you already don't have one...

It's those changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes nothing remains quite the same. With all of our running and all of our cunning, If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane.

Did you order...

the hot Gucci glasses as shown on the large posters in the optical office? Kinda reminds me of Sophia Loren with the gradient tinted glasses.

Special glasses

I wear tri-focals and found that looking through the center caused me to tilt my head back. Result, a pain in the neck. So, I had a special pair made, top for the computer distance and bottom for reading. Downside it that I need to change glasses when I get up from the desk. Upside is I no longer have a pain in the neck. My wife will tell you that I am one, but that's another story. smile

We appreciate all that you and Jon do on the site and want you to stay well.

Computers are useless. They can only give you answers. - Pablo Picasso (Bob - Garmin c530, eTrex Vista HCx)


i'd like to bring to your attention that for computer work, the bifocals will not work - you will need to use an extra pair of glasses that are the same perscription of the lower part of the bifocals (otherwise you will get neck problems trying to read thru the bottom half when doing computer work)
that's what i have to do

marnoldi Nuvi 680 & Nuvi 2797LMT


Reminds me of the younger days when I ran a IT shop and the computer screen was not sharp. Told one of my staff members to please get me another mod. He hooked it up for me and to my eyes, no good either. After the 2nd. screen, he told me, maybe it's not the mod., but your eyes, LOL.

Well, long story short, from that following week on, been with the glasses.

Nuvi 50LM Nuvi 2555LM

New Glasses

I have a similar problem and I too have bifocal lenses. After many hours daily on the pc, eyes water, headaches and hard to focus. My doctor also recommended prescription glasses just for working on the pc. I've been delaying the additional expense but the problems persist and appear to be getting worse over time. Your post has reminded me to make an appointment with the eye doctor.
Good luck with your new glasses and we await your return.

Garmin Nuvi 660 & Garmin 18 USB GPS..I'm here..somewhere


How about nobody write anything to Miss Poi for 2 weeks and let her take a short vacation ?

Nuvi 2595LMT

Focus on a distant object avery quarter hour or so

Joker wrote:

I have a similar problem and I too have bifocal lenses. After many hours daily on the pc, eyes water, headaches and hard to focus. My doctor also recommended prescription glasses just for working on the pc. I've been delaying the additional expense but the problems persist and appear to be getting worse over time. Your post has reminded me to make an appointment with the eye doctor.
Good luck with your new glasses and we await your return.

Dear Joker,

I use tri-focals and they work fine. However, I try to remember to take my eyes from the screen and focus on a distant object every fifteen to twenty minutes. It may help to post that message on one's monitor.


nüvi 1490T, V1, Sanyo PRO-700a, maps, sunglasses, hot co-pilot, the open road


Thanks David for your suggestion. I do try and focus away from the pc from time to time but get busy and don't do it as often as I should. I am surrounded by My prior glasses were tri-focal, my newer ones are bi-focal and they've never been as "good". I had different doctors. I will have to question my options more closely next visit.

Garmin Nuvi 660 & Garmin 18 USB GPS..I'm here..somewhere

Get better soon

Give yourself the time needed. Delay’s wont be a problem at all. We a great bunch of cool members that understand.

nüvi 3590LMT "always backup your files"


take all the time you need. we can wait

nuvi 755t

"Getting Old ain't ... "

Found out in the last year that "Getting old ain't for sisses".

I got by with one pair of glasses by getting a 'modified' pair of trifocals. Had the middle portion larger than the normal trifocal with it focused to the computer monitor; then had the bottom portion smaller and focused for closer reading. Worked for me.

Miss POI, is there anything we can temporarily help with to take the load off of you? If so, email me.


"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."


Ms poi : We all want you to rest but we keep on writing to you!! Best wishes for success with your new glasses. I hope you ordered no line bifocals. They help reduce the strain of looking over and under the bifocal line. Enjoy your rest.


augie billitier I2,c330,660

new glasses on order

I'm sorry but you don't look old enough to have bifocals..


Re: New Glasses on Order

miss poi wrote:

I wanted to let you guys know what has been going on with me so that you understand why I have not been as quick with some of my responsibilities as I usually am.

Over the last few weeks I have been having eye strain and headache issues. I went to the eye doctor yesterday and found out that my current glasses are not strong enough to support the work that I am doing on the computer.

I have a new set of bifocals coming in a couple of weeks which will help with my eyesight and I will be back up to full production mode.

What I am looking for from the group is a bit of patience with me and understanding of the situation. I tend to be a workaholic and will usually try to keep up with the work as it comes in.

I am going to be taking time away from my computer over the next 2 weeks so that I am not always having the headaches and eye pain that I have been experiencing.

So if I don't get right back to you or there is a delay in my email response, this is why.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Miss POI

I used to have eyestrain due to alot of computer work. My Opthamologist prescribed separate computer glasses. What is bad about bifocals, a person would have to always have to look through the bottom of their lense, cocking their head upwards, thus producing neck strain. With computer glasses, the whole lense would have the same RX value. All you have to do is tell your doctor how far away you want to sit away from your computer, and he will refract your eyes and prescribe accordingly. I been there, done that. Hope this helps!

Unless you are the lead sled dog, the view never changes. I is retard... every day is Saturday! I still use the Garmin 3590 LMT even tho I upgraded to the Garmin 61 LMT. Bigger screen is not always better in my opinion.

This may seem a bit obvious

This may seem a bit obvious but, did you set the refresh rate on your monitor to above 72hz MaryAnn? Anything below that will cause REALLY BAD headaches and sever eye strain. Granted you may indeed need new glasses but a low refresh rate on your monitor won't help either. In either case, do what you need to do, you only get one set of eyes.

Your Portion Of Light Whether you are a brilliant flame or but a tiny spark matters not-for the world needs whatever portion of light is yours to give.

Good luck!

Best wishes!

Take care of them eyes. I

Take care of them eyes. I work with computers all day long. I got my first pair of bifocal a year a ago. After I got use to it, growing older wasn't so bad.

Refresh Rate

clint45 wrote:

This may seem a bit obvious but, did you set the refresh rate on your monitor to above 72hz

Only applies to CRT monitors

Steve W. - nuvi 50LM, 255W & 200W - Philadelphia, PA area

Take care of your health

Health and family come first.

Take care of yourself, we will still be here.

Garmin Nüvi 855 & 760, iPhone, Magellan RM860T

Health and family come first

Perrdom wrote:

Health and family come first.

Take care of yourself, we will still be here.

Ditto that.

I remember getting my first pair of trifocal, variable lenses. The joy of being able to watch a baseball game AND read the progam was so great, I wondered why I'd waited so long.

We'll be fine. You take a well earned break. You have created an amazing site. But don't let it consume you.

Garmin DriveSmart 55 & Traffic | Garmin eTrex "yellow"

Take it easy

I was told it's hell to get 'old'

Never once was I told it was going to hurt, if someone had bother to tell me I would have taken better care of myself.

Na.. no I wouldn't have!
I hope you feel better.


Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.

You are not old enough to

You are not old enough to wear bifocals! wink

Or maybe not. My 12-year-old daughter wears a pair, with the top half for her mild myopia and the bottom half for reading.

I refuse bifoculs, so I wear contact lenses and wear reading glasses over them.

In any case, do take care of yourself.

nüvi 750 & 760

I'm wearing blue

I'm plenty old enough but also refuse to wear bi or tri-focals. I figure the line would be in the wrong place and I'd always be moving my head up and down. And maybe there's some vanity involved, too. So I have a solution no one else has mentioned---3 pairs of glasses!! Distance, computer, reading. On top of that, they look mostly alike. It can get confusing. I have to color code my glasses cases with tape: Green=distance (green hills), Blue=computer (blue screen), Red=reading (both begin with R). Sadly my GPS is a little out of focus because I need to wear green for driving. But they were all made in a couple of hours smile, which is just barely within my patience time limit for glasses.

nuvi 200 | lifetime maps

Ensuring that the line is in the right place.

dminz wrote:

I'm plenty old enough but also refuse to wear bi or tri-focals. I figure the line would be in the wrong place and I'd always be moving my head up and down. And maybe there's some vanity involved, too. So I have a solution no one else has mentioned---3 pairs of glasses!! Distance, computer, reading. On top of that, they look mostly alike. It can get confusing. I have to color code my glasses cases with tape: Green=distance (green hills), Blue=computer (blue screen), Red=reading (both begin with R). Sadly my GPS is a little out of focus because I need to wear green for driving. But they were all made in a couple of hours smile, which is just barely within my patience time limit for glasses.

Dear DM,

I had tried the variable (a.k.a. "progressive") lenses and did not like them. Not only could I not tell where the line was but also the images were fuzzy looking down and to the left or right.

If you buy the ones with the lines, you can ensure that the lines are in the right place or send them back; they screwed up and have no wiggle room. By the way, I have done this and they did not screw up again.

In the case of bi-focals, the line should line up with the lower eyelid. In the case of tri-focals, the line between the top window and the middle window should bisect the iris. I favour the tri-focal design my optician calls "professional": the lower windows are 35 mm wide and 7 mm deep.

As to vanity, it is almost impossible to tell that my sunglasses are bi-focals.


nüvi 1490T, V1, Sanyo PRO-700a, maps, sunglasses, hot co-pilot, the open road

good luck, I have had enough

good luck, I have had enough and am going in for prk on tuesday, than I will only need reading glasses, tried bifocal contacts, progressives, now this????

take care of those eyes.

a couple a harleys and a c340




I am still waiting for my glasses to get in but in the meantime I went to the dollar store and picked up two sets of glasses that matched, popped the lens out of them and changed them to match both my eyes and I am trying to adjust to those.

I have a inbox full of icons and sounds that I will be working on for the next few days. I have been keeping up with my regular work but have been trying to take it a bit easier.

I also have a moderation queue full of new files that need to be checked and I will be prioritizing that this morning.

I have some home improvement projects scheduled over the next few days that will allow me to take a break from the computer.

So if you have submitted icons and sounds in the last week, they will be up by Monday.

Miss POI

I actually am so amazed at

I actually am so amazed at how frequently files are updated here and how much each post is tended to. You update far more frequently than I utilize the updates.

You look after yourself and take the necessary time for your health!!!

best Wishes

yeah... it happens to a lot of folks behind screens

Plus the age is a factor (for me at least). You seem to be much younger, Ms. POI...

We are discussing now with one of my fiends what is the shortest distance when your eyes start to hurt when trying to focus on a piece of text...

Seems I have to go and check myself soon for reading glasses...

But I'm glad you are back and you will be even more active now!


The only things you regret in life are the chances you never take.

How large is your screen?

I've been using munchkin sized screens for so many years because the prices were always so high for larger ones. But I recently upgraded to a 19" wide (rectangular shaped) LCD screen for my work computer, and was amazed at the difference between it and a standard 15" which was more squarish. And then I bought a new Apple with a 24" screen, which is bigger than most tv screens I've owned in my life. That's truly amazing.

So maybe you need less Rx glasses, and more screen to make it easier on your peepers.

Anyway, you do a great job, so take care of yourself and fix what needs to be fixed.


Nuvi 350, GPS Map 76CX

Take care. I know how

Take care. I know how difficult it is to get used to bifocals. It takes a little to get used to them. I even tried just plain old glasses, but found out how much I really did use the bifocal part. One of these days, I may consider Lasik, but they have to offer a good teacher's special!!

I can see now

I got my new glasses yesterday and now I can see again. Walking down a flight of stairs is a whole new experience.

I will be working on sounds and icons today and tomorrow.

Miss POI

Walking down stairs

miss poi wrote:

I got my new glasses yesterday and now I can see again. Walking down a flight of stairs is a whole new experience.

I will be working on sounds and icons today and tomorrow.

Miss POI

Dear Miss POI,

Walking down stairs was the one serious challenge I had to face when I moved up to bi-focals.


nüvi 1490T, V1, Sanyo PRO-700a, maps, sunglasses, hot co-pilot, the open road

Me 2

miss poi wrote:

I got my new glasses yesterday and now I can see again.
Miss POI

Had Cataract/Lens implant surgery done Tuesday AM - whole new world out there ! Colors I didn't know existed ! 2nd eye in 3 weeks !
Actual surgery was a piece of cake !!!!!!!!!!!!!

MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !

Me 3...

Hi MrKenFL,

I had the cataract/lens implant surgery, in both eyes, about a year apart. What an amazing difference. You don't realize how much your eyesight has deteriorated (over the years) until you have the surgery.

After the first cataract/lens implant surgery, I was in the doctors office, the next day, where he removed the gauze and eye cup protector. As he stood back and I looked around the room, I had one of those "this is the perfect time" to say what I said. With a surprised and astonished look on my face, I turned to the doctor and proclaimed "I CAN HEAR...I CAN HEAR".

Seriously, I was blown away at the improvement. I still need glasses for reading, but otherwise I now have 20/25 eyesight.



Nüvi 670
Mac User

Sullivan's Law: Murphy was an optimist!

So, doing one eye at a time

So, doing one eye at a time doesn't screw your sight up?

I mean, if one eye is good and seeing well, doesnt it make it look weird, having great sight in one and horrible in the other?

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -


The other eye and the "fixed" eye compensate.
Last night when I was driving home from an evening out (first time I had driven at night since surgery) I was amazed at how well I could see without any glasses. I was seeing what the "fixed" eye was capable of.
Amazing how they compensate !
Hadn't realized how much I was missing - colors are more vivid and oncoming headlights don't tend to "blind" you as much.
Amazing what cataracts do to your vision !

Oh BTW- it wasn't because I hadn't been inbibing either ! I haven't done that in almost 20 years! I am now a favorite - I'm a DD !

MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !


I am 11 days into my recovery and its pretty amazing, I can watch tv, and read the small type, reading I still need glasses for, and since prk recovery is longer than lasik, I am still not 20/20, but within a few weeks I should be, everyday seems better, although during the day I get different vision. All in All its a winner for me.

a couple a harleys and a c340

Can't wait until I get old

MrKenFL wrote:

Oh BTW- it wasn't because I hadn't been inbibing either ! I haven't done that in almost 20 years! I am now a favorite - I'm a DD !

Ummm...You now have double Ds, didn't realize it was that kind of

What does inbibing mean? The closest word I could find was "to drink or soak up"

It is pretty amazing how the body can compensate for a weaker part. I have a slight case of CP and my right hand can't type like my left, but it has learned too by rotating the wrists on some of the letters. So I still can type pretty fast.

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

You got it right Charley

wink [quote=asianfire!


Ummm...You now have double Ds, didn't realize it was that kind of

What does inbibing mean? The closest word I could find was "to drink or soak up"

Your definition of inbibing is correct. wink

And DD can mean Designated Driver or Designated Decoy (if you're a good ole boy)

MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !

Ah! Gotcha!

Ah! Gotcha!

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

I think we ought to get out in nature more...

I think we ought to get out in nature more often. My eye doctor tells me we have to climb a mount and look far, far, far away more often, because our eyes are adapting to seeing in close range more often and they get used to this way of flexing. The other way (the far away sight is deteriorating and becoming less usable, especially in the latest fast moving urban life.

The only things you regret in life are the chances you never take.


etzvetanov wrote:

I think we ought to get out in nature more often. My eye doctor tells me we have to climb a mount and look far, far, far away more often, because our eyes are adapting to seeing in close range more often and they get used to this way of flexing. The other way (the far away sight is deteriorating and becoming less usable, especially in the latest fast moving urban life.

This is evolution, but it is a process that takes thousands of years. We are adapting to an environment that doesn't require distant vision or, when it does, we have glasses. Our early ancestors needed distant vision to hunt food and spot predators. Those that didn't have distant vision didn't survive. We originally descended from the survivors and inherited their vision. But, since glassses were invented, naturally good vision is not now a survival necessity and we can be descended from people with poor vision, which many of us have inherited. Tell your kids and grandkids that opthamology and optometry are growing fields.

nuvi 200 | lifetime maps

4 eyes

From a guy who has been using his Garmin Mobile xt on a smart phone on a long trip who's eye's are very tired even with by bifocals. Take Care and good to hear your back in business. I think it's time for Nuvi wide screen!

Flip Garmin Street P.330 Garmin 255WT Garmin LM50


This thread is a painful reminder that I too, am getting old. Yet another body part that needs attention... I don't know if I have the courage to undergo eye surgery but I will try bifocals in the near future... but then I will have to deal with the "going down the stairs" thing...ugh

My Toys: MacBook Pro Unibody, Nuvi 2589
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