Ham Radio Repeaters


Does anyone know if there are ham radio repeater POI's anywhere. Looking for 2 meter and 440 repeaters while traveling.

If anyone would like to help co-author a file I would be willing to take it on, maybe just do a state at a time. The whole country would be a massive undertaking.

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try this

a web of all repeaters thru out usa


RickV wrote:

Does anyone know if there are ham radio repeater POI's anywhere. Looking for 2 meter and 440 repeaters while traveling.

If anyone would like to help co-author a file I would be willing to take it on, maybe just do a state at a time. The whole country would be a massive undertaking.

Rick, have you looked here?




old post

CraigW wrote:
RickV wrote:

Does anyone know if there are ham radio repeater POI's anywhere. Looking for 2 meter and 440 repeaters while traveling.

If anyone would like to help co-author a file I would be willing to take it on, maybe just do a state at a time. The whole country would be a massive undertaking.

Rick, have you looked here?




This post was from January and has already been resolved;)

Miss POI


miss poi wrote:

This post was from January and has already been resolved;)

Miss POI

Whoops, missed the date. Hey, maybe I'm just learning more, too. Does the original message in a thread appear as the first post on each page of replies? In checking others, I see it does. Gosh, how did I ever miss this until now? Boy, do I ever feel dumb now...

Amateur Radio POIs

There is a program available called "Travel Plus - Repeater List" that allows you to graphically plot yer route and then create a list of repeaters along that route. You must specify the distance away that the repeaters can be from your path. In order for it to work, the program must "know" where the actual repeaters are located.

We should talk to the producer of this program and ask if they will allow export to a POI file. As it is, the program WILL export to CSV and Tab Files AND to other radio programming software so that you can program repeater lists into a radio that you can rotate through in sequence as you drive.


TravelPluse would be the ticket..But.....

Looks like there would be no problem exporting directly from the repeater list into Excel or a CSV file.

The problem is if you make a POI file from this program, I would imagine he wouldn't be sell many copies of his software. Don't look for permission to use the output, I will be very surprised if you get it.



Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.

WI Repeater location error

Hello Jerry,

First off, thanks for a excellent job on all those repeater POI's.
I attempted to contact you via qrz.com but that e-mail bounced and I see no point of contact on this site so I am going to put this in the wind and see if you happen to read it.

I live just North of Stevens Point,WI and was doing some looking around at repeaters in the local area and found the following error.

For the following listing: Spooner/Hertel,WI. The following repeaters shown in POI listing: 145.19 224.5 443.5

POI's: Two-Meter Repeaters in the USA.
Seventy-cm Repeaters in the USA
Wisconsin Ham Radio Repeaters

These are shown in our area (Central Wisconsin ) and should be shown in NW Wisconsin at a Lat./Long of 45.808 N & 92.175 W. I used that location which is about the center of Hertel as I have no way of knowing (nor do I care for security reasons) their true location in that area. Looks like the repeater trustee is KB9HON.


Re: WI Repeater location error

Thanks Chuck,
I'll Make the Correction.

Jerry KC0QR

Jerry KC0QR

WI Repeater location error

For corrections to the 2M and 70CM lists you will need to contact DL DOBBS. I Do not have access to those lists.


Jerry KC0QR

New Mexico

Reading the comments are we suggesting that hams just take a state and start contributing? I bet if we start putting repeaters we know about, soon we would have a good list. It would not be over night but ham radio is gradual anyway right?

Please let me know your thoughts. - Really Tough Kid - kb5rtk - Cliff

U.S. Repeaters

Hi Cliff,

If you have not already, you might want to take a look at the present ham radio repeater POI's. Jerry and D.L. Dobbs have done an excellent job of putting that all together. You can just see if everything is correct for what your sure about and contact the POI author if you require changes to locations, calls, frequencies, offsets, etc.

Changes that I gave Jerry where not for exact tower locations for security reasons but rather I just used the center of nearest town.
I tried at one point to contact Dobbs with changes but no luck, or at least I have not heard back from him.

Your right about the ham radio being gradual but I think the present sun-spot situation is pushing gradual way to far.. smile Did contact New Zealand on 17 today though, psk31.

Chuck -- W9NWR ---

On Repeater Locations

I own several repeaters and I don't think it is anyone's business where repeaters are located exactly. There are too many people out there just wanting to cause problems with things. I think within a few miles is plenty close enough. The FCC doesn't coordinate amateur repeaters and therefore doesn't care where they are located. I don't even think that the repeater coordinators themselves need to know exactly where a repeater is located. A few mile error in any direction makes no difference when it comes to RF signals. As long as it is listed as the correct town, that is fine. I myself have over half a million dollars in repeater equipment and no-one has any business even thinking about where is let alone knowing.


Hello folks,
I own the website USREPEATERS.COM, which currently has over 19,000 repeaters listed.

The site has been online since 2006, 90 percent of my repeaters have LAT/LON cordinates, with the other 10 percent i am unable to match the information with the geocoding software we use. Mainly because the submitter gave the location as Uncle Percy's barn or the fork in the road kind of location. I think you understand why those are not up to date with Lat/Lon.

I would be interested in contributing to this project if it contunues with any information that can be provided by myself. I of course would need to discuss this with your project manager(s) As i would have minimal stipulations for providing information.

We currently employ google Maps as a form of repeater locator but have a new system coming soon.
The next generation google maps we are implementing will use will have driving directions, and the ability to set waypoints up to a set amount (10 maybe) you then submit repeater bands, radius search, and the system will generate maps, driving directions, and all the repeaters around your start point, waypoints, and end points. The system is currently in beta and should be ready for use within a month.

We will expand that at some point to include mobil service and PDA application.

So if i can help with your project drop me a line on the website. Jim AB9IF

Ohio Coordinated Repeaters

For a complete list of Ohio Cooridinated repeaters listed by city name please take a look here http://www.oarc.com/ORD_08_09.pdf this is from the Ohio Repeater Council


It seemed like no one had interested in my previous offer to provide information for a POI off all the repeaters. So i created one. I currently have 15,000 repeaters listed in my POI nationwide

I created a POI file for Garmin GPS's and currently have mine loaded onto a Garmin Nuvi 350. I have over 15,000 repeaters in my GPS in 144-148, 420-450, 51-54, 29.5 - 29.7, 222-225, 902-928, and 1240 Plus MHZ repeaters.

I have my POI list set to alert me when i am within 20 miles of a repeater. of course i can turn this off. and when i am anywhere and need to know the closest repeater to me, i just go to my POI's it gives me the The list by the closest, giving me the City, the frequency, Input, Call Sign, Tone if any.

It is my intention to start updating this file monthly from our live database. if anyone is interested in this service let me know by posting on the forum at the website http://www.usrepeaters.com

you already said that

ab9if wrote:

... I currently have 15,000 repeaters listed in my POI nationwide


I have my POI list set to alert me when i am within 20 miles of a repeater. of course i can turn this off.
...let me know by posting on the forum at the website ....

I'm a ham. I have not been very active on the radio lately, but do still have a radio in my car and keep the POIs for Ham repeaters from POIfactory on my GPS.

I don't know what you mean to say by claiming that you can turn off your repeater alerts. I don't want to say I'm confused, but I think your post in somewhat deceptive here. At least on my Garmin there is no way short of reloading the POI file to turn off alerts for only one type of POI. Of course I could disable all alerts, but as that would disable all alerts including Red Lights, Speed traps and other alerts that I want, I have no way to enable and disable alerts for repeaters. Seems pointless anyway, it makes much more sense to just look in the extras POI repeater list for near by repeaters when one wants one.

If you have a more complete list of ham repeaters and wish to share it with us, I see no reason why you could not upload it here. You already posted about this and your previous post seemed to indicate that you felt you were somehow special and entitled to something that the many other people who contribute their POI files freely to this site do not get. I'm just a member here, I do not speak for the owner of the site, but I personally resent your implication, your claim that you deserve special consideration, and your multiple posts to self promote your own site. The site owner is much more tolerant than I would be of such things, but I don't see how coming here again and making another long post to try to promote your site with basically the same information that you already posted is anything but spam.

Since i only have repeaters

Since i only have repeaters as POI on my GPS my statement was correct about the alert disabling. When i disable all my alerts thats what happened. Perhaps i did not explain myself well enough.

As for my posting. my first post was offering the information to a project. and to infer i thought i was special is horse hockey, It was my intention to set up a automatic CSV file that would have had private access to the project manager to use and i wanted to explain the use and limitation of that file as well as the disclaimer i place on all data on my website for legal purposes.

I do not need to promote my website. On a POI website . i again was offering the info and detailing the source of the data to verify its accuracy.

So really if you do not have anything constructive to submit, or something other than to show us your crabby ole butt. Please move along and let those who may be interested in my offer decide

My offer still stand for the data for someone whom wants to setup a project. If this thread is to old and people have moved on then my apologies for waking an old thread.

POI interest and SAR

I am very interested in this subject. My hopes are that we can find a POI list for Va that would go hand and hand with search and rescue. I am on a K9 search and rescue team http://www.k9alert.org and being able to bring up a repeater list on the GPS and find the closest one without fumbling thru books at 3am would be great. I could page this info out to the others responding and meet up on the radio enroute.

Whatever info you could send me on this would be much appreciated. I am in Virginia.


Free or Paid Membership Required

ab9if wrote:

Since i only have repeaters as POI on my GPS my statement was correct about the alert disabling. When i disable all my alerts thats what happened. Perhaps i did not explain myself well enough.

As for my posting. my first post was offering the information to a project. and to infer i thought i was special is horse hockey, It was my intention to set up a automatic CSV file that would have had private access to the project manager to use and i wanted to explain the use and limitation of that file as well as the disclaimer i place on all data on my website for legal purposes.

I do not need to promote my website. On a POI website . i again was offering the info and detailing the source of the data to verify its accuracy.

So really if you do not have anything constructive to submit, or something other than to show us your crabby ole butt. Please move along and let those who may be interested in my offer decide

My offer still stand for the data for someone whom wants to setup a project. If this thread is to old and people have moved on then my apologies for waking an old thread.

Is the POI going to be offered for free , or is paid memberhip going to be required like it is if you want to download a CSV file from your site . Not too cool for you to collect data from your visitors and then sell it back to them and others

Not sure where to start with

Not sure where to start with your post lol.

Are you interested in this POI? or just flaming?

It is obvious you do not understand the mechanics of a website and the cost involved. I would also take a guess that you really did not look at the website that well before you pulled this pile of rubbish out of your arse.

ALL information on the website is free and no membership is required. This information comes from Area Coordinators, the FCC, and from members if they would like to have their repeater added to the system.

I spend over $10,000 a year on servers, software, bandwidth, support, and programmers. If someone wants to help me maintain it, i am not to proud. If you dont or cant fine. i built the site to contribute to the Amateur Radio community. you can browse all my data with no membership.

As for the POI question I am pretty sure you were just trolling. So dont worry to much about it. Those that are serious about it know the answer to that question because they contacted me and asked a sensible question.

then why do you have to pay

then why do you have to pay a fee to download a csv file from your site ?

sigh... rather than another


rather than another long boring post on a website totally unrelated to flaming people. if you want an answer as to why. go the website and register and send me a email. it is FREE to register. and i will respond to your question. if not then my previous comment about you trolling is indeed correct we shall see.

I will give you a hint though CUT AND PASTE (Ctrl C & Ctrl V)

End of discussion on this board. Contact me on mine. Those who want the very latest data contact me for your FREE copy.

I apologize to the host of this wonderfull website for the trolls, flames and ignorant non-sense that a few have reduced this excellent thread too.

have nice day.

Why can't you just answer

Why can't you just answer the question? Is your file free or not?

Don't post to this site if your data is charged when I have it for free here.

If you would like to contribute locations to this site then fine.

Miss POI

POI and locations

Looking at the http://www.artscipub.com/repeaters/states/Florida.asp website (since I live in Florida), they do have a good number of places with a map, and looking at the website URL it would be easy to extract the lat/lon from that and paste it into a CSV text file. I made my own custom CSV for my Garmin c330 of local fishing spots (I think I have 30+ entries), many of which are on government/Air Force base property that the GPS did not know the sand roads so I needed to add several as "turn 1, turn 2" etc.... I got most of the lat/lon from Google or Yahoo maps and just added it into my own CSV file, then imported it without a problem.
If anyone needs help with this, let me know and I can help out, maybe someone else can convert it from CSV to other formats that may work on their units better.

Garmin c330 w/ 2011 maps

have minimal stipulations for providing information

ab9if wrote:

...I of course would need to discuss this with your project manager(s) As i would have minimal stipulations for providing information.

This is what I was referring to when I previously posted that you seemed to want to be treated as special. You seem to have our "project mamager"'s attention now, so why not tell us what extra expectations you have. And, of course, feel free to download any of the other POI files that the other contributors have posted here for your use, without making stipulations.

Yes the POI in its converted

Yes the POI in its converted file is free, by converted i mean the CSV file that one would use to convert to a Garmin or TomTom File through (minus the other fields not needed.) POIEditor or PoiEdit or whatever means they use.

All information on my website is absolutely free anyone can retrieve data as they want too. I set up a online store that allows anyone wanting to help support the site download a file. That is optional and not required. that very same info is still available free. I am sure most people have heard of optional member supported websites before.

As for posting a file here. i do not have time to post a file and then to keep it updated which i feel is important, as with the nature of amateur Radio the information is constantly changing. i merely offered the information to someone in this thread to post it here and for them to be able to come back get updates.

I have had several replies with interest, most notably the K9 search and Rescue above they receive this file free and so have the others.

Thus no one on this thread wants the info to post to your website. so thats it, anyone wants a copy can email me, its free, and its as updated as the version i keep on my own GPS.

Just thought i would come back edit this. My website began in 2005 for Amateur Radio use, i do not want anyone to confused, thinking it is a POI website. There are no files on my website that are intended to be used as a POI file. Nor will you find those files. The data can be manipulated of course and converted for use that much is true.

I bought a GPS, learned how to put my data into my GPS and thought i would share that with someone else. obviously this did not work out. The POI i located on this website was out of date and unusable. So i made a offer to the contributors here to use my data for their project... have a nice day

Who would like to make this

Who would like to make this their project?

Miss POI

super, i will make up a

super, i will make up a link. and when whomever decides they would like the information i will send him/her the link. The only Stipulation i have is they keep the link to themselves. this data file is 12 meg big each you download it. bandwidth would eat me alive thanks and i hope some folks receive some use from this data. Jim

Amateur Radio

I have a geo-enabled database of repeaters in the US (http://k5ehx.net/repeaters) that I'd like to make available as a POI. Is there a particular format that is preferred?

Repeater file

Jim. If you'd like to send me the link, I'd love to look at the data. smile

sorry on vacation

sorry on vacation (fortunately not in mexico) When i return i will send you a copy of the file for you to review. i took a gander at your website, niceness. will contact you after the 18th. Jim

KB1QYX dmichaels

I downloaded 2 meter U.S. poi. Seems not to give tones for encode or decode. Is there a poi that includes these numbers?

Still I thank the guys who made the poi. Going on 4 week trip around NW and will use the 2 meter database well!!

Try selecting a repeater

dmichaels wrote:

I downloaded 2 meter U.S. poi. Seems not to give tones for encode or decode. Is there a poi that includes these numbers?

Still I thank the guys who made the poi. Going on 4 week trip around NW and will use the 2 meter database well!!

I have the 2 Meter US POI csv file in my nuvi. When pulling up the list of repeaters, I see only the frequency, offset and distance from my current location. But it I touch one of the repeater's in the list (as though I wanted to plan a route to it), I also get the required tone and call sign as additional info--at least for those near me in northern AZ. Does this work for you?

Interesting, though. I just checked to see if this convention was followed with the 70-cm repeaters. These do not show the tones needed.

More than just location.

CraigW wrote:
dmichaels wrote:

I downloaded 2 meter U.S. poi. Seems not to give tones for encode or decode. Is there a poi that includes these numbers?

Still I thank the guys who made the poi. Going on 4 week trip around NW and will use the 2 meter database well!!

I have the 2 Meter US POI csv file in my nuvi. When pulling up the list of repeaters, I see only the frequency, offset and distance from my current location. But it I touch one of the repeater's in the list (as though I wanted to plan a route to it), I also get the required tone and call sign as additional info--at least for those near me in northern AZ. Does this work for you?

Interesting, though. I just checked to see if this convention was followed with the 70-cm repeaters. These do not show the tones needed.

True. While there several good reasons to have a POI repeater location, to be really useful to a ham, one would need the +/- offset and PL tone.


ab9if wrote:


rather than another long boring post on a website totally unrelated to flaming people. if you want an answer as to why. go the website and register and send me a email. it is FREE to register. and i will respond to your question. if not then my previous comment about you trolling is indeed correct we shall see.

I will give you a hint though CUT AND PASTE (Ctrl C & Ctrl V)

End of discussion on this board. Contact me on mine. Those who want the very latest data contact me for your FREE copy.

I apologize to the host of this wonderfull website for the trolls, flames and ignorant non-sense that a few have reduced this excellent thread too.

have nice day.

Hello from USREPEATERS.COM We just wanted to drop you a email to let you
know a couple of the new features we have coming to the site in October.
GPS Repeater Locator!!. Many people have asked for a simple to use and
install Files that easily convery your Garmin or TomTom GPS into a go
anywhere anytime Repeater locator which provides you will all the
information you need to get on the air at any of the nearest Repeaters.
Complete with all tone information. Please note you need to be a
member/supporter to access these files.

USREPEATERS.COM would like to invite you to sign up for a USREPEATERS
Gold All-Bands All-Access package to be able to access the above packages
coming in October. At $14.95 it is a super good deal

Take the information from here for free and then he has the gonads to sell it on his site

If POI-Factory IS his

If POI-Factory IS his source, then that is not good.

Maps -> Wife -> Garmin 12XL -> StreetPilot 2610 -> Nuvi 660 (blown speaker) -> Nuvi 3790LMT

Ham Radio Repeaters

There is an old list here on POI Factory.



A list of repeaters along the individual interstates would be nice rather than just the States. Like all the repeaters within 25 miles or so of interstate 80.

Amateur Radio Repeater POI File

This is now available from the ARRL. I have not yet tried it, but am considering it before our next trip. You can take a look at http://www.arrl.org/shop/TravelPlus-Mobile-GPS-downloadable/ as of this date.

73 de WA4DYD


Anyone on this?

I know this is an old thread but wondering if anyone is working on this or has found a poi file of all the repeaters? I've read some reviews of the ARRL's and they have not been very good.

Nuvi 250W, Nuvi 265W, Nuvi 1350T, Rooted Droid

73 here

rcfx wrote:

I know this is an old thread but wondering if anyone is working on this or has found a poi file of all the repeaters? I've read some reviews of the ARRL's and they have not been very good.

Well, there are 73 items here and most are repeaters:


It is not easy to gather ALL of the repeater info.

There is no way to track down and log "all the repeaters". In most cases the repeaters are operating through repeater coordination groups and coordination amongst neighboring groups to avoid interference. This process is always in flux and some of the repeater coordinator groups are themselves uncoordinated. When repeater owners make changes, such as in repeater location, inputs, links, PL tones, active status and other variables they might not always alert the coordination groups. There may also be a slew of uncoordinated repeaters that were put up despite coordination or in areas in which there may not be clear coordination.

As such, the data can often be wrong, incomplete or outdated. With the POI file, at least a new change, addition or deletion can be posted by a user and taken care of very quickly. The artscipub repeater directory site also allows for feedback to be left so that they can update their database more frequently. In all, it may be the feedback from casual operators that keeps things more updated than the systems used by the major players like the ARRL who typically publishes an annual repeater directory.

For the most part, I've used the POI file available here for repeaters. It will always be hit or miss, but more often than not you will find a bunch of repeaters to play with!

rcfx wrote:

I know this is an old thread but wondering if anyone is working on this or has found a poi file of all the repeaters? I've read some reviews of the ARRL's and they have not been very good.

Maps -> Wife -> Garmin 12XL -> StreetPilot 2610 -> Nuvi 660 (blown speaker) -> Nuvi 3790LMT

Ham Radio Repeaters in the US

I hope I'm not in trouble for posting this link, but it is a VERY comprehensive list of HAM radio repeaters throughout the U.S. Shown on map, but no position information - unless I didn't look hard enough.


Stay thirsty my friends - don't drink and drive!

The ARRL Should offer a Repeater Download

bobball wrote:

I emailed the American Radio Relay League to see if it might have anything to add to the discussion, inasmuch as it publishes the most comprehensive directory of repeaters.

wa4dyd wrote:

This is now available from the ARRL. I have not yet tried it, but am considering it before our next trip. You can take a look at http://www.arrl.org/shop/TravelPlus-Mobile-GPS-downloadable/ as of this date.

This is one of those irritating things given today's technology. Professional organizations that you belong to requiring payment for what would appear to be a basic membership privilege. The ARRL wants $24.95 for the repeater download. The ARRL could easily provide this information for free as a basic membership privilege. This includes the grid locator map too.

The ability to access this information, it would seem to me, should be included as a basic privilege based on the dues that we pay for membership. These professional organizations are meant to serve the their community, not nickle and dime the members for added revenue.

Garmin Nuvi650 - Morehead City, NC

the ARRL has long been looking out for the ARRL first

Steve R. wrote:

This is one of those irritating things given today's technology. Professional organizations that you belong to requiring payment for what would appear to be a basic membership privilege. The ARRL wants $24.95 ...

The ARRL has long been looking out for the ARRL first. The most obvious case is their stand against getting rid of the Morse code requirements when the rest of the world realized it was outdated, and it kept many potential hams out of the hobby. And the ARRL wanted to sell their code tapes. I have similar thoughts about how they fought against the code-free Technician license. Or how they got special regulations allowing them to pay operators to broadcast code classes on the ham bands, while still insisting it was wrong for anyone else to broadcast or to use the radio for anything even slightly commercial (I'm against any broadcasting on the ham bands, even them, and was inconvenienced by the inability to even call a doctor's office on the ham bands through a repeater phone patch before the FCC relaxed the rules).

As far as I'm concerned the collapse of the hobby in this country is due in large part to the ARRL holding it back when alternate communication technologies were surging forward. Don't expect them to do anything at all for the radio community, expect them to see what they can get for themselves, even if it is short sighted and hurts ham radio in the long run.

Kinda like the ARRP huh?

Kinda like the ARRP huh?


Rickv what is wrong with the ones already listed in the POI files. thats where I got mine for each state. Good luck Cliff N8dii

I may have my user name and password confused or switched! Can I get confimation of my user name????

Amateur repeaters

This is a bit newer than this blog but look here.
Ham Radio Repeaters USA

Check out

Check out http://www.repeaterbook.com This allows you to export lists to Garmin format. Great website!

ham radio

Rickv, What is wrong with the HAM RADIO REPEATERS listed in the POI files.They work fine for me. n8dii CLIFF Garmin 885t

I may have my user name and password confused or switched! Can I get confimation of my user name????
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