POI Alerts and Icons in Nuvi 660


I uploaded my Nuvi 660 with POIs. The POI file containns only longitude, latitude and location name. I uploaded icons and mp3 files as well. When I checked the Custom POI on my Nuvi, the locations were indicated on the map with their icons smile. But, when I'm navigating (driving), my POIs does not appear on the map. Is there a way to view my POIs while navigating? i.e. how to view them on the navigating map? Also, the uploaded sound file does not seem to work as I approach the POIs. What should I do to get it to work. Should I add proximity to the .CSV file? if yes, What is the format I should use? I'm using regular file names for the POIs, should I use "red camera" file names to get the sound working? Thanks!


Try zooming in closer to see the Icons.
Be sure that your mp3 alert sound files are named the same as your poi file(except for the extension) and is located in the same folder as the .csv file. Use poi-Loader in manual mode & set the alert distance to what you want.
Search this site for more info/discussion on this subject.
Asianfire has done pretty extensive research on alerts. See this post

Still not there ...

Thanks for the reply. I tried to zoom but I could not see the icons yet. When I view the Custom POI map the icons appear clear on the map without zooming. But still on the navigation map the icons are not there.

For the sound, I'm using mp3 files with the same name as the POI file. The manual update allowed me to set an alert distance and I will check today if it works!

Thanks for the input!!


I see the custom POI icons on my 750 but only if I zoom in below the 300 foot view, which is three steps out from maximum zoom. Did you go all the way in at the right location? Yes, they do appear at any zoom level when you map them, but that's a separate display mode.

The zoom level you have to be at for them to display is so far in it's not really practical for noticing things in the vicinity unless you're looking for something within 1/4 mile or less from your current location.

POI icon and sound work now ...but

Thanks for the input. Now, I can see the icons and hear the sound files. The manual poi transfer worked great, thanks. Now, I have one more issue; the sound file is trigered at very strange times. For a certain POI that I was testing, when I was approaching the designated location, nothing happened even when I got exactly to the location. But while I was leaving the location, the sound was trigered. I do not know why this happened, any idea??!! Thanks!!

How far?

When you say you got exactly to the location do you mean to the real location or exactly to it on the GPS map zoomed all the way in?

What distance do you have the alert set for? If it's only a few hundred feet you might not have reach the location as far as the GPS was concerned, especially if it was a geocoded address. For example, when I entered my street address to setup the Home location it showed up 100+ feet beyond my property so when I pulled into my driveway I hadn't actually reached home!

Actual location

I meant that I went to a real location not on the map. I have just checked other posts here, and it seems that the POI should be on the same side of the road as you drive to triger the sound. Also, there is a suggestion that putting the POI on the road median would make the sound off while you are driving either road bounds. I'll try and check this may be tomorrow.

I am curious to see how it

I am curious to see how it works out for you. I have only been near a few custom POI's....and no alert...even in parking lot.


Sound n Icons are working

Now, the sound and alerts are working with me. I did not change the POIs locations, I just changed the alert distance to a longer distance, I set it to 600 m. And, I used this software "http://cbrom.myby.co.uk/3c.html" to convert my POI files from .CSV to .GPX and to set proximities. The result was as follows: I tried to approach a real location from either bounds of the road. In both cases the alert sound went off. And the alarm kept going and going as I was approaching the location. smile I was happy with it.

For now, I find increasing the distance solution good for me as most of my POIs are locations which I want to be alerted only when I'm nearby, like cheap gas station, places I wish to explore if I were nearby etc. If you would like to be alerted at a exact distance from a location(a school zone), I would recommend moving the POI to the road's madien and to use the above software to set your proximities (This has been suggested in other thread here). I will post updates as I'm exploring my new POI.