using waypoints on nuvi 350


hello all! thinking of buying a nuvi 350. reading on garmins web site says it will hold up to 500 waypoints. reading thru the online manual, i see no way to access the waypoints. what i am trying to find out i guess is this, can i do itinerary planning on the 350? can i download itineraries made by others and load them into the 350 and how do you access them?


What do you mean by "accessing the waypoints"? Yes, on the nuvi 350, you can only edit the name and the map symbol. Or save and delete them.

The 350 does not support saved routes. It will not accept external routes. You can, however, save a sequence of waypoints or load a sequence of Custom POIs and manually route to them sequentially.


You can use Mapsource with a Nuvi 350...what Mapsource calls Waypoints are Favorites on the 350. And as Motorcycle Mama indicated, to overcome the 350's lack of the feature to do custom routes with multiple waypoints, you can create custom POI lists.

*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*

ok, thanks for the quick

ok, thanks for the quick responses. that answered my question.