Free Music For Your SD


card can be found here, if you like the oldies. Some do, and some do not.
There is no registration, but how you get it on your SD is up to you. I capture with Super Mp3 Recorder.

Garmin 660


Robert660 wrote:

card can be found here, if you like the oldies. Some do, and some do not.
There is no registration, but how you get it on your SD is up to you. I capture with Super Mp3 Recorder.

Thanks for the link, I qualify for the oldies...

Man Alive!!!

It must have been the people on the Ninta, Pinta and Santa Maria that created those songs when they sailed to discover America. lol

Some of those songs, I don't even thing my great great grandparents knew about.



'cause your still wet behind the ears compared to some of us. LOL Matter of fact, your great grandparents was listening to them before they was even think about you. wink) Remember, I said OLDIES!!

Garmin 660


LOL... I appreciate your humor. Thanks. I needed that.

as to wet behind the ears... just remember I didn't offer to pay you for those kind words. lol

Oldies are Neal Diamond, Fleetwood Mac, Beach Boys, Beatles, CCR, etc.

Isn't it a pitty... that really good music was only invented when they came along. smile