A brief Rant...sort of off topic...


Garmin ad during a football game....one of their Christmas ads...with the "give a give a give a Garmin" take-off of a the traditional tune...

The Rant: It's not even (bleep) Halloween yet, and they feel it necessary to run Christmas ads. By the time it gets here, I'm already so sick of the ads that I can't wait for Christmas to be over.

OK...rant over...

*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*

Good, glad that is it

Good, glad that is it over.....oh you meant the ranting...lol.

I remember when I was a boy, it didn't start until T'gving day was over. But it gets earlier each year now!

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

At The End

of September (down here), Hobby Lobby had their Halloween, Thanksgiving, AND Christmas Displayed all at one time. By the time Halloween gets here, I will be sick of seeing Christmas displays. Lowe's has their Christmas out, and playing Christmas music full blast. Haven't been in HD yet.

Garmin 660

Asianfire Wait

until you can't remember when you was a boy anymore. LOL

Garmin 660

I agree with you guys.....

You are right three holidays all at the same time, a week after New Years they be into Valentine Day. Do they really think this helps people buy more things?

2597 Sometimes I wonder..."Why is that Frisbee getting bigger?"...and then, it hits me.

I wonder who thinks/starts

I wonder who thinks/starts these things?

Does one company start it, then everybody follows because thinking they will miss out?

HarveyS - Nuvi 350

The earlier you start...

the more stuff you might buy. Heck, you might even forget you bought something and buy it again 3 months later!

TomTom built in and Garmin Nuvi 1490T. Eastern Iowa, formerly Southern California "You can check out any time you like...but you can never leave."

That's why the garmin stock

That's why the garmin stock price go up.

nuvi 2460LMT

I think I read somewhere

I think I read somewhere that a gps is the second most wanted gift the holiday season.

I agree, what happen to the

I agree, what happen to the other holidays?? They have had Christmas decorations on sale here since August.

but on sale

The crazy thing is all the christmas stuff is already on sale- 25% off at Macys! Will there be anything left for black friday? Is anyone making money off the discounts, or is everything so overpriced it needs to be discounted to move off the shelf... I hate this early Christmas advertising too... =(

~Caroline =D Happiness is not achieved by the conscious pursuit of happiness; it is generally the by-product of other activities. - Aldous Huxley


It's all about money. The first one's with the ads might catch the early bird shopper.

Just don't buy the chocolates. I've seen Christmas chocolates out since the end of September.

I'm with you. Day after Thanksgiving is soon enough for me.

Originator of Keeping Your Windmill Alive. Live in MA & have a cooking website. 6 yr. member. http://kitchentoysmakecookingfun.blogspot.com/

Aaah, for the good old days

Aaah, for the good old days when the Christmas shopping season began with the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade.

The early sales do help those of us who try to finish our shopping before Advent begins (Dec 2 this year), so we can concentrate on the season.

><> Glenn <>< Garmin nüvi 2598

>Day after Thanksgiving<

I'm more like a Dec 20th kind of guy. And, in protest of the crass commercialism, my immediate family has an agreement: No Gifts. And my holiday cards won't go out until mid December at the earliest.

*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*

Man after my own heart...

Man after my own heart...

John - with a Garmin 650 and a 750


Christmas ornaments have been out at Hallmark stores since July or August.

nüvi 750 & 760

This year everyone is

This year everyone is getting beef jerky for Christmas. I have finally mastered the art of perfect Jerky making so everyone is begging for some.

Miss Poi

Those are the type of gifts

Those are the type of gifts I like, ones that take thought and personal work.

And I love beef jerky. As much money as I spend on it, I could have bought me a very nice dryer!!!!! and made my own.

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

Go to garage sales

I found a professional dryer at a garage sale for $35 it can make about 4 lbs of beef jerky at a time. I just marinade about 8 to 9 lbs of raw meat for 12 hours and then put it in the dryer for about 12 more.

I made a really great batch of Thai spicy beef jerky a few weeks back that everyone loved.

My older sister does canning, so we trade. She gives me the worlds best pickles and I give her some awesome jerky.

Miss Poi aka jerky master

Hummm.....side business?

Hummm.....side business???

"Welcome to the POI Factory, while you are here in the midst of your travels, take a break with homemade beef jerky and great conversion, the beef jerky is $4.99/10 oz., the conversation is free"

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

Now or later?

miss poi wrote:

This year everyone is getting beef jerky for Christmas. I have finally mastered the art of perfect Jerky making so everyone is begging for some.

Miss Poi

So should we all send you our addresses now? Or wait until after Thanksgiving? razz

Garmin C530 Garmin Zumo 550

hahahahahahah you are soo funny

well seeing as we are now at almost 38,000 users there is no way I could crank out that much beef jerky even in a years time.

I was taught that if you don't have enough for everyone then don't eat it in front of anyone.

nice try though

Miss Poi

I think COW should get jerky in addition to the icon.

I think COW should get jerky in addition to the icon.

><> Glenn <>< Garmin nüvi 2598

Now that is a fine idea!

Now that is a fine idea!

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

Mmmm, Jerky

miss poi wrote:

This year everyone is getting beef jerky for Christmas. I have finally mastered the art of perfect Jerky making so everyone is begging for some.

Miss Poi

How do I get on your Christmas list?


Beef Jerky

A deceased friend of mine would say jokingly to someone with a gripe, "What's your beef, jerky?"

R.I.P. Willie!

Mike L.

Freedom isn't free...thank you veterans! Heard about the tests to detect PANCREATIC CANCER? There aren't any! In Memoriam: #77 NYPD-SCA/Seattle Mike/Joe S./Vinny D./RTC!


One radio station here started playing Christmas music the day before Halloween. I've heard of another that started 24 hr a day Cristmas music Nov 1. Wal-Mart and other stores are getting a jump on Black Friday sales by starting their Christmas sales this weekend!

Which reminds me, I need to start looking for a Valentine card for my wife before they are all sold out!!!

I plan to live forever. So far, so good.

work nights at a grocery

work nights at a grocery store. already putting up christmas displays.


I agree with miss poi. I started to cook for christmas in sept. so far I have smoked 21 brisketts and now I'm working on the spare rib so 12 racks and 14 to go for family n friends


What, no fruitcake?

Doesn't anyone make Fruitcake for Christmas anymore? wink


Freedom isn't free...thank you veterans! Heard about the tests to detect PANCREATIC CANCER? There aren't any! In Memoriam: #77 NYPD-SCA/Seattle Mike/Joe S./Vinny D./RTC!

No need to.

Mike L. wrote:

Doesn't anyone make Fruitcake for Christmas anymore? wink


No need to. All the fruit cakes that are needed have already been made, and are making the rounds.

><> Glenn <>< Garmin nüvi 2598

Jerky for me

one piece per person, 38,000 pieces. Why that is only 700 or so pieces a day! You should be able to handle that!

Luckily the holiday season started so early, triggering the rant and leaving you plenty of time for jerky making!

Your house

tiffany wrote:

I agree with miss poi. I started to cook for christmas in sept. so far I have smoked 21 brisketts and now I'm working on the spare rib so 12 racks and 14 to go for family n friends

I am coming to your house.

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

Christmas dinner

Prime ribs, mashed potatos, turnips, green beans, stuffed mushrooms, salad, gravy and Yorkshire pudding.
Mmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmm, I can taste it now!


Freedom isn't free...thank you veterans! Heard about the tests to detect PANCREATIC CANCER? There aren't any! In Memoriam: #77 NYPD-SCA/Seattle Mike/Joe S./Vinny D./RTC!