Toll roads


I was wondering if anyone knows of a POI or an add-on that would inform me of toll roads. On my second use of the Gramin C340, I was routed to a toll road that I was unfamiliar with and unprepared to pay. Luckily, I managed to retrieve my EZ-Pass transponder from my glove compartment before I got to the toll plaza.

I am particularly interested in toll road information for the Midatlantic and the Northeastern areas of the US.

On my i3 I have the option

On my i3 I have the option to avoid toll roads, I don't know if this helps you but I have the feeling your C340 is capable of this too..


Garmin Streetpilot i3, Streetpilot C580 and Nuvi 265WT

re mid-Atlantic Toll Roads

Haven't yet set up POI's for any, but I can tell you that there are 2 I believe ($5 & $2) on I-95 going through Delaware, and DE route 1 is a toll road between Dover and Wilmington. Also, if you're interested in bridges, there are several toll bridges across the Delaware River, one between DE and NJ, then others from the Chester-Philadelphia area over to NJ. I've had some success setting up POI's from my familiarity with the area and using MS Streets & Trips to show me latitude and longitude, converting the Excel file to a csv file, then plugging it all in to my Garmin C530. Let me know if more detail is needed, and if this is the area of concern in general - might can do more here if so.

Garmin Streetfinder C530

I wish that the GPS would

I wish if the toll road/HOV lane is faster, that the GPS would ask if I want to take it (especially when heavy traffic). Something like "Toll Road is faster route, do you wish to take the toll road." Or, "HOV is faster, do you have a passenger in the vehicle?" That would be GREAT! Maybe one day that will be included in the system.

340 Has Toll Road Avoidance

@wipia, The c340 has a toll road avoidance setting. You can enable it by going into your Setting Menu, Selecting Navigation, Clicking the Avoidances button, then selecting the Toll Roads Check Box. I don't know how well it works in Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States, but it always keeps me of the toll portions of GA 400 here in Atlanta.

Hope that helps.

Garmin 770RV

340 Has Toll Road Avoidance

I turned off the toll road avoidance setting because I do not necessarily wish to avoid them. Very often, they are the best routes to a destination. I was hoping to find some POI file that would simply inform me of a toll road, bridge or tunnel and maybe give me the option to enable the "avoid toll roads" setting to find an alternate route if I wanted to.

Garmin C330

I set the avoidance the same way with my Garmin C330.